A* search for Rush Hour game? - c#

For an assignment for school I have to make a solver for a Rush Hour game.. if you aren't familiar with Rush Hour.. check this link: http://www.puzzles.com/products/rushhour.htm
For this solver I have to use the A* search algorithm, I looked on the internet a bit, and I think I quite understood how the algorithm works.. only I don't really have an idea how to implement it in the solver.. nor how I should build up the grid for the cars.. Can someone please give me some tips/help for this?
Not a complete solution..

To represent the grid of cars, I'd just use a rectangular array of cells where each cell is marked with an integer -- 0 indicates "empty", and each car has a particular number, so the different cars in the grid will manifest themselves as consecutive cells with the same number.
At this point, you should be able to write a function to return all the possible "moves" from a given grid, where a "move" is a transition from one grid state to another grid state -- you probably don't need to encode a better representation of a move than that.
To implement A*, you'll need a naive heuristic for figuring out how good a move looks, so you know which moves to try first. I would suggest initially that any move which either moves the target car closer to the goal or makes space nearer the front of the target car might be a better candidate move. Like Will A said in the comments, unless you're solving a 1000x1000 Rush Hour board, this probably isn't a big deal.
That's all the tricky parts I can think of.

As mquander or Will have already pointed out, the A* algorithm might be a bit an overfit for your problem.
I just give you now some hints what other algorithm you can use to solve the problem.
I don't want to explain how those algorithms work since you can find many good description in the internet. However, if you have a question, don't hesitate to ask me.
You can use some algorithms which belong to the kind of "uninformed search". There you have for example breadth first search, deep-first search, uniform cost search, depth-limited search or iterative deepening search. If you use breadth-first search or uniform cost search then you might have to deal with available memory space problem since those algorithms have an exponential space complexity (and you have to keep the whole search space in memory). Therefore, using a deep-first search (space complexity O(b*m)) is more memory friendly since the left part of the tree which you visit firstly can be omitted if it does not contain the solution. Depth-limited search and iterative deepening search are almost the same, whereas in the iterative deepening search you increase the search level of your tree iteratively.
If you compare time complexity (b=branching factor of the tree, m=maximum depth of the tree, l=depth level limit, d=depth of the solution):
breadth-first: b^(d+1)
uniform cost: b^?
depth-limited: b^l if (l>d)
iterative deepening: b^d
So as you can see iterative deepening or breadth-first search perform quite well. The problem of the depth-limited search is if your solution is located deeper than you search level, then you will not find a solution.
Then you have the so called "informed search" such as best-first search, greedy search, a*, hill climbing or simulated annealing. In short, for the best-first search, you use an evaluation function for each node as an estimate of “desirability". The goal of the greedy search is to expand the node which brings you closer to goal. Hill climbing and simulated annealing are very similar. Stuart Russell explains hill climbing as following (which I like a lot...): the hill climbing algorithm is like climbing Everest in thick fog with amnesia". It is simply a loop that continually moves in the direction of increasing value. So you just "walk" to the direction which increases your evaluation function.
I would use one of the uniformed search algorithms since they are very easy to implement (you just need to programme tree and traverse it correctly). Informed search performs usually better if you have a good evaluation function...
Hope that helps you...


