Charts X Value seems to shift to the right - c#

I've got a problem with Windows Charts:
I'm using Fastpoint and when plotting a LOT of points (100000+) at X=0,Y=0, they seem to shift towards positive X values. (to the right)
for (int k = 0; k < amountofpoints; k+=1)

Look like a minor bug in MSChart.
It happens when all visible points are located at the same position.
Unfortunately even a RecalculateAxesScale();on the ChartArea doesn't help.
It happens even for small numbers of points and gets worse when adding more..:
The only workaround I see is to have at least one point at a different position so that the layout calculations span a non-zero distance.
You can hide the point by making it transparent or you can place it in a different series in the same chartarea, it just needs to be considered for calculating the display.
I called it a 'minor' bug because the whole setup makes obviously no real sense.
So instead of working around you should consider avoiding the situation by not adding all those identical points in the first place..


How to randomly place objects as player move around in an infinity map without overlap?

I trying to make a game where player only move forward in an infinity map, and the path (just thing of them like points, the path is only the visual) is procedurally generated. I want those path to have different length (something like the tree of life, but only branches of the selected path are generated).
This is how I generate branches without overlap:
List<Vector3> everyPos; //predetermined position
public void Spawn(int amount)
List<Vector3> possiblePos = new List<Vector3>(everyPos);
for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++)
int index = Random(0, possiblePos.Count); //Find a random position
SpawnObjectAt(currentPosition+possiblePos[index]));//Create a point there
possiblePos.RemoveAt(index); //Remove that position from the list
The problem is , look at this image(I can't embed image yet):
Red is where player start, green is possible spawn position in the first move.
If there are 2 point spawned at 1 and 2, player choose point1, then the possible position in the second time will be a point in the black zone, which include point2, so if I keep continue there will eventually overlap.
How can I avoid this? I'm making a mobile game so I don't want to cache every single point. Any help would be really appreciated! Thanks!
This is a small web game that have somewhat similar mechanic to what I trying to achieve:
This is an attempt here to answer, but honestly, you need to provide more information.
Depending on the language you are writing in, you can handle this differently. You may need dynamic allocation, but for now lets assume, since your idea is quite small, that you can just do one large array predefined before compile time.
I assume you know how to make an array, so create one with say, 500 length to start. If you want to 'generate' a link like they did in that game, you simply need a random function, (there is a built in library in pretty much every language I think) and you need to do a little math.
Whatever language you use will surely have a built in graphics library, or you can use a popular easy to use one. I'll just draw a picture to make this clear.
There are a number of ways you can do this mathematically as shown in the image, using angles for example, the simplest way, however, is just to follow the boxes.
If you have worked with graphics before, you know what a vector is, if not, you will need to learn. The 9 vectors presented in this image (0,1) (1,0) (1,1) etc. can be created as vector objects, or even stored as individual ints.
To make your nodes 'move' into another path, you can simply do a rand 1-9 and then correlated the result to one of 9 possible vectors, and then add them to your position vector. It is easiest to do this in array and just use the rand int as the index. In most c derived languages you do that like this:
positionVector += changeVectorArray[rand(1,9)];
You then increment your position vector by one of the 9 vectors as shown above.
The simplest way of making the 'path' is to copy the position before you add the change vector, and then store all of the changes sequentially in another 'path' array.
To show the path on screen, simply draw a line between the first and second, second and third, third and forth elements of your path array. This formula (of joining lines) is discrete mathematics if I'm not mistaken, and you can do much more complicated path shapes if you want, but you get the gist.
That should at least start you off. Without more info I can't really help you.
I could go off on a tangent describe a bunch of different ways you can make this happen differently but its probably easier if you just ask for specifics.
Continuing with this answer, yes, looking at it now, the nodes can definitely overlap. To solve this problem you could use collision detection, every time you generate a new 'position', before adding it and drawing the line you have to loop through your array like this:
boolean copy = true;
for(int i = 0; i < getLength(pathArray); i++){
if( newVector == pathArray[i]){
Then of course, if copy still is true, copy the new position int the pathArray. NOTE: this whole solution is sloppy as hell, and as your array gets larger, your program is going to take longer and longer to search through that loop. This may not also guarantee that the path goes in one direction, but it is likely. And note that the lines will still be able to overlap each other, even though the position vectors can't be on top of one another.
All this considered, I think it will work, the optimization is up to you. I would suggest that there is probably a much more efficient solution using a discrete formula. You can also use such a formula to make the path go in particular directions and do other more complicated things.
You could also quite easily apply constraints on your random rolls if you want to make the path go in a particular direction. But there are so many ways of doing this I can't begin to explain. You could google path-finding algorithms for that.
Good luck.

