Polymorphic Performance Hit - c#

I'm modelling some classes to represents units of measure in C#. For example, I have Millimeters and Inches modelled, with a IDistanceUnit interface and a base DistanceUnit class providing common implementation details.
There are basic arithmetic functions, defined as such, in each of the concrete classes:
public class Inches :
INumericUnit<Inches, IDistanceUnit>
// ... snip ...
public Inches Add(IDistanceUnit unit)
return new Inches(Value + unit.ToInches().Value);
// ... snip ...
Benchmarking 10,000,000 additions of different values converted to Inches and Millimeters has a small but acceptable performance hit. Raw doubles performing the conversion manually takes about 70-100ms, where the classes take about 700-1000ms.
I can abstract the details down into the DistanceUnit base class and remove some unnecessary duplication:
public abstract class DistanceUnit<TConcrete>
INumericUnit<TConcrete, IDistanceUnit>
where TConcrete :
INumericUnit<TConcrete, IDistanceUnit>,
// ... snip ...
public TConcrete Add(IDistanceUnit unit)
TConcrete result = new TConcrete();
reuslt.Value = Value + ToThis(unit).Value();
return result;
// ... snip ...
// ToThis() calls the correct "ToXYZ()" for the current implementing class
This drops my performance by at least another factor of 10. I'm seeing around 8000ms, just from moving the implementation into the base class, compared to 800ms.
I've ruled out a few things from manual testing:
The switch to using ToThis(IDistanceUnit) shows no noticeable
performance hit when used in the concrete class instead of the direct
call to "ToInches" or "ToMillimeters"
Creating the object with a parameterless constructor ( new TConcrete() ) and assigning
the value later has at worst a couple milliseconds of performance hit over 10,000,000
I'm using the following code to benchmark my results:
int size = 10000000;
double[] mms = new double[size];
double[] inches = new double[size];
// Fill in some arbitrary test values
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
mms[i] = i;
inches[i] = i;
Benchmark("Manual Conversion", () =>
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
var result = mms[i] + (inches[i] * 25.4);
Benchmark("Unit Classes", () =>
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
var result = (new Millimeters(mms[i])) + (new Inches(inches[i]));
Where Benchmark just calls a stopwatch around the provided Action and prints out the time elapsed in milliseconds.
The only thing that appears to be causing a major difference is the movement of the Add function from the concrete classes to the abstract base class, but I don't understand why I would have a nearly 10x performance drop from just that. Can anybody explain this to me (and if possible, suggest a way to get a better speed without resorting to code duplication)?

For the first perfomance hit as i said in comments, I need to know some implementation details:
ToInches() method, ToThis() method, the type or code of Value property.
For the second perfomance hit, the most likely reason is the you use new() constrain for base class and use TConcrete result = new TConcrete();
Compiler generates Activator.CreateInstance<TConcrete>() in this case, this method uses reflection under the hood and is slow. In case you have millions of instantiations it will decrease performance for sure. Here you can find some benchmarks from Jon Skeet.
If you use >= 3.5 framework you can use expression trees to build fast generic instantiation of objects in your base class:
private static Func<TConcrete> _createFunc;
private static TConcrete CreateNew()
if (_func == null)
_createFunc = Expression.Lambda<Func<TConcrete>>(Expression.New(typeof (TConcrete))).Compile();
return _createFunc.Invoke();
public TConcrete Add(IDistanceUnit unit)
TConcrete result = CreateNew();
result.Value = Value + ToThis(unit).Value();
return result;


Does C# have pointers to members like in C++?

