I'm working on a driver for a scanner. Got dll and header files from provider, aside of a manual in PDF, written in native C++ (dont have source code). Need to use it within a C# project but I'm having problems with the structs (either trying to read or send them).
I got the dll methods using the Command Prompt, demangling them in a website (since it has +100). Of course, I wont use all of them, just the ones I need. Didn't have problems with the ones using primitive data types, in fact, made the scanner turn on/off, scan and such.
My main problem is the following: I need to set some parameters, because with the default ones I'm not getting the needed info (and that's the MOST important thing I need, actually). The only way to do it is with a method that include 2 params: the ID (just an int) and the setting (an struct). That struct has internally not one, but 2 different structs instances (and one of them is an array, within another kind of struct as one of the params). In other words, gonna need to work with 4 different structs.
I declared all my structs, following the template provided in the .h file, and inmported the method. When I try to do a test it keeps giving me an error. I believe the problem is the array of structs. I tried with a normal passing, Marshaling, using a pin to array, changing data type, adding a "MarshalAs" with all bool vars... nothing seems to work.
Been trying to solve this for days already. Dont know what am I doing wrong (because this is my first time importing methods). I read about the C++/Cli thing but never worked with that either.
See code below (I kinda modified a little because of confidentiality of the information)
This is how is defined in the .h file (C++)
// The structs (won't add all parameters, but are basically the same type)
typedef struct _ImParam
UINT Format;
UINT Resolution;
UINT ColorDepth;
typedef struct _sValues
UINT Xpos;
UINT Ypos;
UINT Width;
UINT Height;
BOOL Milli;
typedef struct _sProperties
BOOL Enable;
S_VALUES Properties;
typedef struct _DevParam
BOOL Enable;
UINT Font;
char Symbol;
IM_PARAM Image1;
IM_PARAM Image2;
S_PROPERTIES Properties[10];
UINT FeedMode;
} DevParam;
// more code, comments, etc. etc.
// This is how is defined
BOOL SetParameters( DWORD ID, DevParams DParam )
This is how I build the structs in C#
public struct ImParam
public uint Format;
public uint Resolution;
public uint ColorDepth;
public ImParam(uint n)
Format = n;
Resolution = 300;
ColorDepth = 256;
public struct sValues
public uint Xpos;
public uint Ypos;
public uint Width;
public uint Height;
public bool Milli;
public sValues(uint n)
Xpos = n;
Ypos = n;
Width = n;
Height = n;
Milli = false;
public struct sProperties
public bool Enable;
public sValues Properties;
public sProperties(int n)
Enable = false;
Front = false;
Properties = new sValues(n);
// Commented code is from another attemp
public struct DevParam
public bool Enable;
public uint Font;
public char Symbol;
public ImParam Image1;
public ImParam Image2;
public IntPtr Properties;
//public sProperties[] Properties;
public uint FeedMode;
public DeviceParameters(IntPtr SnP) //(int n)
Enable = true;
Font = 0;
Symbol = '?';
Image1 = new ImParam(3);
Image2 = new ImParam(3);
Properties = SnP;
/*Properties = new sProperties[n];
*for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
* Properties[i] = new sProperties(0);*/
FeedMode = 1;
// .dll file path definition, some methods imported, etc. etc.
[DllImport(path, EntryPoint = "?SetParameters##YGHKU_DevParam###Z")]
public static extern bool SetParameters(int ID, DevParam dParam);
And this is when I do call it (added commented code to show you my attemps)
static void Main(string[] args)
bool res = false;
int ID;
sProperties[] SnP = new sProperties[10];
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
SnP[i] = new sProperties(0);
// Some code to turn on scanner, get ID value and such
/* Attemp1: Passing the struct normaly.
* Result: ArgumentException [HRESULT: 0x80070057 (E_INVALIDARG))]
* try
* {
* DevParam dParam = new DevParam(10);
* res = Class1.SetParameters(ID, dParam);
* Console.WriteLine(res);
* }
* catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); }*/
/* Attemp2: Marshaling each element of the array.
