Path Smoothing/Point reducing algorithm - c#

I am currently writing an application which displays saved gps paths on a map. (I am using greatmaps for the map) Link
I am looking to run some path smoothing and point reducing algorithm on the path to produce a cleaner looking path on the map. I have been looking at the Ramer–Douglas–Peucker algorithm and possibly a spline.
Can anyone advise me on what approach to take, Any help on this issue would be great.

The algorithm key part is to recursion.
If you could understand how it works,disregard of language it is the same thing.
So,basically we just have to take points and send them to a function that holds the logic(which also does the recursion) part.
As you have the implementation now,pick up the points from the control as this.MainMap.Position (play with the control to know about ) , and call that implemented function :)
This might give you a start
Good luck!


Polygon to line string coverage path

I hope that this is not the wrong place for my question, however, when I don't have anywhere else to go, SO never lets me down.
I am looking for a way to convert any given polygon on a map, to a serpentine line string. I would like to pass the polygon as a geography data type (it could be a poly string) which then takes the polygon, and generates a line string covering the entire area of the polygon.
The below images illustrates perfectly what I want to achieve in the sense that I want to provide the blue polygon and I want the green path to be returned either as a collection of points or a geography data type:
Taken from
I have scoured the internet and cannot seem to find any code examples around how to get this done. I would like to do this in C# preferable but I am not too fussy about the language. Second to C# I can look at using SQL too or even Python as a last resort.
I have read countless articles on Path planning but they all seem to be overkill in terms of what I want to achieve.
Could anybody point me in any direction as to how I can achieve this? Any information or samples will be highly appreciated.
I have thought about breaking the polygon down to its boundary lines and draw a serpentine line string across it by manually checking if a given point is within the bounds of the polygon. Surely there has to be a more efficient way to achieve this? Maybe a ready made API of some sort?

pattern recognition inside a matrix

say I have these boxes, some of which are black and some white.
The image shows a U shape drawn with the black boxes. Now say I have a matrix of 1s and 0s (it can be a huge matrix) like this:
which shows zeros forming roughly the shape shown in the image. The image and the matrix are just examples. The image is a screen shot of a software where we should draw patterns, which would then need to be located in given matrices (inside simple text files).
What I'm looking for is a guidance on how to get started on this, cuz I have never programmed anything related to pattern recognitions, which this problem clearly seems to be related to. This is all that I have to do, a pattern given, to be matched with matrix of 0s and 1s. I dont think I can write it on my own in a few days, I'm writing code in c# vs 2013, so hoping I can find some libraries that would let me achieve this with minimal dependencies. Thanks
I think you need to provide a bit more information on what exactly you're looking for. Are the shapes all letters or arbitrary shapes?
Whatever you're looking for I'd start with emguCV. It's a pretty comprehensive library that isn't too difficult to use.
EmguCV has a lot of OCR (optical character recognition) functions which should be able to pick out letters pretty well.
I don't have as much experience using it for arbitrary shape detection but I think SURF detection, something which emguCV also does, might be a good way to go. It attempts to match a given image with features in another image.
People never draw at the exact same place and scale as your stored data.
The things you want are often done with neural networks (its also in aforge).
But it might be hard to A understand it and B use it in your code.
So maybe you could try it like this, get the first position, then record the delta position.
Try to find long lines, and their next direction; store the general direction changes.
above sample would be "down right up", you might also store some length info.
Then there is some math to check how much different sets are, for example string comparisons distance of strings (like in php the levenshtein function); cant think of a levenshtein func in c# dough i dont think c# is that rich with string functions but once you see that i'm sure you can derive something for C#.

Best way to draw 'paths' to an array?

I have a question about drawing lines/paths on my own.
I use a combination of C#/WPF/Cudafy for UI and some calculations (e.g. the paths). Now I have a Byte[] array that should be filled with 'colors'/values (array-length = 4 * width * height of the result image).
I got some startpoints for the lines and one endpoint (somewhere between the startpoints). First I calculated some paths from those startpoints to the endpoints and then want to 'draw' them to the array (that will be used to construct a WriteableBitmap). The point coordinates are present in a 'reduced environment' though (since calculation of the paths needed to run a Dijkstra algorithm).
My paths are now defined by Tuples holding the point-coordinates (reduced size) and a 'linewidth'.
Since some paths may 'overlap' I thought I will do the following steps to ensure a nice looking of the result:
Merge the paths:
For that I will take one path and just keep it. Then I take the second and check if the path-points are somewhere near a path already added (like a near-neighbor search). I want to do this because in the end, I want to widen the line-width where paths overlap (3rd Tuple value).
When finished, I want to 'interpolate' the paths:
I don't really know how I should do that, since every path has a point at every (reduced-size) pixel.
One possibility would be to clear out all those path-coortinates of the paths that 'lie on a line' (and are not really necessary) and then do something like a Bezier - Interpolation. But all these steps seem to be overkill to me.
Don't you think there might be a better way to do this? If so, please share your thoughts :)
Thank's for any help!
Here's a link to an image of how it looks right now: CPVL Application

A* search for Rush Hour game?

