I am getting quite a few spikes when offsetting Polygons with the clipper library, this is unfortunately not acceptable in my use case and I have no idea how to get rid of it. I have tried all type of join type settings but could not achieve anything. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
My application layers a model and calculates the outline polygons. It then also has to offset the outlines. Layers with a lot of curves in then tend to get one or more spikes each such as this:
Now this does not seem to bad but once it happens to a lot of layers a model becomes like this:
It is important to note that without offsetting the outlines I get none of these spikes.
Here is a file containing the input polygons:
Here is a file containing the output polygons:
The parameters for the operation were an offset operation with jtRound JointType with default limit. The delta was -25000. I have also tried all the other JoinTypes with limits ranging from 0 to 1000 but they all created the exact same spike. The other JoinTypes though had some other added strange effects.
OK, I can confirm there's a bug. It happens when adjacent polygon edges are almost collinear.
Here's the fix (that hasn't been heavily tested yet) at about line 4220 in clipper.cs
void OffsetPoint(JoinType jointype)
m_sinA = (normals[m_k].X * normals[m_j].Y - normals[m_j].X * normals[m_k].Y);
if (Math.Abs(m_sinA) < 0.00005) return; //ADD THIS LINE (todo - check this!)
else if (m_sinA > 1.0) m_sinA = 1.0;
else if (m_sinA < -1.0) m_sinA = -1.0;
Note: 0.00005 is just a value that's close enough to zero to remove the spike in your supplied sample, but it may need to be readjusted with further testing.
I've got a problem with Windows Charts:
I'm using Fastpoint and when plotting a LOT of points (100000+) at X=0,Y=0, they seem to shift towards positive X values. (to the right)
for (int k = 0; k < amountofpoints; k+=1)
Look like a minor bug in MSChart.
It happens when all visible points are located at the same position.
Unfortunately even a RecalculateAxesScale();on the ChartArea doesn't help.
It happens even for small numbers of points and gets worse when adding more..:
The only workaround I see is to have at least one point at a different position so that the layout calculations span a non-zero distance.
You can hide the point by making it transparent or you can place it in a different series in the same chartarea, it just needs to be considered for calculating the display.
I called it a 'minor' bug because the whole setup makes obviously no real sense.
So instead of working around you should consider avoiding the situation by not adding all those identical points in the first place..
I am having trouble implementing this into my current path finding algorithm.
Currently I have Dijkstra written and works like it should, but I need to step further away and add a limit (range). I can better explain with an image:
Let's say I have range of 80. I want to go from A to E. My current algorithm, works as it should, so it results in A->B-E.
However, I need to go only on paths with weight not more than the range - 80, which would mean that A->B->E is not the option any more, but A->C->D->B->E (considering that range/limit resets on every stop)
So far, I have implemented a bool named Possible which would return for the single part of path (e.g. A->B) is it possible comparing to my limit / range.
My main problem is that I do not know where/how to start. My only idea was to see where Possible is false (A->B on the total route A->B->E) and run the algorithm from A to A->E again without / excluding B stop/vertex.
Is this a good approach? Because of that my big O notation would increment twice (as far as I understand it).
I see two ways of doing this
Create a new graph G' that contains only edges < 80, and look for shortest path there... reduction time is O(V+E), and additional O(V+E) memory usage
You can change Dijkstra's algorithm, to ignore edges > 80, just skip edges >80, when giving values to neighbor vertices, the complexity and memory usage will stay the same in this case
Create a temporary version of your graph, and set all weights above the threshold to infinity. Then run the ordinary Dijkstra algorithm on it.
Complexity will increase or not, depending on your version of the algorithm:
if you have O(V^2) then it will increase to O(E + V^2)
if you have the O(ElogV) version then it will increase to O(E + ElogV)
if you have the O(E + VlogV) version it will remain the same
As noted by ArsenMkrt you can as well remove these edges, which makes even more sense but will make the complexity a bit worse. Modifying the algorithm to just skip those edges seems to be the best option though, as he suggested in his answer.
First of all, I am aware that this question really sounds as if I didn't search, but I did, a lot.