* Result: The managed PInvoke signature doesnt mach the destination one
* int S = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(sProperties));
* DevParam dParam = new DevParam(Marshal.AllocHGlobal(SnP.Length*S));
* IntPtr ptr = dParam.Properties;
* for (int i = 0; i < SnP.Length; i++)
* {
* Marshal.StructureToPtr(SnP[i], ptr, false);
* ptr += S;
* }
* try
* {
* res = Class1.SetDevParam(ID, dParam);
* Console.WriteLine(res);
* }
* finally { Marshal.FreeHGlobal(dParam.sProperties); }*/
/* Attemp3: Adding a Pin Pointer to struct
* Result: Exception (Object has no primitive data and it can't
* be transfered into bits blocks) */
GCHandle SpHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(SnP, GCHandleType.Pinned);
DevParam dParam = new DevParam(SpHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject());
res = Class1.SetParameters(ID, dParam);
catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); }
finally { SpHandle.Free(); }
// More code for testing other methods and blahblahblah
catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); }
What do I expect? Getting just a boolean result to see if method executed sucessfully (and of course, if true, scanner should have defined the new parameters)
What do I get? A bunch of exceptions.
Please, any help would be great. Thanks in advance.
PD: Sorry for that long post.
PD2: I'm quite rockie, so please try to explain it "for dummies"
Thanks Hans. Seems it worked!
Just modiffied the struct as suggested:
public struct DevParam
public bool Enable;
public uint Font;
public char Symbol;
public ImParam Image1;
public ImParam Image2;
//public IntPtr Properties;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 10)]
public sProperties[] Properties;
public uint FeedMode;
public DeviceParameters(int n) //(IntPtr SnP)
Enable = true;
Font = 0;
Symbol = '?';
Image1 = new ImParam(3);
Image2 = new ImParam(3);
//Properties = SnP;
Properties = new sProperties[n];
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
Properties[i] = new sProperties(0);
FeedMode = 1;
And used the "Attemp1" code.
I am having the most difficult time marshaling this struct between C# and C++.
What makes it very hard to troubleshoot is that SOMETIMES the strings are populated with data (wtf), but most of the time they are not.
I've tried sending over an Array of structs as well as a IntPtr, but the results are similar, the strings in the struct are almost always empty and I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong in the marshaling. The code is posted below. Any help would be appreciated.
Turns out the problem was on the C++ side and all the marshaling stuff was correct. Thanks for the tip Hans. ***
#pragma pack (push, 1)
typedef struct
char FirmwareVers[FS_MAX_FIRMWARE_VER];
char SerialNum[FS_MAX_SERIAL_NUM];
char HardwareVers[FS_MAX_HW_VER];
ULONG StatusFlags;
int LMIndex;
DllExport int _stdcall FS_GetLMs(PFS_LMON_STATUS pLaunchMonInfo, int MaxLaunchMons, int *pNumLaunchMons)
int Cnt;
*pNumLaunchMons = 0;
if(MaxLaunchMons == 0)
return FS_ERROR;
for(Cnt = 0; Cnt < MAX_LM_CONNECTIONS; Cnt++)
if(g_CreatedClasses.pLMList->GetLMStatus(Cnt, &LMStatus) != FS_SUCCESS)
if(LMStatus.LMIndex != INVALID_LM_INDEX)
memcpy(pLaunchMonInfo, &LMStatus, sizeof(LMStatus));
if(MaxLaunchMons == 0)
return FS_SUCCESS;
return FS_SUCCESS;
[DllImport("FSADLL", SetLastError = false)]
private static extern int FS_GetLMs([Out] IntPtr pLaunchMonInfo, int MaxLaunchMons, ref int pNumLaunchMons);
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)] //, Size = 38)]
public struct FS_LMON_STATUS
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = FS_MAX_FIRMWARE_VER)] //10 bytes
public string FirmwareVers;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = FS_MAX_SERIAL_NUM)] // 15 bytes
public string SerialNum;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = FS_MAX_HW_VER)] // 5 bytes
public string HardwareVers;
public uint StatusFlags; //4 bytes
public int LMIndex; // identifies which index //4 bytes
const int max_launch_monitors = 8;
FS_LMON_STATUS[] dev_info = new FS_LMON_STATUS[max_launch_monitors];
int num_launch_monitors = 0;
IntPtr pAddr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(max_launch_monitors * Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(FS_LMON_STATUS)));
Marshal.StructureToPtr(dev_info, pAddr, false);
int result = FS_GetLMs(pAddr, max_launch_monitors, ref num_launch_monitors);
UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Result of FS_GetLMs: " + result);
FS_LMON_STATUS[] device_info = new FS_LMON_STATUS[max_launch_monitors];
//Marshal.Copy(pAddr, device_info, (int)0, num_launch_monitors * (int)Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(FS_LMON_STATUS)));
//Marshal.ReadIntPtr(pAddr, 0);
//device_info = (FS_LMON_STATUS[]) Marshal.PtrToStructure(Marshal.AllocHGlobal(max_launch_monitors * Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(FS_LMON_STATUS[]))), typeof(FS_LMON_STATUS[]));
if (num_launch_monitors > 0)
UnityEngine.Debug.Log("GC2 Device Found.");
else // If there is no devices found, remove the previous device from the holder variable
GC2Device = null;
for (int i = 0; i < num_launch_monitors; i++)
device_info[i] = (FS_LMON_STATUS)Marshal.PtrToStructure(pAddr, typeof(FS_LMON_STATUS));
pAddr = new IntPtr(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(FS_LMON_STATUS)) + pAddr.ToInt64());
//*** There will only ever be 1 device in the list until the old SDK is fixed ***
for (int lm_index = 0; lm_index < num_launch_monitors; lm_index++)
if (device_info[lm_index].StatusFlags != LM_STATUS_DISCONNECTED)
UnityEngine.Debug.Log("device_info.SerialNum: " + device_info[lm_index].SerialNum);
//assign each LM to a LM data structure
LaunchMonitor logical_device = new LaunchMonitor(inst);
logical_device.mLaunchMonitorType = LaunchMonitorType.LAUNCH_MONITOR_TYPE_GC2;
logical_device.mConnectionType = ConnectionType.USB_CONNECTION;
IntPtr pnt = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(device_info[lm_index]));
Marshal.StructureToPtr(device_info[lm_index], pnt, false);
//Marshal.Copy(device_info[lm_index], dv_info, 0, (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(FS_LMON_STATUS)));
logical_device.mConnectionToken = pnt;
logical_device.Serial = logical_device.GetSerialNumber();
GC2Device = logical_device;
Turns out the problem was on the C++ side and all the marshaling stuff was correct. Thanks for the tip Hans.
I have this school assignment where we are required to make a DLL based on some a Win32 sound player/recorder and then tie it into a C# application we already made that edits sound files. I have it so if you record with the DLL it puts the recorded sound file into the main program using Marshal.Copy to copy the unmanaged byte[] from the DLL to a managed byte[] in the main program which then converts the values into shorts, which works perfectly fine. However, I would also like to do the reverse. That is to say, I would like to be able to pass a byte[] into the DLL to be played, since it currently only plays the sounds that it recorded. I looked through the documentation on the Marshal class and didn't find anything useful so I'm not sure how to go about doing this. This program is quite massive so far so I'll try to only post the relevant code. The set up I have in the DLL uses an invisible CallBack window that handles the WIM and WOM messages sent by the functions that are called outside the DLL.
The Main Program:
[DllImport("RecordDll.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
public static extern IntPtr getBytes();
[DllImport("RecordDll.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
public static extern int getNumBytes();
//I thought I could use something like this to set it
[DllImport("RecordDll.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
public static extern void setBytes(IntPtr wav);
short[] storedRecording;
//Constructor plus a ton of other irrelevant stuff here
private void RecordStart_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){
RecordStart.Enabled = false;
PlayStart.Enabled = false;
Stop.Enabled = true;
RecordStatus.Text = "";
recordStart(); //DLL function
private void StopRecord_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){
recordEnd(); //DLL function
int numBytes = getNumBytes();
byte[] byteArr = new Byte[numBytes];
storedRecording = new short[numBytes];
Marshal.Copy(getBytes(), byteArr, 0, numBytes);
for (int i = 0; i < numBytes; i++)
storedRecording[i] = byteArr[i];
RecordStatus.Text = "Recording loaded.";
private void PlayStart_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){
PlayStart.Enabled = false;
PlayPause.Enabled = true;
Stop.Enabled = true;
RecordStatus.Text = "";
if(storedRecording != null){
//convert the array to an unmanaged byte[] somehow?
//then call setBytes with that byte[]?
