I want to display two different section in one crystal report. In my report i have created two section but they both display same data as you can saw in below image.
What setting is needed for displaying different data? Thanks.
Here image of my crystal report design
After seeing the report design, here are your issues:
Just because you have two detail sections doesn't mean it will show you two different values.
A report is structured like a book:
The Report Header and Footer are like the cover and back page - you only put information on them that you want to see once.
The Page Header and Footer should contain information that you want to see on every page at the top and bottom.
The Group Header and Footer are used to show information if your data is grouped by certain criteria - like chapters of a book.
The Detail Section shows either all data or the data that pertains to a group - like the text within the chapters.
So, in your case I would create a group that is based on your employee. Put all your header information (the top 3 lines in your report) in the Page Header. In the Group Header you put everything in line 4 and 5. Line 6 through 17 go into the Detail Section. Line 18 with all the totals goes into the Group Footer. Everything from line 19 on goes into the Page Footer.
I hope this makes sense and I'll be more than happy to help out further.
I have Report where the columns of the data table are to many, to display the them on one page an be readable at the same time. So my idea was to display it on two Pages. It schould look then like this.
Page 1
Page 2
I have tried to use to details section and use subreports but both didn't return a good output. google didn't not give me a anwser to the problem.
So is it possible or not in crystal reports?
I'm having a one strange scenario. Before going into it, I want to say that I'm very beginner to this rdlc report. Hence I'm struggling to resolve it.
What I want is ?
I want to show the page header in all the pages.
What I have is ?
I'm having one header part which is having few textboxes and the body part which is having two tablix. Here, the two tablix consists of two difference datasets. The first tablix is grouped under Group1.
What the issue I face is ?
The first tablix consists of 50 records, that occupies three pages. In all the three pages, the header part is visible. When the second tablix is coming into the fourth page, all the header part turned into # error. Really struggling a lot to solve this.
What I tried is ?
Opened Advanced Mode in the Groupings pane.
Clicked static and changed the Keepwithgroup = after and Requestonnewpage = true.
Note : I did this for the two tablix but nothing works. Also I'm not sure that this will give the way.
Also I checked in report xml file also.
Checked Repeat row on each page and Repeat column on each page.
Hope you understand my problem. Kindly guide me where I'm making mistake. Thanks in advance.
I am developing marks card for my college which consists of Student name, Student rollnum, subject name with their subject code and marks of their respective subject scored by student. I have a database which has a definition as shown below :
Name |Roll Num |SubjectCode |SubjectName |Marks
Std_Name 1001 Phy Physics 65
Std_Name 1001 Che Chemistry 59
Std_Name 1001 Math Mathematics 69
From the above table, I want to get SubjectCode, SubjectName and Marks to datatable/dataset/datagrid and insert those
data to particular section(section 1,Section 2,..etc) in Crystal Report. How can I achieve this? Thank you.
You should learn more about
how to create a crystal report with dataset?
Inserting fields in section is not a big issue. You just need to create dataset or datatable and reference it to your crystal report. After designing report you can pass the dataset object to the crystal report with data.
You should also learn about each section and their role.
Report Header: This section is printed at the top of the first page of report. You can put here company name, address etc. which should not come on next page.
Page Header: This section is printed at the top of the each page of report. you can put page number, column header labels (Subject Code, Subject Name, Marks, etc).
Detail Section: This section will print the records in a row form. So, you can put here your fields so, the values will be displayed as you want.
Page Footer and Report Footer: These sections are self descriptive after understanding the above two. In Report Footer section you can put comments which should be printed at the bottom of the last page and In Page Footer section you can put Sum of values like total marks, total out of marks, etc. You can also put these fields in Report footer section if there are multiple pages are printed and you wanted print the total only on last page.
There are also another section type is Group Header and Group Footer. When you want to display record group wise and the header and footer should be printed also group wise then you can use this section here.
I use CrystalReport in Visual Studio 2005 and make a bill report ... this bill
I use the header - Details- and footer in this report ..
in details section I limit the record to 10 for every page
so if there is a bill contains 15 record ..
first 10 record in first page . and 5 in the second page when print
put the problems
1- the footer show in the second page only
2- in the second page the Fields in the footer Raised up beacuse the second page contains 5 records only
so if the record number in the report is not 10 so the footer fields raised up
so please any one help me to solve the problem
Notation : I limit the number of records for every page to 10 record only .. i need empty
records if the reports records < 10 \
Please any one help my
Sorry I don't know 100% what your problem is (maybe post some screenshots) but there might be two possible problems/solutions:
in CR Reports you've got document and page footer - if you use the document footer (don't remember the exact name) you will see this only once - just like a document header
if the details parts get's to big the footers are AFAIK the first thing that get's striped so try to compress your details (or any other section) to get more area for the footer (or display only 9 items per page instead of 10 - just for trial)
To really fill your report with empty details you will have to append empty rows to your data and use conditional supresses in your CR to not show things like '0' but IMHO this will get a real pain and you should go without printing empty details - never seen a situation where you need this or where it is desired.
I am using RDLC report in Win-form. I want to add the Below Page as Summary. That's mean, I want to add this page as separate page in Report.
My Friends Working in Fox pro. He said it possible in Summary Field, Its Like a Footer. But Can't able to Find That. Pls Help Me.
The Committee has considered the following aspects before finalizing the attendance%
for the B.Sc H&HA I year I semester Students,
1. Students involved in attending ODC, Exhibitions and other functions
deputed by the college.
2. Students who had shortage of attendance were instructed to attend the classes in
the weekend / Holidays. Classes were conducted by the staff who
were stationed at the Institute.
As directed by the principal, in the interest of the students and due to the semester pattern,
It has been decided to consider overall attendance % for the eligibility to write
the NCHM semester examination 2011.
(Mr.Elangovan) (Mr.Mathew) (Mr. Senthil Kumar) (Ms. Sharmila) ( Ms. Parimala) (Mr. Thirulogchander)
Sounds like you just need to add a page break before your summary text:
Yeah, Foxpro makes things like that very easy... Not knowing your data source, and if you could adjust by adding a column/field to the output per row. I would add a column of a blob (or Memo from FoxPro) where you can just dump a bunch of text to it. Then on the last record of the data to be printed, have this column printed. Since it won't exist for any previous records, it wont otherwise cause a conflict with any other content. Then, as Daniel mentioned, you can throw a force page break so this content shows on its own page.
I agree that it will probably be easier to add a page break to your report and add your info page above to that page. I don't know what you are using to create your report Visual Studio 2005/2008 but here are some instructions on adding a page break in VS 2005.
How to Set Page Breaks
Defining Page Size and Page Breaks
I am not sure of how your report is set up but if you instructions do specify the following:
To add a page break to a report item
Right-click the report item and then click Properties.
Item page breaks apply only to the report items rectangle, table, matrix, list, and chart.
On the General tab, for Page breaks, select Insert a page break before this list (rectangle, table, or matrix) or Insert a page break after this list (rectangle, table, or matrix).
So keep in mind that applying the page break to an item it has to be a rectangle, table, etc. I just did a test in VS2005 and added a rectangle, then placed a text box inside with the data from above and it placed it on a separate page in the report.
Hope this helps.