In C++, you could write the following code:
int Animal::*pAge= &Animal::age;
Animal a;
a.*pAge = 50;
Is there similar functionality in C#?
Edit: To clarify, I am not asking about pointers. I am asking about "pointers to members", a feature found in C++ that is used with the .* and ->* operators.
Edit 2: Here is an example of a use case for members to pointers.
Let's say we have the following class:
class Animal
int age;
int height;
int weight;
And let's say that we want to write methods that will find the average age/height/weight/etc. of all Animals in an array. We could then do this:
int averageAge(Animal[] animals)
double average = 0;
for (…)
average += animals[i].age;
return average/animals.length;
int averageHeight(Animal[] animals)
//code here again
int averageWeight(Animal[] animals)
//code here again
We would end up copying and pasting a lot of code here, and if our algorithm for finding the average changed, we would encounter a maintenance nightmare. Thus, we want an abstraction of this process for any member. Consider something like this:
int averageAttribute(Animal[] animals, Func<Animal, int> getter)
double average = 0;
for (…)
average += getter(animals[i]);
return average/animals.length;
which we could then call with
averageAttribute(animals, (animal) => animal.age);
or something similar. However, using delegates is slower than it has to be; we are using an entire function just to return the value at a certain location in the Animal struct. In C++, members to pointers allow you to do pointer math (not the right term but I can't think of a better term) on structs. Just as you can say
int p_fourthAnimal = 3;
(animals + p_fourthAnimal)*
to get the value so many bytes ahead of the pointer stored in the variable animals, in C++, you could say
int Animal::* p_age = &Animal::age;
animal.*p_age //(animal + [the appropriate offset])*
to get the value so many bytes ahead of the pointer stored in the variable animal; conceptually, the compiler will turn animal.*p_age into (animal + [the appropriate offset])*. Thus, we could declare our averageAttribute as this instead:
int averageAttribute(Animal[] animals, Animal::* member)
double average = 0;
for (…)
average += animals[i].*member; //(animals[i] + [offset])*
return average/animals.length;
which we could then call with
averageAttribute(animals, &Animal::age);
In summary, pointers to members allow you to abstract a method such as our averageAttribute to all members of a struct without having to copy and paste code. While a delegate can achieve the same functionality, it is a rather inefficient way to get a member of a struct if you know you do not actually need the freedom allotted to you by a function, and there could even be edge use cases in which a delegate does not suffice, but I could not give any examples of such use cases. Does C# have similar functionality?
As other people have commented here, delegates are the way to achieve this in C#.
While a delegate can achieve the same functionality, it is a rather
inefficient way to get a member of a struct if you know you do not
actually need the freedom allotted to you by a function
It depends how the compiler and runtime implement that delegate. They could very well see that this is a trivial function and optimize the call away, like they do for trivial getters and setters. In F# for instance you can achieve this:
type Animal = { Age : int }
let getAge (animal:Animal) =
let inline average (prop:Animal->int) (animals:Animal[]) =
let mutable avg = 0.
for animal in animals do
avg <- avg + float(prop(animal)) // no function call in the assembly here when calling averageAge
avg / (float(animals.Length))
let averageAge = average getAge
You can get the same behaviour using delegates but that's not the same thing as delegates are pointers to functions in C++. What you're trying to achieve is possible in C# but not in the way you're doing in C++.
I think about a solution using Func:
public class Animal
public int Age { get; set; }
public int Height { get; set; }
public double Weight { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public static double AverageAttributeDelegates(List<Animal> animals, Func<Animal, int> getter)
double average = 0;
foreach(Animal animal in animals)
average += getter(animal);
return average/animals.Count;
List<Animal> animals = new List<Animal> { new Animal { Age = 1, Height = 2, Weight = 2.5, Name = "a" }, new Animal { Age = 3, Height = 1, Weight = 3.5, Name = "b" } };
Animal.AverageAttributeDelegates(animals, x => x.Age); //2
Animal.AverageAttributeDelegates(animals, x => x.Height); //1.5
It's working but you are bound to the int type of the property since the func is declared as Func<Animal, int>. You could set to object and handle the cast:
public static double AverageAttributeDelegates2(List<Animal> animals, Func<Animal, object> getter)
double average = 0;
foreach(Animal animal in animals)
int value = 0;
object rawValue = getter(animal);
//Handle the cast of the value
value = Convert.ToInt32(rawValue);
average += value;
return average/animals.Count;
Animal.AverageAttributeDelegates2(animals, x => x.Height).Dump(); //1.5
Animal.AverageAttributeDelegates2(animals, x => x.Weight).Dump(); //3
Animal.AverageAttributeDelegates2(animals, x => x.Name).Dump(); //0
no, c# doesn't have a feature to point into (reference) object's members the way c++ does.
but why?
A pointer is considered unsafe. And even in unsafe area you cannot point to a reference or to a struct that contains references, because an object reference can be garbage collected even if a pointer is pointing to it. The garbage collector does not keep track of whether an object is being pointed to by any pointer types.
you mentioned a lot of duplicate code is used to implement it the non-pointer way, which isn't true.
Speed depends on how well the JIT compiles it, but you didn't test?
if you really run into performance problems, you need to think about your data structures and less about a certain way to access members.
If think the amount of comments under your Q shows, that you did not really hit a commonly accepted drawback of c#
var Animals = new Animal[100];
//fill array
var AvgAnimal = new Animal() {
age = (int)Animals.Average(a => a.age ),
height = (int)Animals.Average(a => a.height),
weight = (int)Animals.Average(a => a.weight)
the unsafe area of c# serves some ways access members by pointer, but only to value types like single structs and not for an array of structs.
struct CoOrds
public int x;
public int y;
class AccessMembers
static void Main()
CoOrds home;
CoOrds* p = &home;
p->x = 25;
p->y = 12;
System.Console.WriteLine("The coordinates are: x={0}, y={1}", p->x, p->y );

