I'm trying to implement Paypal in an ASP.Net website. I've installed the RestAPISDK and I've been following this guide by Paypal (https://devtools-paypal.com/guide/pay_paypal/dotnet) as well as looking at the references located here (https://developer.paypal.com/webapps/developer/docs/api/#execute-an-approved-paypal-payment)
So far it's going well, but upon returning from Paypal's website, I'm not able to execute the payment as per their documentation.
The Guide says to use the following code
Dictionary<string, string> sdkConfig = new Dictionary<string, string>();
sdkConfig.Add("mode", "sandbox");
string accessToken = "TOKEN";
APIContext apiContext = new APIContext(accessToken);
apiContext.Config = sdkConfig;
Payment payment = new Payment("PAYMENT ID");
PaymentExecution pymntExecution = new PaymentExecution();
pymntExecution.payer_id = ("DYRNAJP829GTN");
Payment executedPayment = pymnt.Execute(apiContext,pymntExecution);
But Payment has no constructor that take in the Payment ID.
The Rest API Reference says to use the following method
Payment payment = Payment.Get(accessToken, "Payment ID");
However, Payment.Get is depreciated. If I use it anyway I just get an Exception saying the server responded with a 404.
What are we supposed to use instead? I can't find any up to date documentation to point me in the right direction.
I'm thinking I may have to use HttpClient to send the Request myself but surely I shouldn't have to do that.
I agree, the C# samples do not work and produce the same 404 exception when you try to Execute a payment with your own sandbox store.
What you need to do is:
Payment payment = Payment.Get(context, paymentID);
where context is your apiContext and paymentID is the id passed back in by the return url from PayPal.
you then need:
var paymentExecution = new PaymentExecution
payer_id = payerId
finally you can then call:
payment.Execute(context, paymentExecution);
this returns a payment object, which should have the 'state' of approved...
It is the PaymentHistory retrieval method that is deprecated in favor of the Payment.List() method. To retrieve a single payment, you still use the Payment.Get method.
Are you sure you are passing in a valid payment id for the second parameter here? A 404 (Not Found) error is thrown when a payment with the passed in ID does not exist.
I'm offering my customers monthly subscriptions. When they sign up to a paid subscription plan for the first time they are shown a PaymentElement to capture their credit card details. Once this is complete the customer has a new payment method stored on Stripe. This works fine.
However, when the customer wants to upgrade to a higher subscription plan, Stripe creates a prorated payment on the customer, but for some reason, doesn't actually charge the customer's existing payment method. The payment on Stripe is sitting at Incomplete with the message The customer hasn't attempted to pay this invoice yet.
My question is, why doesn't Stripe just charge the customer using the already stored payment method? Why is it waiting for the customer to pay?
This is how I'm initiating the upgrade (This is also the same code I use to move to the customer to a paid subscription, capturing their card details):
var service = new SubscriptionService();
var subscription = service.Get(subscriptionId);
var paymentSettings = new SubscriptionPaymentSettingsOptions
SaveDefaultPaymentMethod = "on_subscription"
var options = new SubscriptionUpdateOptions
CancelAtPeriodEnd = false,
ProrationBehavior = "always_invoice",
Items = new List<SubscriptionItemOptions>
new SubscriptionItemOptions
Id = subscription.Items.Data[0].Id,
Price = planPriceCombo.Item2
PaymentSettings = paymentSettings,
PaymentBehavior = "default_incomplete"
var updatedSubscription = service.Update(subscriptionId, options);
Have I configured this subscription update incorrectly? How would I go about getting Stripe to just automatically charge the payment method already attached to the customer without waiting?
Your code is passing PaymentBehavior = "default_incomplete" which indicates to Stripe that you don't want them to attempt to pay the Invoice by confirming its underlying PaymentIntent. If you look at updatedSubscription.LatestInvoice.PaymentIntent.Status it likely is in requires_confirmation to reflect this. In that case, you would use the PaymentIntent's ClientSecret value to confirm the PaymentIntent client-side, for example in case 3DS is needed.
Since you want Stripe to automatically attempt payment of the Invoice on creation, what you need to do is switch to PaymentBehavior = "allow_incomplete" instead. This means Stripe will attempt a payment synchronously but if it fails or requires a customer action (such as doing 3DS) it won't error and still go through with the update. This will then let you attempt to confirm the PaymentIntent client-side if needed.
I'm integrating Amazon pay with my website, using the v2 c# SDK from amazon (MVC App), in the sandbox. Setup is all good, I created the keys, return urls, etc.
In my checkout process, I create the CheckoutSession, which is successful. I click on the Amazon Pay button, log in using my test buyer account, and "pay" for the item using their valid test credit card.