Generating isochrone maps from road networks

I wonder if there's any described algorithm that can convert isochrones into approximate area to show a range of some feature (in my problem this feature is a road network).
Example. I have something like on the image beneath:
It's a simple network (where I can arrive from the start point in X minutes or going Y kilometers). I have information of all the nodes and links. Now I need to create an isochrone map that show an approximate range where I can arrive.
Convex hull - sucks because of too general approximation,
I can create buffors on roads - so I will get some polygon that shows range, but I will also have the holes by roads that connect into circles.
What I need to obtain is something like this:
I've found some potentially useful information HERE, but there are only some ideas how it could be done. If anyone has any concept, please, help me to solve my problem.
Interesting problem, to get better answers you might want to define exactly what will this area that shows the range (isochrone map) be used for? For example is it illustrative? If you define what kind of approximation you want it could help you solve the problem.
Now here are some ideas.
1) Find all the cycles in the graph (see link), then eliminate edges that are shared between two cycles. Finally take the convex hull of the remaining cycles, this together with all the roads, so that the outliers that do not form cycles are included, will give a good approximation for an isochrome map.
2) A simpler solution is to define a thickness around each point of every road, this thickness should be inversely proportional to how long it takes to arrive at that point from the starting point. I.e. the longer it takes to arrive at the point the less thick. You can then scale the thickness of all points until all wholes are filled, and then you will have an approximate isochrome map. One possible way of implementing this is to run an algorithm that takes all possible routes simultaneously from the starting point, branching off at every new intersection, while tracking how long it took to arrive at each point. During its execution, at every instant of time all previously discovered route should be thickened. At the end you can scale this thickness so as to fill all wholes.
Hopefully this will be of some help. Good luck.
I have solved the problem (it's not so fast and robust, but has to be enough for now).
I generated my possible routes using A* (A-Star) algorithm.
I used #Artur Gower's idea from point one to eliminate cycles and simplify my geometry.
Later I decided to generate 2 types of gemetries (1st - like on the image, 2nd - simple buffers):
1st one:
3. Then I have removed the rest of unnecessary points using Douglas-Peucker algorithm (very fast!).
4. In the end I used Concave Hull algorithm (aka Alpha-Shapes or Non-Convex Hull).
2nd one:
3. Apply a buffer to the existing geometry and take the exterior ring (JTS library made that really easier:)).

finding Peaks in image Histogram

I am witting a project of image processing.
For some part of my project to find good threshold value I need to find peaks and valleys of image's histogram.
I am witting my project in C# .net
but I need Algorithm or sample code in any languages like(Java, C,C++,....) to understand the logic of that. I can convert to C# by my self.
any document or algorithm or piece of code...
It's hard to beat Ohtsu's Method for binary thresholding. Even if you insist on implementing local extrema searching by yourself, Ohtsu's method will give you a good result to compare to.
If you already have computed your histogram, to find peaks and valleys is computationally trivial (loop over it and find local extrema). What is not trivial is to find "good" peaks and valleys to do some segmentation/threshold. But that is not a matter of coding, it's a matter of modelling. You can google for it.
If you want a simple recipe, and if you know that your histogram has "essentially" two peaks and a valley in the middle ("bimodal" histogram) and you want to locate that valley, I have once implemented the following ad-hoc procedure, with relative success:
Compute all the extrema of the histogram (relative maxima/minima, including borders)
If there are only two maxima, AND if in between those maxima there is only one local minimum, we've found the valley. Return it.
Else, smooth the histogram (eg. a moving average) and go to first step.

How to effeciently spread objects on a 2D surface in a "natural" way?

i would like to effeciently generate positions for objects on a given surface. As you probably guessed this is for a game. The surface is actually a 3D terrain, but the third dimension does not matter as it is determined by terrain height.
The problem is i would like to do this in the most effecient and easy way, but still get good results. What i mean by "natural" is something like mentoined in this article about Perlin noise. (trees forming forests, large to small groups spread out on the land) The approach is nice, but too complicated. I need to do this quite often and prefferably without any more textures involved, even at the cost of worse performance (so the results won't be as pretty, but still good enough to give a nice natural terrain with vegetation).
The amount of objects placed varies, but generally is around 50. A nice enhancement would be to somehow restrict placement of objects at areas with very high altitude (mountains) but i guess it could be done by placing a bit more objects and deleting those placed above a given altitude.
This might not be the answer you are looking for, but I believe that Perlin Noise is the solution to your problem.
Perlin Noise itself involves no textures; I do believe that you have a misunderstanding about what it is. It's basically, for your purposes, a 2D index of, for each point, a value between 0 and 1. You don't need to generate any textures. See this description of it for more information and an elegant explanation. The basics of Perlin Noise involves making a few random noise maps, starting with one with very few points, and each new one having twice as many points of randomness (and lower amplitude), and adding them together.
Especially, if your map is discretely tiled, you don't even have to generate the noise at a high resolution :)
How "often" are you planning to do this? If you're going to be doing it 10+ times every single frame, then Perlin Noise might not be your answer. However, if you're doing it once every few seconds (or less), then I don't think that you should have any worries about speed impact -- at least, for 2D Perlin Noise.
Establishing that, you could look at this question and my personal answer to it, which is trying to do something very similar to what you are trying to do. The basic steps involve this:
Generate perlin noise; higher turbulence = less clumping and more isolated features.
Set a "threshold" (ie, 0.5) -- anything above this threshold is considered "on" and anything above it is considered "off". Higher threshold = more frequent, lower threshold = less frequent.
Populate "on" tiles with whatever you are making.
Here are some samples of Perlin Noise to generate 50x50 tile based map. Note that the only difference between the nature of the two are the "threshold". Bigger clumps means lower threshold, smaller clumps means a higher one.
A forest, with blue trees and brown undergrowth
A marsh, with deep areas surrounded by shallower areas
Note you'll have to tweak the constants a bit, but you could do something like this
First, pick a random point. (say 24,50).
Next, identify points of interest for this object. If it's a rock, your points might be the two mountains at 15,13 or 50,42. If it was a forest, it would maybe do some metrics to find the "center" of a couple local forests.
Next, calculate the distance vectors between the the point and the points of interest, and scale them by some constant.
Now, add all those vectors to the point.
Next determine if the object is in a legal position. If it is, move to the next object. If it's not, repeat the process.
Adapt as necessary. :-)
One thing: If you want to reject things like trees on mountains you don't add extra tries, you keep trying to place an object until you find a suitable location or you've tried it a bunch of times and you need to bail out because it doesn't look placeable.