Why are structs slower than classes?

I'm creating a C# console-app. I have some critical paths and thought that creating structs would be faster than creating classes since I would not need garbage collection for structs. In my test however I found the opposite.
In the test below, I create 1000 structs and 1000 classes.
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
int iterations = 1000;
Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();
List<Struct22> structures = new List<Struct22>();
for (int i = 0; i < iterations; ++i)
structures.Add(new Struct22());
Console.WriteLine($"Struct creation consumed {sw.ElapsedTicks} ticks");
Stopwatch sw2 = new Stopwatch();
List<Class33> classes = new List<Class33>();
for (int i = 0; i < iterations; ++i)
classes.Add(new Class33());
Console.WriteLine($"Class creation consumed {sw2.ElapsedTicks} ticks");
My classe / struct are simple:
class Class33
public int Property { get; set; }
public int Field;
public void Method() { }
struct Struct22
public int Property { get; set; }
public int Field;
public void Method() { }
Results (drum roll please...)
Struct creating consuming 3038 ticks
Class creating consuming 404 ticks
So the question is: Why would it take close to 10x the amount of time for a Class than it does for a Struct ?
EDIT. I made the Program "Do something" by just assigning integers to the properties.
static void Main(string[] args)
int iterations = 10000000;
Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();
List<Struct22> structures = new List<Struct22>();
for (int i = 0; i < iterations; ++i)
Struct22 s = new Struct22()
Property = 2,
Field = 3
Console.WriteLine($"Struct creating consuming {sw.ElapsedTicks} ticks");
Stopwatch sw2 = new Stopwatch();
List<Class33> classes = new List<Class33>();
for (int i = 0; i < iterations; ++i)
Class33 c = new Class33()
Property = 2,
Field = 3
Console.WriteLine($"Class creating consuming {sw2.ElapsedTicks} ticks");
and the result is astounding to me. Classes are still at least 2x but the simple fact of assigning integers had a 20x impact!
Struct creating consuming 903456 ticks
Class creating consuming 4345929 ticks
EDIT: I removed references to Methods so there are no reference types in my Class or Struct:
class Class33
public int Property { get; set; }
public int Field;
struct Struct22
public int Property { get; set; }
public int Field;
The performance difference can probably (or at least in part) be explained by a simple example.
For structures.Add(new Struct22()); this is what really happens:
A Struct22 is created and intialized.
The Add method is called, but it receives a copy because the item is a value type.
So calling Add in this case has overhead, incurred by making a new Struct22 and copying all fields and properties into it from the original.
To demonstrate, not focusing on speed but on the fact that copying takes place:
private static void StructDemo()
List<Struct22> list = new List<Struct22>();
Struct22 s1 = new Struct22() { Property = 2, Field = 3 }; // #1
list.Add(s1); // This creates copy #2
Struct22 s3 = list[0]; // This creates copy #3
// Change properties:
s1.Property = 777;
// list[0].Property = 888; <-- Compile error, NOT possible
s3.Property = 999;
Console.WriteLine("s1.Property = " + s1.Property);
Console.WriteLine("list[0].Property = " + list[0].Property);
Console.WriteLine("s3.Property = " + s3.Property);
This will be the output, proving that both Add() and the use of list[0] caused copies to be made:
s1.Property = 777
list[0].Property = 2
s3.Property = 999
Let this be a reminder that the behaviour of structs can be substantially different compared to objects, and that performance should be just one aspect when deciding what to use.
As commented, deciding on struct vs class has many considerations. I have not seen many people concerned with instantiation as it is usually a very small part of the performance impact based on this descision.
I ran a few tests with your code and found it interesting that as the number of instances increases the struct is faster.
I cant answer your question as it appears that your assertion is not true. Classes do not always instantiate faster than Structs. Everything I have read states the opposite, but your test produces the interesting results you mentioned.
There are tools you can use to really dig in and try to find out why you get the results you do.
Struct creation consumed 2333 ticks
Class creation consumed 1616 ticks
Struct creation consumed 5672 ticks
Class creation consumed 8459 ticks
Struct creation consumed 73462 ticks
Class creation consumed 221704 ticks
List<T> stores T objects in internal Array.
Each time when the limit of capacity is reached, new double sized internal array is created and all values from old array are copied ...
When you create an empty List and try to populate it 1000 times, internal array recreated and copied about 10 times.
So in Your example classes could create slower, but each time when new array is created, List should copy only references to objects in case of List of Class, and all structure data in case of List of Struct ...
Try to create List with initial capacity initialized, for your code it should be:
new List<Struct22>(1000)
in this case internal array wont be recreated and structure case will work much faster