Spikes when offsetting with C# clipper

I am getting quite a few spikes when offsetting Polygons with the clipper library, this is unfortunately not acceptable in my use case and I have no idea how to get rid of it. I have tried all type of join type settings but could not achieve anything. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
My application layers a model and calculates the outline polygons. It then also has to offset the outlines. Layers with a lot of curves in then tend to get one or more spikes each such as this:
Now this does not seem to bad but once it happens to a lot of layers a model becomes like this:
It is important to note that without offsetting the outlines I get none of these spikes.
Here is a file containing the input polygons:
Here is a file containing the output polygons:
The parameters for the operation were an offset operation with jtRound JointType with default limit. The delta was -25000. I have also tried all the other JoinTypes with limits ranging from 0 to 1000 but they all created the exact same spike. The other JoinTypes though had some other added strange effects.
OK, I can confirm there's a bug. It happens when adjacent polygon edges are almost collinear.
Here's the fix (that hasn't been heavily tested yet) at about line 4220 in clipper.cs
void OffsetPoint(JoinType jointype)
m_sinA = (normals[m_k].X * normals[m_j].Y - normals[m_j].X * normals[m_k].Y);
if (Math.Abs(m_sinA) < 0.00005) return; //ADD THIS LINE (todo - check this!)
else if (m_sinA > 1.0) m_sinA = 1.0;
else if (m_sinA < -1.0) m_sinA = -1.0;
Note: 0.00005 is just a value that's close enough to zero to remove the spike in your supplied sample, but it may need to be readjusted with further testing.

Generating isochrone maps from road networks

I wonder if there's any described algorithm that can convert isochrones into approximate area to show a range of some feature (in my problem this feature is a road network).
Example. I have something like on the image beneath:
It's a simple network (where I can arrive from the start point in X minutes or going Y kilometers). I have information of all the nodes and links. Now I need to create an isochrone map that show an approximate range where I can arrive.
Convex hull - sucks because of too general approximation,
I can create buffors on roads - so I will get some polygon that shows range, but I will also have the holes by roads that connect into circles.
What I need to obtain is something like this:
I've found some potentially useful information HERE, but there are only some ideas how it could be done. If anyone has any concept, please, help me to solve my problem.
Interesting problem, to get better answers you might want to define exactly what will this area that shows the range (isochrone map) be used for? For example is it illustrative? If you define what kind of approximation you want it could help you solve the problem.
Now here are some ideas.
1) Find all the cycles in the graph (see link), then eliminate edges that are shared between two cycles. Finally take the convex hull of the remaining cycles, this together with all the roads, so that the outliers that do not form cycles are included, will give a good approximation for an isochrome map.
2) A simpler solution is to define a thickness around each point of every road, this thickness should be inversely proportional to how long it takes to arrive at that point from the starting point. I.e. the longer it takes to arrive at the point the less thick. You can then scale the thickness of all points until all wholes are filled, and then you will have an approximate isochrome map. One possible way of implementing this is to run an algorithm that takes all possible routes simultaneously from the starting point, branching off at every new intersection, while tracking how long it took to arrive at each point. During its execution, at every instant of time all previously discovered route should be thickened. At the end you can scale this thickness so as to fill all wholes.
Hopefully this will be of some help. Good luck.
I have solved the problem (it's not so fast and robust, but has to be enough for now).
I generated my possible routes using A* (A-Star) algorithm.
I used #Artur Gower's idea from point one to eliminate cycles and simplify my geometry.
Later I decided to generate 2 types of gemetries (1st - like on the image, 2nd - simple buffers):
1st one:
3. Then I have removed the rest of unnecessary points using Douglas-Peucker algorithm (very fast!).
4. In the end I used Concave Hull algorithm (aka Alpha-Shapes or Non-Convex Hull).
2nd one:
3. Apply a buffer to the existing geometry and take the exterior ring (JTS library made that really easier:)).

How can you stitch multiple heightmaps together to remove seams?