For an assignment for school I have to make a solver for a Rush Hour game.. if you aren't familiar with Rush Hour.. check this link:
For this solver I have to use the A* search algorithm, I looked on the internet a bit, and I think I quite understood how the algorithm works.. only I don't really have an idea how to implement it in the solver.. nor how I should build up the grid for the cars.. Can someone please give me some tips/help for this?
Not a complete solution..
To represent the grid of cars, I'd just use a rectangular array of cells where each cell is marked with an integer -- 0 indicates "empty", and each car has a particular number, so the different cars in the grid will manifest themselves as consecutive cells with the same number.
At this point, you should be able to write a function to return all the possible "moves" from a given grid, where a "move" is a transition from one grid state to another grid state -- you probably don't need to encode a better representation of a move than that.
To implement A*, you'll need a naive heuristic for figuring out how good a move looks, so you know which moves to try first. I would suggest initially that any move which either moves the target car closer to the goal or makes space nearer the front of the target car might be a better candidate move. Like Will A said in the comments, unless you're solving a 1000x1000 Rush Hour board, this probably isn't a big deal.
That's all the tricky parts I can think of.
As mquander or Will have already pointed out, the A* algorithm might be a bit an overfit for your problem.
I just give you now some hints what other algorithm you can use to solve the problem.
I don't want to explain how those algorithms work since you can find many good description in the internet. However, if you have a question, don't hesitate to ask me.
You can use some algorithms which belong to the kind of "uninformed search". There you have for example breadth first search, deep-first search, uniform cost search, depth-limited search or iterative deepening search. If you use breadth-first search or uniform cost search then you might have to deal with available memory space problem since those algorithms have an exponential space complexity (and you have to keep the whole search space in memory). Therefore, using a deep-first search (space complexity O(b*m)) is more memory friendly since the left part of the tree which you visit firstly can be omitted if it does not contain the solution. Depth-limited search and iterative deepening search are almost the same, whereas in the iterative deepening search you increase the search level of your tree iteratively.
If you compare time complexity (b=branching factor of the tree, m=maximum depth of the tree, l=depth level limit, d=depth of the solution):
breadth-first: b^(d+1)
uniform cost: b^?
depth-limited: b^l if (l>d)
iterative deepening: b^d
So as you can see iterative deepening or breadth-first search perform quite well. The problem of the depth-limited search is if your solution is located deeper than you search level, then you will not find a solution.
Then you have the so called "informed search" such as best-first search, greedy search, a*, hill climbing or simulated annealing. In short, for the best-first search, you use an evaluation function for each node as an estimate of “desirability". The goal of the greedy search is to expand the node which brings you closer to goal. Hill climbing and simulated annealing are very similar. Stuart Russell explains hill climbing as following (which I like a lot...): the hill climbing algorithm is like climbing Everest in thick fog with amnesia". It is simply a loop that continually moves in the direction of increasing value. So you just "walk" to the direction which increases your evaluation function.
I would use one of the uniformed search algorithms since they are very easy to implement (you just need to programme tree and traverse it correctly). Informed search performs usually better if you have a good evaluation function...
Hope that helps you...

finding Peaks in image Histogram

I am witting a project of image processing.
For some part of my project to find good threshold value I need to find peaks and valleys of image's histogram.
I am witting my project in C# .net
but I need Algorithm or sample code in any languages like(Java, C,C++,....) to understand the logic of that. I can convert to C# by my self.
any document or algorithm or piece of code...
It's hard to beat Ohtsu's Method for binary thresholding. Even if you insist on implementing local extrema searching by yourself, Ohtsu's method will give you a good result to compare to.
If you already have computed your histogram, to find peaks and valleys is computationally trivial (loop over it and find local extrema). What is not trivial is to find "good" peaks and valleys to do some segmentation/threshold. But that is not a matter of coding, it's a matter of modelling. You can google for it.
If you want a simple recipe, and if you know that your histogram has "essentially" two peaks and a valley in the middle ("bimodal" histogram) and you want to locate that valley, I have once implemented the following ad-hoc procedure, with relative success:
Compute all the extrema of the histogram (relative maxima/minima, including borders)
If there are only two maxima, AND if in between those maxima there is only one local minimum, we've found the valley. Return it.
Else, smooth the histogram (eg. a moving average) and go to first step.