Functionally pure dice rolls in C#

I am writing a dice-based game in C#. I want all of my game-logic to be pure, so I have devised a dice-roll generator like this:
public static IEnumerable<int> CreateDiceStream(int seed)
var random = new Random(seed);
while (true)
yield return 1 + random.Next(5);
Now I can use this in my game logic:
var playerRolls = players.Zip(diceRolls, (player, roll) => Tuple.Create(player, roll));
The problem is that the next time I take from diceRolls I want to skip the rolls that I have already taken:
var secondPlayerRolls = players.Zip(
(player, roll) => Tuple.Create(player, roll));
This is already quite ugly and error prone. It doesn't scale well as the code becomes more complex.
It also means that I have to be careful when using a dice roll sequence between functions:
var x = DoSomeGameLogic(diceRolls);
var nextRoll = diceRolls.Skip(x.NumberOfDiceRollsUsed).First();
Is there a good design pattern that I should be using here?
Note that it is important that my functions remain pure due to syncronisation and play-back requirements.
This question is not about correctly initializing System.Random. Please read what I have written, and leave a comment if it is unclear.
That's a very nice puzzle.
Since manipulating diceRolls's state is out of the question (otherwise, we'd have those sync and replaying issues you mentioned), we need an operation which returns both (a) the values to be consumed and (b) a new diceRolls enumerable which starts after the consumed items.
My suggestion would be to use the return value for (a) and an out parameter for (b):
static IEnumerable<int> Consume(this IEnumerable<int> rolls, int count, out IEnumerable<int> remainder)
remainder = rolls.Skip(count);
return rolls.Take(count);
var firstRolls = diceRolls.Consume(players.Count(), out diceRolls);
var secondRolls = diceRolls.Consume(players.Count(), out diceRolls);
DoSomeGameLogic would use Consume internally and return the remaining rolls. Thus, it would need to be called as follows:
var x = DoSomeGameLogic(diceRolls, out diceRolls);
// or
var x = DoSomeGameLogic(ref diceRolls);
// or
x = DoSomeGameLogic(diceRolls);
diceRolls = x.RemainingDiceRolls;
The "classic" way to implement pure random generators is to use a specialized form of a state monad (more explanation here), which wraps the carrying around of the current state of the generator. So, instead of implementing (note that my C# is quite rusty, so please consider this as pseudocode):
Int Next() {
nextState, nextValue = NextRandom(globalState);
globalState = nextState;
return nextValue;
you define something like this:
class Random<T> {
private Func<Int, Tuple<Int, T>> transition;
private Tuple<Int, Int> NextRandom(Int state) { ... whatever, see below ... }
public static Random<A> Unit<A>(A a) {
return new Random<A>(s => Tuple(s, a));
public static Random<Int> GetRandom() {
return new Random<Int>(s => nextRandom(s));
public Random<U> SelectMany(Func<T, Random<U>> f) {
return new Random(s => {
nextS, a = this.transition(s);
return f(a).transition(nextS);
public T Run(Int seed) {
return this.transition(seed);
Which should be usable with LINQ, if I did everything right:
// player1 = bla, player2 = blub, ...
Random<Tuple<Player, Int>> playerOneRoll = from roll in GetRandom()
select Tuple(player1, roll);
Random<Tuple<Player, Int>> playerTwoRoll = from roll in GetRandom()
select Tuple(player2, roll);
Random<List<Tuple<Player, Int>>> randomRolls = from t1 in playerOneRoll
from t2 in playerTwoRoll
select List(t1, t2);
var actualRolls = randomRolls.Run(234324);
etc., possibly using some combinators. The trick here is to represent the whole "random action" parametrized by the current input state; but this is also the problem, since you'd need a good implementation of NextRandom.
It would be nice if you could just reuse the internals of the .NET Random implementation, but as it seems, you cannot access its internal state. However, I'm sure there are enough sufficiently good PRNG state functions around on the internet (this one looks good; you might have to change the state type).
Another disadvantage of monads is that once you start working in them (ie, construct things in Random), you need to "carry that though" the whole control flow, up to the top level, at which you should call Run once and for all. This is something one needs to get use to, and is more tedious in C# than functional languages optimized for such things.