I wrote a small Mandelbrot drawing code for C#, it's basically a windows form with a PictureBox on which I draw the Mandelbrot set.
My problem is, is that it's pretty slow. Without a deep zoom it does a pretty good job and moving around and zooming is pretty smooth, takes less than a second per drawing, but once I start to zoom in a little and get to places which require more calculations it becomes really slow.
On other Mandelbrot applications my computer does really fine on places which work much slower in my application, so I'm guessing there is much I can do to improve the speed.
I did the following things to optimize it:
Instead of using the SetPixel GetPixel methods on the bitmap object, I used LockBits method to write directly to memory which made things a lot faster.
Instead of using complex number objects (with classes I made myself, not the built-in ones), I emulated complex numbers using 2 variables, re and im. Doing this allowed me to cut down on multiplications because squaring the real part and the imaginary part is something that is done a few time during the calculation, so I just save the square in a variable and reuse the result without the need to recalculate it.
I use 4 threads to draw the Mandelbrot, each thread does a different quarter of the image and they all work simultaneously. As I understood, that means my CPU will use 4 of its cores to draw the image.
I use the Escape Time Algorithm, which as I understood is the fastest?
Here is my how I move between the pixels and calculate, it's commented out so I hope it's understandable:
//Pixel by pixel loop:
for (int r = rRes; r < wTo; r++)
for (int i = iRes; i < hTo; i++)
//These calculations are to determine what complex number corresponds to the (r,i) pixel.
double re = (r - (w/2))*step + zeroX ;
double im = (i - (h/2))*step - zeroY;
//Create the Z complex number
double zRe = 0;
double zIm = 0;
//Variables to store the squares of the real and imaginary part.
double multZre = 0;
double multZim = 0;
//Start iterating the with the complex number to determine it's escape time (mandelValue)
int mandelValue = 0;
while (multZre + multZim < 4 && mandelValue < iters)
/*The new real part equals re(z)^2 - im(z)^2 + re(c), we store it in a temp variable
tempRe because we still need re(z) in the next calculation
double tempRe = multZre - multZim + re;
/*The new imaginary part is equal to 2*re(z)*im(z) + im(c)
* Instead of multiplying these by 2 I add re(z) to itself and then multiply by im(z), which
* means I just do 1 multiplication instead of 2.
zRe += zRe;
zIm = zRe * zIm + im;
zRe = tempRe; // We can now put the temp value in its place.
// Do the squaring now, they will be used in the next calculation.
multZre = zRe * zRe;
multZim = zIm * zIm;
//Increase the mandelValue by one, because the iteration is now finished.
mandelValue += 1;
//After the mandelValue is found, this colors its pixel accordingly (unsafe code, accesses memory directly):
//(Unimportant for my question, I doubt the problem is with this because my code becomes really slow
// as the number of ITERATIONS grow, this only executes more as the number of pixels grow).
Byte* pos = px + (i * str) + (pixelSize * r);
byte col = (byte)((1 - ((double)mandelValue / iters)) * 255);
pos[0] = col;
pos[1] = col;
pos[2] = col;
What can I do to improve this? Do you find any obvious optimization problems in my code?
Right now there are 2 ways I know I can improve it:
I need to use a different type for numbers, double is limited with accuracy and I'm sure there are better non-built-in alternative types which are faster (they multiply and add faster) and have more accuracy, I just need someone to point me where I need to look and tell me if it's true.
I can move processing to the GPU. I have no idea how to do this (OpenGL maybe? DirectX? is it even that simple or will I need to learn a lot of stuff?). If someone can send me links to proper tutorials on this subject or tell me in general about it that would be great.
Thanks a lot for reading that far and hope you can help me :)
If you decide to move the processing to the gpu, you can choose from a number of options. Since you are using C#, XNA will allow you to use HLSL. RB Whitaker has the easiest XNA tutorials if you choose this option. Another option is OpenCL. OpenTK comes with a demo program of a julia set fractal. This would be very simple to modify to display the mandlebrot set. See here
Just remember to find the GLSL shader that goes with the source code.
About the GPU, examples are no help for me because I have absolutely
no idea about this topic, how does it even work and what kind of
calculations the GPU can do (or how is it even accessed?)