playBegin(); //DLL function
The Relevant Fucntions From The Record/Play DLL:
static PBYTE* pSaveBuffer;
__declspec(dllexport) BOOL CALLBACK playBegin() {
// Open waveform audio for output
waveform.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM;
waveform.nChannels = 1;
waveform.nSamplesPerSec = 11025;
waveform.nAvgBytesPerSec = 11025;
waveform.nBlockAlign = 1;
waveform.wBitsPerSample = 8;
waveform.cbSize = 0;
if (waveOutOpen(&hWaveOut, WAVE_MAPPER, &waveform,
MessageBox(myHwnd, szOpenError, szAppName,
return TRUE;
__declspec(dllexport) PBYTE* CALLBACK getBytes() {
return pSaveBuffer;
__declspec(dllexport) int CALLBACK getNumBytes() {
return dwDataLength;
From The WinProc That Is Used To Handle The waveOutOpen Message Sent To The CallbackWindow In The DLL:
// Set up header
pWaveHdr1->lpData = (LPSTR)*pSaveBuffer;
pWaveHdr1->dwBufferLength = dwDataLength;
pWaveHdr1->dwBytesRecorded = 0;
pWaveHdr1->dwUser = 0;
pWaveHdr1->dwLoops = dwRepetitions;
pWaveHdr1->lpNext = NULL;
pWaveHdr1->reserved = 0;
// Prepare and write
waveOutPrepareHeader(hWaveOut, pWaveHdr1, sizeof(WAVEHDR));
waveOutWrite(hWaveOut, pWaveHdr1, sizeof(WAVEHDR));
bEnding = FALSE;
bPlaying = TRUE;
return 0;
Hopefully that communicates sort of how it works. Despite the huge amount of code, I'm pretty sure the problem is a small one. I just need to be able to set *pSaveBuffer to contain the data from the main program. I have a feeling this could be done by converting the managed array to an unmanaged array, but like I said I have no idea if that's even possible or not. Any help with this problem would be greatly appreciated!
I am trying to find a way of printing images to a zebra and having a lot of trouble.
According to the docs:
The first encoding, known as B64, encodes the data using the MIME
Base64 scheme. Base64 is used to encode e-mail atachedments ...
Base64 encodes six bits to the byte, for an expantion of 33 percent
over the un-enclosed data. The second encoding, known as Z64,
first compresses the data using the LZ77 algorithm to reduce its size.
(This algorithm is used by the PKZIP and is intergral to the PNG
graphics format.) The compressed data is then encoded using the
MIME Base64 scheme as described above. A CRC will be calculated
accross the Base64-encoded data.
But it doesn't have a great deal more info.
Basically I was trying encoding with
private byte[] GetItemFromPath(string filepath)
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
using (Image img = Image.FromFile(filepath))
img.Save(ms, ImageFormat.Png);
return ms.ToArray();
Then trying to print with something like:
var initialArray = GetItemFromPath("C:\\RED.png");
string converted = Convert.ToBase64String(b);
^XZ", converted .ToString(), initialArray.Length));
From the sounds of it, either B64 or Z64 are both accepted.
I've tried a few variations, and a couple of methods for generating the CRC and calculating the 'size'.
But none seem to work and the download of the graphics to the printer is always getting aborted.
Has anyone managed to accomplish something like this? Or knows where I am going wrong?
All credit for me coming to this answer was from LabView Forum user Raydur. He posts a LabView solution that can be opened up in LabView to send images down. I personally didn't run it with my printer, I just used it to figure out the correct image code so I could replicate it in my code. The big thing that I was missing was padding my Hexadecimal code. For example, 1A is fine, but if you have just A, you need to pad a 0 in front of it to send 0A. The size of the file in the ZPL you are sending is also the original size of the byte array, not the final string representation of the data.
I've scoured many, many, many forums and Stackoverflow posts trying to figure this out because it seems like such a simple thing to do. I've tried every single solution posted elsewhere but I really wanted to just print a.PNG because the manual for my printer(Mobile QLN320) has support for it built-in. It says to either send it in Base64 or Hexadecimal, and I tried both to no avail. For anyone wanting to do Base64, I found in an older manual that you need to manually calculate CRC codes for each packet you send so I chose to go with the easier Hexadecimal route. So here is the code I got to work!
string ipAddress = "";
int port = 6101;
string zplImageData = string.Empty;
//Make sure no transparency exists. I had some trouble with this. This PNG has a white background
string filePath = #"C:\Users\Path\To\Logo.png";
byte[] binaryData = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(filePath);
foreach (Byte b in binaryData)
string hexRep = String.Format("{0:X}", b);
if (hexRep.Length == 1)
hexRep = "0" + hexRep;
zplImageData += hexRep;
string zplToSend = "^XA" + "^MNN" + "^LL500" + "~DYE:LOGO,P,P," + binaryData.Length + ",," + zplImageData+"^XZ";
string printImage = "^XA^FO115,50^IME:LOGO.PNG^FS^XZ";
// Open connection
System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient client = new System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient();
client.Connect(ipAddress, port);
// Write ZPL String to connection
System.IO.StreamWriter writer = new System.IO.StreamWriter(client.GetStream(),Encoding.UTF8);
// Close Connection
catch (Exception ex)
// Catch Exception
The ZPL II Programming Guide documents the ~DG command and GRF format (page 124) to download images. Volume Two adds details on an optional compression format (page 52).