Print Numbers from 1 to 1000 using oops concept

How to print numbers from 1 to 1000 using oops concepts (i.e) without using loops, array and recursion
Since you mentioned the OOP concepts, one of which is encapsulation. You don't care about the implementation details when the method gets the job done.
Almost all linq extension methods use loops (Actually differed Iterators) in their implementation, it is easy not to realize that because it is a details encapsulated in the implementation.
To answer your question, the only way to do that without a loop is to write the WriteLine call 1000 times.
In OOP, you create a class to encapsulate the logic and then use it:
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
(new RangePrinter).PrintRange(1, 1001);
No loops right ? Actually the loop is encapsulated in the implementation.
class RangePrinter
/* Injecting the Write target is skipped for simplicity */
public void PrintRange(int lowerBound, int upperBound)
for(int i = lowerBound; i < upperBound; i++)
The same applies when you use Enumerable (aka Linq extension methods):
Enumerable.Range(1, 1000).ToList().ForEach(x=> { Console.WriteLine(x); });
Here how the .NET Framework team implements the Range Internal Method:
static IEnumerable<int> RangeIterator(int start, int count) {
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) yield return start + i;
Conclusion, when you need to do repetitive work then you need a loop. Any C# API that iterates over a collection (Linq's Where, Select, etc..) uses a loop. Loops are not bad unless the are not needed or they are nested when there is alternative approaches.
Just for fun, if this is meant to be a puzzle (forget the OOP requirement part), then you can do this:
string oneToThousand = #"1\r\n2\r\n3\r\n4\r\n5\r\n6\r\n7\r\n8\r\n9\r\n10\r\n11\r\n12\r\n13\r\n14\r\n15\r\n16\r\n17\r\n18\r\n19\r\n20\r\n" +
"21\r\n22\r\n23\r\n24\r\n25\r\n26\r\n27\r\n28\r\n29\r\n30\r\n31\r\n32\r\n33\r\n34\r\n35\r\n36\r\n37\r\n38\r\n39\r\n40\r\n" +
"41\r\n42\r\n43\r\n44\r\n45\r\n46\r\n47\r\n48\r\n49\r\n50\r\n51\r\n52\r\n53\r\n54\r\n55\r\n56\r\n57\r\n58\r\n59\r\n60\r\n" +
"61\r\n62\r\n63\r\n64\r\n65\r\n66\r\n67\r\n68\r\n69\r\n70\r\n71\r\n72\r\n73\r\n74\r\n75\r\n76\r\n77\r\n78\r\n79\r\n80\r\n" +
/* Continue to 1000 */
A recursive function (DEF) is a function which either calls itself or is in a potential cycle of function calls. As the definition specifies, there are two types of recursive functions. Consider a function which calls itself: we call this type of recursion immediate recursion.
public static void PrintTo(int number)
if (number == 0)
PrintTo(number - 1);
static void Main(string[] args)