I am trying to write an algorithm (in c#) that will stitch two or more unrelated heightmaps together so there is no visible seam between the maps. Basically I want to mimic the functionality found on this page :
(You can just look at the pictures to get the gist of what I'm talking about)
I also want to be able to take a single heightmap and alter it so it can be tiled, in order to create an endless world (All of this is for use in Unity3d). However, if I can stitch multiple heightmaps together, I should be able to easily modify the algorithm to act on a single heightmap, so I am not worried about this part.
Any kind of guidance would be appreciated, as I have searched and searched for a solution without success. Just a simple nudge in the right direction would be greatly appreciated! I understand that many image manipulation techniques can be applied to heightmaps, but have been unable to find a image processing algorithm that produces the results I'm looking for. For instance, image stitching appears to only work for images that have overlapping fields of view, which is not the case with unrelated heightmaps.
Would utilizing a FFT low pass filter in some way work, or would that only be useful in generating a single tileable heightmap?
Because the algorithm is to be used in Unit3d, any c# code will have to be confined to .Net 3.5, as I believe that's the latest version Unity uses.
Thanks for any help!
Okay, seems I was on the right track with my previous attempts at solving this problem. My initial attemp at stitching the heightmaps together involved the following steps for each point on the heightmap:
1) Find the average between a point on the heightmap and its opposite point. The opposite point is simply the first point reflected across either the x axis (if stitching horizontal edges) or the z axis (for the vertical edges).
2) Find the new height for the point using the following formula:
newHeight = oldHeight + (average - oldHeight)*((maxDistance-distance)/maxDistance);
Where distance is the distance from the point on the heightmap to the nearest horizontal or vertical edge (depending on which edge you want to stitch). Any point with a distance less than maxDistance (which is an adjustable value that effects how much of the terrain is altered) is adjusted based on this formula.
That was the old formula, and while it produced really nice results for most of the terrain, it was creating noticeable lines in the areas between the region of altered heightmap points and the region of unaltered heightmap points. I realized almost immediately that this was occurring because the slope of the altered regions was too steep in comparison to the unaltered regions, thus creating a noticeable contrast between the two. Unfortunately, I went about solving this issue the wrong way, looking for solutions on how to blur or smooth the contrasting regions together to remove the line.
After very little success with smoothing techniques, I decided to try and reduce the slope of the altered region, in the hope that it would better blend with the slope of the unaltered region. I am happy to report that this has improved my stitching algorithm greatly, removing 99% of the lines reported above.
The main culprit from the old formula was this part:
which was producing a value between 0 and 1 linearly based on the distance of the point to the nearest edge. As the distance between the heightmap points and the edge increased, the heightmap points would utilize less and less of the average (as defined above), and shift more and more towards their original values. This linear interpolation was the cause of the too step slope, but luckily I found a built in method in the Mathf class of Unity's API that allows for quadratic (I believe cubic) interpolation. This is the SmoothStep Method.
Using this method (I believe a similar method can be found in the Xna framework found here), the change in how much of the average is used in determining a heightmap value becomes very severe in middle distances, but that severity lessens exponentially the closer the distance gets to maxDistance, creating a less severe slope that better blends with the slope of the unaltered region. The new forumla looks something like this:
//Using Mathf - Unity only?
float weight = Mathf.SmoothStep(1f, 0f, distance/maxDistance);
//Using XNA
float weight = MathHelper.SmoothStep(1f, 0f, distance/maxDistance);
//If you can't use either of the two methods above
float input = distance/maxDistance;
float weight = 1f + (-1f)*(3f*(float)Math.Pow(input, 2f) - 2f*(float)Math.Pow(input, 3f));
//Then calculate the new height using this weight
newHeight = oldHeight + (average - oldHeight)*weight;
There may be even better interpolation methods that produce better stitching. I will certainly update this question if I find such a method, so anyone else looking to do heightmap stitching can find the information they need. Kudos to rincewound for being on the right track with linear interpolation!
What is done in the images you posted looks a lot like simple linear interpolation to me.
So basically: You take two images (Left, Right) and define a stitching region. For linear interpolation you could take the leftmost pixel of the left image (in the stitching region) and the rightmost pixel of the right image (also in the stitching region). Then you fill the space in between with interpolated values.
Take this example - I'm using a single line here to show the idea:
Left = [11,11,11,10,10,10,10]
Right= [01,01,01,01,02,02,02]
Lets say our overlap is 4 pixels wide:
Left = [11,11,11,10,10,10,10]
Right= [01,01,01,01,02,02,02]
^ ^ ^ ^ overlap/stitiching region.
The leftmost value of the left image would be 10
The rightmost value of the right image would be 1.
Now we interpolate linearly between 10 and 1 in 2 steps, our new stitching region looks as follows
stitch = [10, 07, 04, 01]
We end up with the following stitched line:
line = [11,11,11,10,07,04,01,02,02,02]
If you apply this to two complete images you should get a result similar to what you posted before.

How to find a random point in a quadrangle?