First, you have to convert the image to a 1bpp bi-level image, then convert it to a hex-encoded string. You can further compress the image to reduce transmission time. You can then print the image with the ^ID command.
While there is inherent support for PNG images in the ~DY command, it is poorly documented and does not seem to work on certain models of printers. The ZB64 format is basically not documented, and attempts to get more information from Zebra support have been fruitless. If you have your heart set on ZB64, you can use the Java based Zebralink SDK (look to ImagePrintDemo.java and com.zebra.sdk.printer.internal.GraphicsConversionUtilZpl.sendImageToStream).
Once you have the command data, it can be sent via TCP/IP if the printer has a print-server, or it can be sent by writing in RAW format to the printer.
The code below prints a 5 kB PNG as a 13 kB compressed GRF (60 kB uncompressed):
class Program
static unsafe void Main(string[] args)
var baseStream = new MemoryStream();
var tw = new StreamWriter(baseStream, Encoding.UTF8);
using (var bmpSrc = new Bitmap(Image.FromFile(#"label.png")))
tw.WriteLine(ZplImage.GetGrfStoreCommand("R:LBLRA2.GRF", bmpSrc));
baseStream.Position = 0;
var gdipj = new GdiPrintJob("ZEBRA S4M-200dpi ZPL", GdiPrintJobDataType.Raw, "Raw print", null);
class ZplImage
public static string GetGrfStoreCommand(string filename, Bitmap bmpSource)
if (bmpSource == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("bmpSource");
var dim = new Rectangle(Point.Empty, bmpSource.Size);
var stride = ((dim.Width + 7) / 8);
var bytes = stride * dim.Height;
using (var bmpCompressed = bmpSource.Clone(dim, PixelFormat.Format1bppIndexed))
var result = new StringBuilder();
result.AppendFormat("^XA~DG{2},{0},{1},", stride * dim.Height, stride, filename);
byte[][] imageData = GetImageData(dim, stride, bmpCompressed);
byte[] previousRow = null;
foreach (var row in imageData)
appendLine(row, previousRow, result);
previousRow = row;
return result.ToString();
public static string GetGrfDeleteCommand(string filename)
return string.Format("^XA^ID{0}^FS^XZ", filename);
public static string GetGrfPrintCommand(string filename)
return string.Format("^XA^FO0,0^XG{0},1,1^FS^XZ", filename);
static Regex regexFilename = new Regex("^[REBA]:[A-Z0-9]{1,8}\\.GRF$");
private static void validateFilename(string filename)
if (!regexFilename.IsMatch(filename))
throw new ArgumentException("Filename must be in the format "
+ "R:XXXXXXXX.GRF. Drives are R, E, B, A. Filename can "
+ "be alphanumeric between 1 and 8 characters.", "filename");
unsafe private static byte[][] GetImageData(Rectangle dim, int stride, Bitmap bmpCompressed)
byte[][] imageData;
var data = bmpCompressed.LockBits(dim, ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, PixelFormat.Format1bppIndexed);
byte* pixelData = (byte*)data.Scan0.ToPointer();
byte rightMask = (byte)(0xff << (data.Stride * 8 - dim.Width));
imageData = new byte[dim.Height][];
for (int row = 0; row < dim.Height; row++)
byte* rowStart = pixelData + row * data.Stride;
imageData[row] = new byte[stride];
for (int col = 0; col < stride; col++)
byte f = (byte)(0xff ^ rowStart[col]);
f = (col == stride - 1) ? (byte)(f & rightMask) : f;
imageData[row][col] = f;
return imageData;
private static void appendLine(byte[] row, byte[] previousRow, StringBuilder baseStream)
if (row.All(r => r == 0))
if (row.All(r => r == 0xff))
if (previousRow != null && MatchByteArray(row, previousRow))
byte[] nibbles = new byte[row.Length * 2];
for (int i = 0; i < row.Length; i++)
nibbles[i * 2] = (byte)(row[i] >> 4);
nibbles[i * 2 + 1] = (byte)(row[i] & 0x0f);
for (int i = 0; i < nibbles.Length; i++)
byte cPixel = nibbles[i];
int repeatCount = 0;
for (int j = i; j < nibbles.Length && repeatCount <= 400; j++)
if (cPixel == nibbles[j])
if (repeatCount > 2)
if (repeatCount == nibbles.Length - i
&& (cPixel == 0 || cPixel == 0xf))
if (cPixel == 0)
if (i % 2 == 1)
else if (cPixel == 0xf)
if (i % 2 == 1)
i += repeatCount - 1;
private static string getRepeatCode(int repeatCount)
if (repeatCount > 419)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
int high = repeatCount / 20;
int low = repeatCount % 20;
const string lowString = " GHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXY";
const string highString = " ghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
string repeatStr = "";
if (high > 0)
repeatStr += highString[high];
if (low > 0)
repeatStr += lowString[low];
return repeatStr;
private static bool MatchByteArray(byte[] row, byte[] previousRow)
for (int i = 0; i < row.Length; i++)
if (row[i] != previousRow[i])
return false;
return true;
internal static class NativeMethods
#region winspool.drv
#region P/Invokes
[DllImport("winspool.Drv", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