Amazon redirects to my return URL with the checkout session id as expected.
When I try to CompleteCheckoutSession, the result is an error back from the Amazon API
error: InvalidCheckoutSessionStatus
message: You tried to call an operation on a Checkout Session that is in a state where that operation is not allowed
I put in a test line of code to retrieve the CheckoutSession to look at it before I try to complete it, and it shows that the current status is "Open", which is the correct status when trying to complete it, so I'm at a loss at why the checkout session status is invalid.
Note I'm using this flow for my transaction, so there is no "review" of the transaction. Buyer chooses his items on my site.
Also note, I'm creating the payload dynamically according to this:
So when the amazonpay button is clicked, it calls a method on my site which builds the payload which begins the CheckoutSession. I then have the Amazon Session ID in my cache which I save it, and save the total. The payload is returned to the Amazon pay script which then takes me to the Amazon Site. I choose the payment type and click "continue to checkout", which sends me back to my site with the SessionId to do the "complete" step.
My request to CompleteCheckoutSession(sessionId)
result.RawResponse from the client.CompleteCheckoutSession(sessionId) method:
"message":"You tried to call an operation on a Checkout Session that is in a state where that operation is not allowed"
I created a brand new test MVC app with basic functionality:
public ActionResult Index()
var client = InitiateClient(); //hidden for security
// prepare the request
var request = new CreateCheckoutSessionRequest
checkoutReviewReturnUrl: "http://localhost:44300/home/completecheckout",
storeId: "amzn1.application-oa2-client.mystoreid"
request.PaymentDetails.PaymentIntent = Amazon.Pay.API.WebStore.Types.PaymentIntent.AuthorizeWithCapture;
request.PaymentDetails.ChargeAmount.Amount = 99;
request.PaymentDetails.ChargeAmount.CurrencyCode = Currency.USD;
// generate the signature and payload string that is passed back to the frontend
ViewBag.Signature = client.GenerateButtonSignature(request);
ViewBag.Payload = request.ToJson();
return View();
In the Index.cshtml file:
<div id="AmazonPayButton"></div>
<script src="https://static-na.payments-amazon.com/checkout.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
amazon.Pay.renderButton('#AmazonPayButton', {
merchantId: 'mymerchantid',
ledgerCurrency: 'USD',
sandbox: true,
checkoutLanguage: 'en_US',
productType: 'PayOnly',
placement: 'Checkout',
buttonColor: 'Gold',
createCheckoutSessionConfig: {
payloadJSON: '#Html.Raw(ViewBag.Payload)', // string generated in step 2
signature: '#Html.Raw(ViewBag.Signature)', // signature generated in step 3
And finally, the completecheckout code, which is unsuccessful:
public ActionResult CompleteCheckout(string amazonCheckoutSessionId)
var client = InitiateClient(); //hidden for security
var request = new CompleteCheckoutSessionRequest(99.00M, Currency.USD);
// send the request
var result = client.CompleteCheckoutSession(amazonCheckoutSessionId, request);
// check if API call was successful
if (!result.Success)
throw new Exception("API Call unsuccessful");
return View();
NOTE: certain keys obfuscated, but actual keys are in the sample code.
Manually creating the CheckoutSession doesn't work with the "no review page" flow that you are following. If you want to integrate this flow, you'll have to let Amazon Pay create the CheckoutSession for you using the createCheckoutSessionConfig parameter in the button code, see here: https://amazonpaycheckoutintegrationguide.s3.amazonaws.com/amazon-pay-apb-checkout/add-the-amazon-pay-button.html#4-render-the-button
The code sample below shows how to construct the payload and signature for the 'no order review' payment flow. Please note the CheckoutMode parameter, that instructs Amazon Pay to immediately process the payment, and the checkoutResultReturnUrl, that defines the URL where the buyer is sent to for completing the checkout. When the user arrives at that URL, you will have to call Complete CheckoutSession, which should now succeed.
public ActionResult Index()
var client = InitiateClient(); //hidden for security
// prepare the request
var request = new CreateCheckoutSessionRequest
checkoutReviewReturnUrl: null,
storeId: "amzn1.application-oa2-client.mystoreid"
// instructs Amazon Pay to immediately process the payment
request.WebCheckoutDetails.CheckoutMode = CheckoutMode.ProcessOrder;
request.WebCheckoutDetails.CheckoutResultReturnUrl = "http://localhost:44300/home/completecheckout";
// payment details
request.PaymentDetails.PaymentIntent = Amazon.Pay.API.WebStore.Types.PaymentIntent.AuthorizeWithCapture;
request.PaymentDetails.ChargeAmount.Amount = 99;
request.PaymentDetails.ChargeAmount.CurrencyCode = Currency.USD;
// generate the signature and payload string that is passed back to the frontend
ViewBag.Signature = client.GenerateButtonSignature(request);
ViewBag.Payload = request.ToJson();
return View();
I had a similar issue and it takes me a very long time to figure it out. This is what happened to me.