Different GPU software works differently however ...
Typically a programmer will write a program for the GPU in a shader language such as HLSL, GLSL or OpenCL. The program written in C# will load the shader code and compile it, and then use functions in an API to send a job to the GPU and get the result back afterwards.
Take a look at FX Composer or render monkey if you want some practice with shaders with out having to worry about APIs.
If you are using HLSL, the rendering pipeline looks like this.
The vertex shader is responsible for taking points in 3D space and calculating their position in your 2D viewing field. (Not a big concern for you since you are working in 2D)
The pixel shader is responsible for applying shader effects to the pixels after the vertex shader is done.
OpenCL is a different story, its geared towards general purpose GPU computing (ie: not just graphics). Its more powerful and can be used for GPUs, DSPs, and building super computers.
WRT coding for the GPU, you can look at Cudafy.Net (it does OpenCL too, which is not tied to NVidia) to start getting an understanding of what's going on and perhaps even do everything you need there. I've quickly found it - and my graphics card - unsuitable for my needs, but for the Mandelbrot at the stage you're at, it should be fine.
In brief: You code for the GPU with a flavour of C (Cuda C or OpenCL normally) then push the "kernel" (your compiled C method) to the GPU followed by any source data, and then invoke that "kernel", often with parameters to say what data to use - or perhaps a few parameters to tell it where to place the results in its memory.
When I've been doing fractal rendering myself, I've avoided drawing to a bitmap for the reasons already outlined and deferred the render phase. Besides that, I tend to write massively multithreaded code which is really bad for trying to access a bitmap. Instead, I write to a common store - most recently I've used a MemoryMappedFile (a builtin .Net class) since that gives me pretty decent random access speed and a huge addressable area. I also tend to write my results to a queue and have another thread deal with committing the data to storage; the compute times of each Mandelbrot pixel will be "ragged" - that is to say that they will not always take the same length of time. As a result, your pixel commit could be the bottleneck for very low iteration counts. Farming it out to another thread means your compute threads are never waiting for storage to complete.
I'm currently playing with the Buddhabrot visualisation of the Mandelbrot set, looking at using a GPU to scale out the rendering (since it's taking a very long time with the CPU) and having a huge result-set. I was thinking of targetting an 8 gigapixel image, but I've come to the realisation that I need to diverge from the constraints of pixels, and possibly away from floating point arithmetic due to precision issues. I'm also going to have to buy some new hardware so I can interact with the GPU differently - different compute jobs will finish at different times (as per my iteration count comment earlier) so I can't just fire batches of threads and wait for them all to complete without potentially wasting a lot of time waiting for one particularly high iteration count out of the whole batch.
Another point to make that I hardly ever see being made about the Mandelbrot Set is that it is symmetrical. You might be doing twice as much calculating as you need to.
For moving the processing to the GPU, you have lots of excellent examples here:
Note that you need an WebGL capable browser to view that link. Works best in Chrome.
I'm no expert on fractals but you seem to have come far already with the optimizations. Going beyond that may make the code much harder to read and maintain so you should ask yourself it is worth it.
One technique I've often observed in other fractal programs is this: While zooming, calculate the fractal at a lower resolution and stretch it to full size during render. Then render at full resolution as soon as zooming stops.
Another suggestion is that when you use multiple threads you should take care that each thread don't read/write memory of other threads because this will cause cache collisions and hurt performance. One good algorithm could be split the work up in scanlines (instead of four quarters like you did now). Create a number of threads, then as long as there as lines left to process, assign a scanline to a thread that is available. Let each thread write the pixel data to a local piece of memory and copy this back to main bitmap after each line (to avoid cache collisions).
I am trying to write an algorithm (in c#) that will stitch two or more unrelated heightmaps together so there is no visible seam between the maps. Basically I want to mimic the functionality found on this page :
(You can just look at the pictures to get the gist of what I'm talking about)
I also want to be able to take a single heightmap and alter it so it can be tiled, in order to create an endless world (All of this is for use in Unity3d). However, if I can stitch multiple heightmaps together, I should be able to easily modify the algorithm to act on a single heightmap, so I am not worried about this part.