internal static extern bool OpenPrinter(string szPrinter, out IntPtr hPrinter, IntPtr pd);
[DllImport("winspool.Drv", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
internal static extern bool ClosePrinter(IntPtr hPrinter);
[DllImport("winspool.Drv", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
internal static extern UInt32 StartDocPrinter(IntPtr hPrinter, Int32 level, IntPtr di);
[DllImport("winspool.Drv", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
internal static extern bool EndDocPrinter(IntPtr hPrinter);
[DllImport("winspool.Drv", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
internal static extern bool StartPagePrinter(IntPtr hPrinter);
[DllImport("winspool.Drv", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
internal static extern bool EndPagePrinter(IntPtr hPrinter);
[DllImport("winspool.Drv", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
internal static extern bool WritePrinter(
// 0
IntPtr hPrinter,
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeParamIndex = 2)] byte[] pBytes,
// 2
UInt32 dwCount,
out UInt32 dwWritten);
#region Structs
internal struct DOC_INFO_1
public string DocName;
public string OutputFile;
public string Datatype;
/// <summary>
/// Represents a print job in a spooler queue
/// </summary>
public class GdiPrintJob
IntPtr PrinterHandle;
IntPtr DocHandle;
/// <summary>
/// The ID assigned by the print spooler to identify the job
/// </summary>
public UInt32 PrintJobID { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// Create a print job with a enumerated datatype
/// </summary>
/// <param name="PrinterName"></param>
/// <param name="dataType"></param>
/// <param name="jobName"></param>
/// <param name="outputFileName"></param>
public GdiPrintJob(string PrinterName, GdiPrintJobDataType dataType, string jobName, string outputFileName)
: this(PrinterName, translateType(dataType), jobName, outputFileName)
/// <summary>
/// Create a print job with a string datatype
/// </summary>
/// <param name="PrinterName"></param>
/// <param name="dataType"></param>
/// <param name="jobName"></param>
/// <param name="outputFileName"></param>
public GdiPrintJob(string PrinterName, string dataType, string jobName, string outputFileName)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(PrinterName))
throw new ArgumentNullException("PrinterName");
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dataType))
throw new ArgumentNullException("PrinterName");
IntPtr hPrinter;
if (!NativeMethods.OpenPrinter(PrinterName, out hPrinter, IntPtr.Zero))
throw new Win32Exception();
this.PrinterHandle = hPrinter;
NativeMethods.DOC_INFO_1 docInfo = new NativeMethods.DOC_INFO_1()
DocName = jobName,
Datatype = dataType,
OutputFile = outputFileName
IntPtr pDocInfo = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(docInfo));
Marshal.StructureToPtr(docInfo, pDocInfo, false);
UInt32 docid = NativeMethods.StartDocPrinter(hPrinter, 1, pDocInfo);
if (docid == 0)
throw new Win32Exception();
this.PrintJobID = docid;
/// <summary>
/// Write the data of a single page or a precomposed PCL document
/// </summary>
/// <param name="data"></param>
public void WritePage(Stream data)
if (data == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("data");
if (!data.CanRead && !data.CanWrite)
throw new ObjectDisposedException("data");
if (!data.CanRead)
throw new NotSupportedException("stream is not readable");
if (!NativeMethods.StartPagePrinter(this.PrinterHandle))
throw new Win32Exception();
byte[] buffer = new byte[0x14000]; /* 80k is Stream.CopyTo default */
uint read = 1;
while ((read = (uint)data.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) != 0)
UInt32 written;
if (!NativeMethods.WritePrinter(this.PrinterHandle, buffer, read, out written))
throw new Win32Exception();
if (written != read)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Error while writing to stream");
if (!NativeMethods.EndPagePrinter(this.PrinterHandle))
throw new Win32Exception();
/// <summary>
/// Complete the current job
/// </summary>
public void CompleteJob()
if (!NativeMethods.EndDocPrinter(this.PrinterHandle))
throw new Win32Exception();
#region datatypes
private readonly static string[] dataTypes = new string[]
// 0
// 2
"RAW [FF appended]",
"RAW [FF auto]",
// 4
"NT EMF 1.003",
"NT EMF 1.006",
// 6
"NT EMF 1.007",
"NT EMF 1.008",
// 8
// 10
private static string translateType(GdiPrintJobDataType type)
return dataTypes[(int)type];
public enum GdiPrintJobDataType
Unknown = 0,
Raw = 1,
RawAppendFF = 2,
RawAuto = 3,
NtEmf1003 = 4,
NtEmf1006 = 5,
NtEmf1007 = 6,
NtEmf1008 = 7,
Text = 8,
XpsPass = 9,
Xps2Gdi = 10
For some reason I cannot get B64 to work, but luckily I was able to Google my way into making Z64 work (in 3 soul-searching days or so) using plain old JavaScript.