I was not intent to create production code. I just want to create a test page with only Amazon Pay button. I used several node js script to getCheckoutSession/updateCheckoutSession. However, when I tried completeCheckoutSession, I got "InvalidCheckoutSessionStatus".
In the end, I found, after I setup all the required parameter and remove all constraint, the updateCheckoutSession gives me a "amazonPayRedirectUrl" in API return. That URL is really important. You need to go that URL in order to complete the review...
This is from Amazon official website:
"Once there are no constraints, the response will return a unique
amazonPayRedirectUrl. Redirect the buyer to that URL to complete
The other way to solve this issue is mentioned by "Daniel Lemke". In that way, shoppers don't need to confirm the session. However, you need to make sure to provide all useful information in webCheckoutDetails (paymentDetails, addressDetails). If you only give checkoutMode, you will get "MissingParameterValue".
This is from Amazon official website:
"paymentDetails is required when using 'ProcessOrder'. addressDetails
is also required if you use 'ProcessOrder' with productType set to
We're trying to receive payment with cryptocurrencies using coinpayment IPN. We are able to create a request and able to do a payment. However, not able to get success or failure response while user come back to the seller side.
Here is how payment request created:
public ActionResult IPN()
var uri = new UriBuilder("https://www.coinpayments.net/index.php");
uri.SetQueryParam("cmd", "_pay_auto");
uri.SetQueryParam("merchant", "merchant_key");
uri.SetQueryParam("allow_extra", "0");
uri.SetQueryParam("currency", "USD");
uri.SetQueryParam("reset", "1");
uri.SetQueryParam("success_url", "http://localhost:49725/home/SuccessResponse"); //todo: redirect to confirm success page
uri.SetQueryParam("key", "wc_order_5b7b84b91a882");
uri.SetQueryParam("cancel_url", "http://localhost:49725/home/FailiureResponse");
uri.SetQueryParam("order_id", "36");
uri.SetQueryParam("invoice", "PREFIX-36");
uri.SetQueryParam("ipn_url", "http://localhost:49725/?wc-api=WC_Gateway_Coinpayments");
uri.SetQueryParam("first_name", "John");
uri.SetQueryParam("last_name", "Smith");
uri.SetQueryParam("email", "a#a.com");
uri.SetQueryParam("want_shipping", "1");
uri.SetQueryParam("address1", "228 Park Ave S&address2");
uri.SetQueryParam("city", "New York");
uri.SetQueryParam("state", "NY");
uri.SetQueryParam("zip", "10003-1502");
uri.SetQueryParam("country", "US");
uri.SetQueryParam("item_name", "Order 33");
uri.SetQueryParam("quantity", "1");
uri.SetQueryParam("amountf", "100.00000000");
uri.SetQueryParam("shippingf", "0.00000000");
return Redirect(uri.ToString());
This will be redirected to the coinpayment site, once payment done, it is showing the following screen.
And trying to get data when user click on back to seller's site, I have tried to get data using Request.Form, but not getting any value in form.
The same thing, working with this woocommerce code, but I have no idea of PHP and how they are dealing with it.
Any thought to get IPN response?
Note: there is no development documentation or sample code available for IPN in .NET
I'm trying to get value from IPN success
Public ActionResult SuccessResponse()
var ipn_version = Request.Form["ipn_version"];
var ipn_id = Request.Form["ipn_id"];
var ipn_mode = Request.Form["ipn_mode"];
var merchant = Request.Form["merchant"];
var txn_id = Request.Form["txn_id"];
var status = Request.Form["status"];
return Content(status);
You cannot use localhost for a IPN callback. You must use a public domain name.
As an example I would change the following parameters:
var uri = new UriBuilder("https://www.coinpayments.net/api.php");
uri.SetQueryParam("success_url", "http://kugugshivom-001-site1.atempurl.com/Home/SuccessResponse");
uri.SetQueryParam("cancel_url", "http://kugugshivom-001-site1.atempurl.com/Home/FailiureResponse");
uri.SetQueryParam("ipn_url", "http://kugugshivom-001-site1.atempurl.com/Home/CoinPaymentsIPN"); // Public ActionResult CoinPaymentsIPN()
Since you are creating your own gateway you also need to implement it properly as described in the documentation at CoinPayments API and Instant Payment Notifications (IPN).