Any kind of guidance would be appreciated, as I have searched and searched for a solution without success. Just a simple nudge in the right direction would be greatly appreciated! I understand that many image manipulation techniques can be applied to heightmaps, but have been unable to find a image processing algorithm that produces the results I'm looking for. For instance, image stitching appears to only work for images that have overlapping fields of view, which is not the case with unrelated heightmaps.
Would utilizing a FFT low pass filter in some way work, or would that only be useful in generating a single tileable heightmap?
Because the algorithm is to be used in Unit3d, any c# code will have to be confined to .Net 3.5, as I believe that's the latest version Unity uses.
Thanks for any help!
Okay, seems I was on the right track with my previous attempts at solving this problem. My initial attemp at stitching the heightmaps together involved the following steps for each point on the heightmap:
1) Find the average between a point on the heightmap and its opposite point. The opposite point is simply the first point reflected across either the x axis (if stitching horizontal edges) or the z axis (for the vertical edges).
2) Find the new height for the point using the following formula:
newHeight = oldHeight + (average - oldHeight)*((maxDistance-distance)/maxDistance);
Where distance is the distance from the point on the heightmap to the nearest horizontal or vertical edge (depending on which edge you want to stitch). Any point with a distance less than maxDistance (which is an adjustable value that effects how much of the terrain is altered) is adjusted based on this formula.
That was the old formula, and while it produced really nice results for most of the terrain, it was creating noticeable lines in the areas between the region of altered heightmap points and the region of unaltered heightmap points. I realized almost immediately that this was occurring because the slope of the altered regions was too steep in comparison to the unaltered regions, thus creating a noticeable contrast between the two. Unfortunately, I went about solving this issue the wrong way, looking for solutions on how to blur or smooth the contrasting regions together to remove the line.
After very little success with smoothing techniques, I decided to try and reduce the slope of the altered region, in the hope that it would better blend with the slope of the unaltered region. I am happy to report that this has improved my stitching algorithm greatly, removing 99% of the lines reported above.
The main culprit from the old formula was this part:
which was producing a value between 0 and 1 linearly based on the distance of the point to the nearest edge. As the distance between the heightmap points and the edge increased, the heightmap points would utilize less and less of the average (as defined above), and shift more and more towards their original values. This linear interpolation was the cause of the too step slope, but luckily I found a built in method in the Mathf class of Unity's API that allows for quadratic (I believe cubic) interpolation. This is the SmoothStep Method.
Using this method (I believe a similar method can be found in the Xna framework found here), the change in how much of the average is used in determining a heightmap value becomes very severe in middle distances, but that severity lessens exponentially the closer the distance gets to maxDistance, creating a less severe slope that better blends with the slope of the unaltered region. The new forumla looks something like this:
//Using Mathf - Unity only?
float weight = Mathf.SmoothStep(1f, 0f, distance/maxDistance);
//Using XNA
float weight = MathHelper.SmoothStep(1f, 0f, distance/maxDistance);
//If you can't use either of the two methods above
float input = distance/maxDistance;
float weight = 1f + (-1f)*(3f*(float)Math.Pow(input, 2f) - 2f*(float)Math.Pow(input, 3f));
//Then calculate the new height using this weight
newHeight = oldHeight + (average - oldHeight)*weight;
There may be even better interpolation methods that produce better stitching. I will certainly update this question if I find such a method, so anyone else looking to do heightmap stitching can find the information they need. Kudos to rincewound for being on the right track with linear interpolation!
What is done in the images you posted looks a lot like simple linear interpolation to me.
So basically: You take two images (Left, Right) and define a stitching region. For linear interpolation you could take the leftmost pixel of the left image (in the stitching region) and the rightmost pixel of the right image (also in the stitching region). Then you fill the space in between with interpolated values.
Take this example - I'm using a single line here to show the idea:
Left = [11,11,11,10,10,10,10]
Right= [01,01,01,01,02,02,02]
Lets say our overlap is 4 pixels wide:
Left = [11,11,11,10,10,10,10]
Right= [01,01,01,01,02,02,02]
^ ^ ^ ^ overlap/stitiching region.