Somewhere else on the ZPL programming Guide you stumble upon the The CISDFCRC16 command--let's be cryptic, why not--section, which states:
"The value of the field is calculated the CRC-16 for the
contents of a specified file using the CRC16-CCITT polynomial which is
x^16 + x^12 + x^5 + 1. It is calculated using an initial CRC of
Japanglish aside, you can now check out the Catalogue of parametrised CRC algorithms with 16 bits (http://reveng.sourceforge.net/crc-catalogue/16.htm) and look for the XMODEM algorithm, which happens to be
width=16 poly=0x1021 init=0x0000 refin=false refout=false
xorout=0x0000 check=0x31c3 name="XMODEM"
Aha. I then started looking for the rest of the code I needed and stumbled upon the following:
LZ77-Algorithm-Based JavaScript Compressor (http://lab.polygonpla.net/js/tinylz77.html)
Lammert Bies' 2008 CRC Library
(http://www.lammertbies.nl/comm/info/crc-calculation.html) ported
from ANSI C--with the precaution to bitwise-AND
with 0xffff the update function return value since JavaScript
treats every number as a 32-bit signed integer.
So I read the file as a byte array (Uint8Array), parse it as a string, compress it with LZ77, turn that back into a byte array and encode it using base64, at which point I calculate the CRC and paste it all into my ZPL ~DT command for savings of about 40%. Beautiful.
Unfortunately I'm developing a proprietary solution so I cannot post any code.
Good luck!
-What one man did another can do.
After looking at the ZPL manual you need to calculate the Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) for the image. Here is some C Code that calculates the CRC (source):
// Update the CRC for transmitted and received data using
// the CCITT 16bit algorithm (X^16 + X^12 + X^5 + 1).
unsigned char ser_data;
static unsigned int crc;
crc = (unsigned char)(crc >> 8) | (crc << 8);
crc ^= ser_data;
crc ^= (unsigned char)(crc & 0xff) >> 4;
crc ^= (crc << 8) << 4;
crc ^= ((crc & 0xff) << 4) << 1;
You can also refer to Wikipedia's page on CRC, as it contains other code examples as well.
Everything else you are sending down looks good. I would look into using one of the Zebra SDKs. I know the Android one will send an image to the printer and save it for you.
Although this question has the C# tag, several other answers are not strictly C#, so here is an answer using Node 8.5+ (javascript), using java and the Zebra SDK. The same steps are very similar for any .NET language that can also use the SDK and perform a POST request.
const { promisify } = require('util');
const java = require('java');
java.asyncOptions = {
asyncSuffix: "",
syncSuffix: "Sync",
promiseSuffix: "Promise", // Generate methods returning promises, using the suffix Promise.
// Include all .jar's under C:\Program Files\Zebra Technologies\link_os_sdk\PC\v2.14.5198\lib
// in your lib folder
java.classpath.push(__dirname + "/lib/ZSDK_API.jar");
var ByteArrayOutputStream = java.import('java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream');
var ZebraImageFactory = java.import('com.zebra.sdk.graphics.ZebraImageFactory');
var PrinterUtil = java.import('com.zebra.sdk.printer.PrinterUtil');
const main = async function () {
let path = `C:\\images\\yourimage.png`;
let os = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
let image = await ZebraImageFactory.getImagePromise(path);
PrinterUtil.convertGraphicPromise("E:IMAGE.PNG", image, os);
console.log(os.toStringSync()); // junk:Z64:~:CRC
Then you can print the image via ZPL like:
Using something like
await axios.post(`${printer.ip}/pstprnt`, zpl);
In this GitHub project you will find everything you need. https://github.com/BinaryKits/BinaryKits.Zpl
There is also a PNG to GRF image converter with additional data compression available.