as3 to c# porting a function within function?

I'm trying to port some AS3 code to C#(.NET) the majority of it has been done (90%) however I have run into a few problems in terms of Functions in Functions and functions being defined as Functions (I hope i'm understanding it correctly). I have done a lot of searching and the main thing that comes up is delegates and lambda's however trying to implement them is proving difficult for me to do. Seen as quiet a few sections are the same in layout ill just post a generic example of the AS3 code and hopefully can then apply any solution to the rest.
Here is the AS3 code:
static public function makeRadial(seed:int):Function {
var islandRandom:PM_PRNG = new PM_PRNG();
islandRandom.seed = seed;
var bumps:int = islandRandom.nextIntRange(1, 6);
var startAngle:Number = islandRandom.nextDoubleRange(0, 2*Math.PI);
var dipAngle:Number = islandRandom.nextDoubleRange(0, 2*Math.PI);
var dipWidth:Number = islandRandom.nextDoubleRange(0.2, 0.7);
function inside(q:Point):Boolean {
var angle:Number = Math.atan2(q.y, q.x);
var length:Number = 0.5 * (Math.max(Math.abs(q.x), Math.abs(q.y)) + q.length);
var r1:Number = 0.5 + 0.40*Math.sin(startAngle + bumps*angle + Math.cos((bumps+3)*angle));
var r2:Number = 0.7 - 0.20*Math.sin(startAngle + bumps*angle - Math.sin((bumps+2)*angle));
if (Math.abs(angle - dipAngle) < dipWidth
|| Math.abs(angle - dipAngle + 2*Math.PI) < dipWidth
|| Math.abs(angle - dipAngle - 2*Math.PI) < dipWidth) {
r1 = r2 = 0.2;
return (length < r1 || (length > r1*ISLAND_FACTOR && length < r2));
return inside;
In the AS3 code I don't understand the reasoning behind the ":Function" in the main function "static public function makeShape(seed:int):Function". I did search about it but was unable to find an example or explanation perhaps i'm not typing the correct meaning for it.
If anyone could help me with this problem by giving an example or pointing me closer in the direction I need to go I would be very grateful.
Thanks for your time.
The most direct translation would be to return a delegate. In this case, the generic Func<Point, bool> delegate would be sufficient. It's pretty easy to create these in C# using lambda expressions:
static public Func<Point, bool> makeShape(int seed) {
// initialization here
Func<Point, bool> inside = (Point q) => {
// some math here
return (myCondition);
return inside;
Although you can define your own delegate type if you prefer:
public delegate bool ShapeTester(Point point);
static public ShapeTester makeShape(int seed) {
// initialization here
ShapeTester inside = (Point q) => {
// some math here
return (myCondition);
return inside;
Another approach, but one which would require quite a bit more effort in refactoring, would be to encapsulate all the logic of what makes up 'shape' into a distinct type, for example:
public class Shape
public Shape(int seed)
// initialization here
public bool Test(Point q)
// some math here
return (myCondition);
And then return an instance of this type from your makeShape method:
static public Shape makeShape(int seed) {
return new Shape(seed);
And elsewhere you'd need to call the test method on the resulting object. Depending the specific you're developing, you may make more since if Shape is actually be an interface (IShape) or a struct. But in any case, using this approach, traditional OOP design principles (inheritance, polymorphism, etc.) should be followed.