The leftmost value of the left image would be 10
The rightmost value of the right image would be 1.
Now we interpolate linearly between 10 and 1 in 2 steps, our new stitching region looks as follows
stitch = [10, 07, 04, 01]
We end up with the following stitched line:
line = [11,11,11,10,07,04,01,02,02,02]
If you apply this to two complete images you should get a result similar to what you posted before.
I'm measuring some system performance data to store it in a database. From those data points I'm drawing line graphs over time. In their nature, those data points are a bit noisy, ie. every single point deviates at least a bit from the local mean value. When drawing the line graph straight from one point to the next, it produces jagged graphs. At a large time scale like > 10 data points per pixel, this noise is compressed into a wide jagged line area that is, say, 20px high instead of 1px as in smaller scales.
I've read about line smoothing, anti-aliasing, simplifying and all these things. But everything I've found seems to be about something else.
I don't need anti-aliasing, .NET already does that for me when drawing the line on the screen.
I don't want simplification. I need the extreme values to remain visible, at least most of them.
I think it goes in the direction of spline curves but I couldn't find much example images to evaluate whether the described thing is what I want. I did find a highly scientific book at Google Books though, full of half-page long formulas, which I wasn't like reading through now...
To give you an example, just look at Linux/Gnome's system monitor application. I draws the recent CPU/memory/network usage with a smoothed line. This may be a bit oversimplified, but I'd give it a try and see if I can tweak it.
I'd prefer C# code but algorithms or code in other languages is fine, too, as long as I can port it to C# without external references.
You can do some data-smoothing. Instead of using the real data, apply a simple smoothing algorithm that keeps the peaks like a Savitzky-Golayfilter.
You can get the coefficients here.
The easiest to do is:
Take the top coefficients from the website I linked to:
// For np = 5 = 5 data points
var h = 35.0;
var coeff = new float[] { 17, 12, -3 }; // coefficients from the site
var easyCoeff = new float[] {-3, 12, 17, 12, -3}; // Its symmetrical
var center = 2; // = the center of the easyCoeff array
// now for every point from your data you calculate a smoothed point:
smoothed[x] =
((data[x - 2] * easyCoeff[center - 2]) +
(data[x - 1] * easyCoeff[center - 1]) +
(data[x - 0] * easyCoeff[center - 0]) +
(data[x + 1] * easyCoeff[center + 1]) +
(data[x + 2] * easyCoeff[center + 2])) / h;
The first 2 and last 2 points you cannoth smooth when using 5 points.
If you want your data to be more "smoothed" you can experiment with coefficents with larger data points.
Now you can draw a line through your "smoothed" data. The larger your np = number of points, the smoother your data. But you also loose peak accuracy, but not as much when simply averaging some points together.
You cannot fix this in the graphics code. If your data is noisy then the graph is going to be noisy as well, no matter what kind of line smoothing algorithm you use. You'll need to filter the data first. Create a second data set with points that are interpolated from the original data. A Least Squares fit is a common technique. Averaging is simple to implement but tends to hide extremes.
I think what you are looking for is a routine to provide 'splines'. Here is a link describing splines:
If that is the case I don't have any recommendations for a spline library, but an initial google search turned up a bunch.
Sorry for no code, but hopefully knowing the terminology will aid you in your search.
Reduce the number of data points, using MIN/MAX/AVG before you display them. It'll look nicer and it'll be faster
Graphs of network traffic often use a weighted average. You can sample once per second into a circular list of length 10 and for the graph, at each sample, graph the average of the samples.
If 10 isn't enough you can store many more. You don't need to recalculate the average from scratch, either:
new_average = (old_average*10 - replaced_sample + new_sample)/10
If you don't want to store all 10, however, you can approximate with this:
new_average = old_average*9/10 + new_sample/10
Lots of routers use this to save on storage. This ramps toward the current traffic rate exponentially.
If you do implement this, do something like this:
new_average = old_average*min(9,number_of_samples)/10 + new_sample/10
to avoid the initial ramp-up. You should also adjust the 9/10, 1/10 ratio to actually reflect the time preiod of each sample because your timer won't fire exactly once per second.