var elements = new List<ZplElementBase>();
elements.Add(new ZplDownloadGraphics('R', "SAMPLE", System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes("sample.png")));
elements.Add(new ZplRecallGraphic(100, 100, 'R', "SAMPLE"));
var renderEngine = new ZplEngine(elements);
var zpl = renderEngine.ToZplString(new ZplRenderOptions());
C++ Function header in DLL this two function to get some information about the wifi stations around me using win mobile 6.5 device and i need to invoke them to use them in C# code
// (adapter names , pointer to destination buffer ,and the size , returned structs)
bool __declspec(dllexport) GetBBSIDs(LPWSTR pAdapter, struct BSSIDInfo *pDest, DWORD &dwBufSizeBytes, DWORD &dwReturnedItems);
bool __declspec(dllexport) RefreshBSSIDs(LPWSTR pAdapter);
bool __declspec(dllexport) GetAdapters(LPWSTR pDest, DWORD &dwBufSizeBytes);
C# sample
[DllImport(#"\Storage Card\Work\Beaad.dll", EntryPoint = "GetAdapters", SetLastError = true)]
public static extern bool getAdapters([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] String buf, ref UInt32 dwBufSizeBytes);
[DllImport(#"\Storage Card\Work\Beaad.dll", EntryPoint = "RefreshBSSIDs", SetLastError = true)]
public static extern bool refreshBSSIDs([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)]String buf);
[DllImport(#"\Storage Card\Work\Beaad.dll", EntryPoint = "GetBBSIDs", SetLastError = true)]
public static extern bool getBBSIDs([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)]String buf,BSSIDInfo [] nfo, ref UInt32 dwBufSizeBytes, ref UInt32 dwReturnedItems);
public struct BSSIDInfo
public byte[] BSSID; //mac
public char[] SSID;
public BSSIDInfo(byte[]bs,char[] ss)
this.RSSI = 0;
this.Infastructure = 0;
this.Channel = 0;
this.Auth = 0;
bs = new byte[6];
ss = new char[32];
BSSID = bs;
SSID = ss;
public int RSSI;
public int Channel;
public int Infastructure;
public int Auth;
public static byte[] StrToByteArray(string str)
System.Text.UTF8Encoding encoding = new System.Text.UTF8Encoding();
return encoding.GetBytes(str);
public static char[] c = new char[1024];
string buf = new string(c);
public void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
BSSIDInfo[] nfo = new BSSIDInfo[128];
byte[] bytee=StrToByteArray(buf);
UInt32 dwsize= new UInt32();
UInt32 dwTmp = new UInt32();
UInt32 dwCount = new UInt32();
dwTmp = Convert.ToUInt32(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(BSSIDInfo)) * nfo.Length);
dwCount =0;
if (false == getAdapters(buf,ref dwsize) || dwsize == 0)
label1.Text = "no adabters";
String [] strList=new String[15];
if (buf.Contains(',') == false)// one adapter
textBox1.Text = buf;
strList = buf.Split(',');
for (int i = 0; i < strList.Length; i++)
textBox1.Text+= strList[i]+Environment.NewLine;
if (refreshBSSIDs(buf) && getBBSIDs(buf, nfo, ref dwTmp, ref dwCount) && dwCount > 0)
//refreshBSSIDs(buf) &&
for (int i = 0; i < dwCount; i++)
textBox2.Text += nfo.GetValue(i).ToString() + Environment.NewLine;
//make another thing
and when i put this dll on the mobile and the C# app.exe the first function that named as Getadapters(..) return to me the name of the adapter in the first textbox1 then the app stopped and give me not supported exception when the mobile tries to execute the other two function that named as refreshBSSID() and getBSSIDs() so what is the problem ? or is there another solution to get this information (BSSID ,SS ..etc) ?
C++ by default unless changed uses a caller( Cdecl ) calling convention. Your C++ code does not change the calling convention. Your C# code by default ( unless you change it ) will use a callee convention ( StdCall ).
While this might not be exactly the problem your having it still is technically incorrect. Even if you were to fix your current problem you likely will end up having a problem because of the calling convention.
I am going to guess your C# BSSIDInfo structure does not match the C++ structure. Why do the method StrToByteArray when all it does is GetBytes on the given string...
when the mobile tries to execute the
other two function that named as
refreshBSSID() and getBSSIDs() so what
is the problem ? or is there another
solution to get this information
I thought I knew the reason took another look and I was wrong.