I have tested your success_url endpoint, and got status code: 100 (when entering status:100). I see you use form-data, but I don't know if that's on purpose / required.
Postman POST http://kugugshivom-001-site1.atempurl.com/Home/SuccessResponse
In Body tab form-data is selected with Bulk Edit values:
As updated answer stated by #Gillsoft AB, you should need to use valid IPN URL from the code end. Also webhook would not work with localhost. thus, you should listen the request with live server.
Simplest way to check webhook response is to use online tool such as Webhook Tester, it will provide an URL which you have to set as your IPN URL, whenever server will sends the data, you can simply see it to the web. To check that, create one URL and set as your IPN URL as below:
uri.SetQueryParam("ipn_url", "https://webhook.site/#/457f5c55-c9ce-4db4-8f57-20194c17d0ae");
After that run the payment cycle from local machine, payment server will sends notification to that IPN URL.
Make sure you understood it right! success_url and cancel_url are for user redirection, you will not get any response code over there, inspection of seller's store URL give your exact same URL that you have been passing though, so it is recommended to use unique URLs for each order(i.e add order id at last to the URL) which will give you an idea which order payment has been done or canceled.
In order to test your local code, add following changes and deployed it to server.
1) Add one new method which will listen IPN response
public ActionResult IPNHandler()
byte[] param = Request.BinaryRead(Request.ContentLength);
string strRequest = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(param);
//TODO: print string request
//nothing should be rendered to visitor
return Content("");
2) Pass IPN URL while creating a request:
public ActionResult IPN()
var uri = new UriBuilder("https://www.coinpayments.net/index.php");
uri.SetQueryParam("success_url", "http://localhost:49725/home/SuccessResponse");
uri.SetQueryParam("cancel_url", "http://localhost:49725/home/FailiureResponse");
uri.SetQueryParam("ipn_url", "http://localhost:49725/home/IPNHandler");
return Redirect(uri.ToString());
You will get all status code responses in IPNHandler method.
Hope this helps!
The last line of the following code results in an "Operation returned an invalid status code 'BadRequest'" exception and I don't understand why:
Given the following code :
var tenantDomain = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TenantDomain"];
var clientId = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ClientID"];
var secret = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ClientSecret"];
var subscriptionId = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SubscriptionID"];
var serviceCreds = await ApplicationTokenProvider.LoginSilentAsync(tenantDomain, clientId, secret);
var bmc = new BillingManagementClient(serviceCreds);
bmc.SubscriptionId = subscriptionId;
List<Invoice> allInvoices = bmc.Invoices.List().ToList();
Suggestions anyone ? Should I specify a date period explicitly ? How?
Suggestions anyone ? Should I specify a date period explicitly ? How?
If we want to access Billing we need to assign the Billing Reader role to someone that needs access to the subscription billing. We could get the detail steps for the azure official tutorials. I also test the code you mentioned, there is no issue with code, if it is supported. The following is the snippet from the official tutorials.
The Billing Reader feature is in preview, and does not yet support enterprise (EA) subscriptions or non-global clouds.
Please have a try to login Azure Portal to check whether have access to Access to invoice. If you see the Access to invoice is disabled, it seems that the subscription type is not supported.
If you still have further questions, could contact support to get your issue resolved quickly.
I was trying to get the paypal transaction's details from an eBay sale. I'm using Paypal-NET-SDK built on PayPal's REST APIs.
Here is the code:
Dictionary<string, string> sdkConfig = new Dictionary<string, string>();
sdkConfig.Add("mode", "sandbox");
string accessToken = new OAuthTokenCredential(clientID, secret, sdkConfig).GetAccessToken();
string transactionID = "98395731SM1933421";
APIContext apiContext = new APIContext(accessToken);
apiContext.Config = sdkConfig;
Sale sale = Sale.Get(apiContext, transactionID );
But I'm getting this error:
The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.
And this is the response:
{"name":"INVALID_RESOURCE_ID","message":"The requested resource ID was not found","information_link":"https://developer.paypal.com/webapps/developer/docs/api/#INVALID_RESOURCE_ID","debug_id":"8a0a9ae305a35"}
It looks like I have to use another transaction ID, but this is the transaction ID I'm getting from the eBay API, and also when I enter into my account in paypal this is the transaction ID I'm seeing.
I want to know if I can use this API to get this transaction's details, if not, any suggestions.
Transaction IDs from PayPal's REST APIs and from PayPal's classic APIs are completely unrelated. eBay uses PayPal classic transaction IDs.
Or to put it another way: you cannot use PayPal's REST APIs with eBay transactions. Use PayPal's classic APIs, namely GetTransactionDetails.