Longest Path between two vertices

I have a directed graph with weighted edges (weights are all positive).
Now, I'm looking for an efficient algorithm or code (specifically, C#) to find the longest path between two given vertices.
This is exactly equivalent to a shortest-path algorithm with all negative weights. To do that, you need to verify that there are no negative-weight cycles (which in your original case is probably equivalent to verifying no positive-weight cycles). Best bet is to take the additive inverse of the weights and run Bellman-Ford, then take the additive inverse of the result.
David Berger's answer is correct, unless you mean a simple path, where each vertex can occur at most once, in which case Bellman-Ford will not give the longest path. Since you say the weights are positive, it's not possible for a longest path to exist when the graph has a cycle (reachable from the source), unless you mean simple path. The longest simple path problem is NP-complete. See Wikipedia.
So, let's assume you mean a directed acyclic graph (DAG). In linear time, you can compute the longest path to each vertex v from the start vertex s, given that you know the longest path from s->*u for each u where u->v directly. This is easy - you can do a depth first search on your directed graph and compute the longest path for the vertices in reverse order of visiting them. You can also detect back edges whole you DFS using a 3-color marking (opened but not finished vertices are gray). See Wikipedia again for more information. Longest/shortest path finding on a DAG is sometimes called the Viterbi algorithm (even though it was given assuming a specific type of DAG).
I'd attempt the linear time dynamic programming solution first. If you do have cycles, then Bellman-Ford won't solve your problem anyway.
Please refer to the QuickGraph project as it provides .NET data structures implementing graphs, and also provides algorithms to operate on such data structures. I'm certain the algorithm you are looking for is implemented in the library.
Just in case it helps anyone, as I was looking for this for a while but couldn't find it, I used QuickGraph to solve a problem where I had to find the longest path that also complies with a certain rule. It is not very elegant as I did it a bit on brute force once I get the first result, but here it is.
To get the longest path you use an algorithm to find the shortest with lenghts = -1. And then to find subsequent longest paths I start removing edges from that longest path to see if I manage to get a "better" (based on the conditions of the problem) longest path.

Match the pairs search algorithm?

I found an interesting pairs matching game at http://xepthu.uhm.vn. The rule is simple, you have to find and connect two identical pokemon but the path between them is not blocked and the direction can't not be changed 3 times. Let's see an example:
I've think alot about the algorithm to check if the path between any 2 selected pokemon is valid but because I'm a newbie so I can't find any solution. Can you suggest me one in C#?
This is basically a path finding problem from graph theory. The fields in the grid are the nodes, and all adjacent fields are connected by an edge.
Path finding is a well-known problem, and there are many algorithms that solve this. Since your graph is quite small, the best solution here is probably just a brute force algorithm. A popular path finding algorithm is Dijkstra's algorithm.
Brute force: Start at some pokemon and explore all possible ways to see if one leads to an identical pokemon. You can stop exploring a way if the way is blocked or has more than 2 turns.
You'll need some "pointer" pointing to a field in the grid. The pointer can move left, right, up or down, provided that the field in that direction is not blocked. Move the pointer to an adjacent field. Remember where you came from and how many turns you made. Repeat this until you've reached your destination. Backtrack if the number of turns reaches 3. Make sure you don't run in circles.
Take a look at planar graphs. You will have to introduce a second condition: no more than four nodes may be traversed (start node - first direction change - second direction change - end node).