I have to be able to set a random location for a waypoint for a flight sim. The maths challenge is straightforward:
"To find a single random location within a quadrangle, where there's an equal chance of the point being at any location."
Visually like this:
An example ABCD quadrangle is:
A:[21417.78 37105.97]
B:[38197.32 24009.74]
C:[1364.19 2455.54]
D:[1227.77 37378.81]
Thanks in advance for any help you can provide. :-)
Thanks all for your replies. I'll be taking a look at this at the weekend and will award the accepted answer then. BTW I should have mentioned that the quadrangle can be CONVEX OR CONCAVE. Sry 'bout dat.
Split your quadrangle into two triangles and then use this excellent SO answer to quickly find a random point in one of them.
Borrowing this great link from Akusete on picking a random point in a triangle.
(from MathWorld - A Wolfram Web Resource:
Given a triangle with one vertex at
the origin and the others at positions v1
and v2, pick
(from MathWorld - A Wolfram Web Resource:
where A1
and A2 are uniform
variates in the interval [0,1] , which gives
points uniformly distributed in a
quadrilateral (left figure). The
points not in the triangle interior
can then either be discarded, or
transformed into the corresponding
point inside the triangle (right
I believe there are two suitable ways to solve this problem.
The first mentioned by other posters is to find the smallest bounding box that encloses the rectangle, then generate points in that box until you find a point which lies inside the rectangle.
Find Bounding box (x,y,width, height)
Pick Random Point x1,y1 with ranges [x to x+width] and [y to y+height]
while (x1 or y1 is no inside the quadrangle){
Select new x1,y1
Assuming your quadrangle area is Q and the bounding box is A, the probability that you would need to generate N pairs of points is 1-(Q/A)^N, which approaches 0 inverse exponentially.
I would reccommend the above approach, espesially in two dimensions. It is very fast to generate the points and test.
If you wanted a gaurentee of termination, then you can create an algorithm to only generate points within the quadrangle (easy) but you must ensure the probablity distribution of the points are even thoughout the quadrangle.
Gives a very good explination
The "brute force" approach is simply to loop through until you have a valid coordinate. In pseudocode:
left = min(pa.x, pb.x, pc.x, pd.x)
right = max(pa.x, pb.x, pc.x, pd.x)
bottom = min(pa.y, pb.y, pc.y, pd.y)
top = max(pa.y, pb.y, pc.y, pd.y)
do {
x = left + fmod(rand, right-left)
y = bottom + fmod(rand, top-bottom)
} while (!isin(x, y, pa, pb, pc, pd));
You can use a stock function pulled from the net for "isin". I realize that this isn't the fastest-executing thing in the world, but I think it'll work.
So, this time tackling how to figure out if a point is within the quad:
The four edges can be expressed as lines in y = mx + b form. Check if the point is above or below each of the four lines, and taken together you can figure out if it's inside or outside.
Are you allowed to just repeatedly try anywhere within the rectangle which bounds the quadrangle, until you get something within the quad? Might this even be faster than some fancy algorithm to ensure that you pick something within the quad?
Incidentally, in that problem statement, I think the use of the word "find" is confusing. You can't really find a random value that satisfies a condition; the randomizer just gives it to you. What you're trying to do is set parameters on the randomizer to give you values matching certain criteria.
I would divide your quadrangle into multiple figures, where each figure is a regular polygon with one side (or both sides) parallel to one of the axes. For eg, for the figure above, I would first find the maximum rectangle that fits inside the quadrangle, the rectangle has to be parallel to the X/Y axes. Then in the remaining area, I would fit triangles, such triangles will be adjacent to each side of the rectangle.
then it is simple to write a function:
1) get a figure at random.
2) find a random point in the figure.
If the figure chosen in #1 is a rectangle, it should be pretty easy to find a random point in it. The tricky part is to write a routine which can find a random point inside the triangle
You may randomly create points in a bound-in-box only stopping after you find one that it's inside your polygon.
Find the box that contains all the points of your polygon.
Create a random point inside the bounds of the previously box found. Use random functions to generate x and y values.
Check if that point is inside the polygon (See how here or here)
If that point is inside the polygon stop, you're done, if not go to step 2
So, it depends on how you want your distribution.
If you want the points randomly sampled in your 2d view space, then Jacob's answer is great. If you want the points to be sort of like a perspective view (in your example image, more density in top right than bottom left), then you can use bilinear interpolation.
Bilinear interpolation is pretty easy. Generate two random numbers s and t in the range [0..1]. Then if your input points are p0,p1,p2,p3 the bilinear interpolation is:
bilerp(s,t) = t*(s*p3+(1-s)*p2) + (1-t)*(s*p1+(1-s)*p0)
The main difference is whether you want your distribution to be uniform in your 2d space (Jacob's method) or uniform in parameter space.
This is an interesting problem and there's probably as really interesting answer, but in case you just want it to work, let me offer you something simple.
Here's the algorithm:
Pick a random point that is within the rectangle that bounds the quadrangle.
If it is not within the quadrangle (or whatever shape), repeat.
I updated the first step to mention the bounding box, per Bart K.'s suggestion.

