User Control with transparent background - c#

I've a simple user control that actually is just a panel, when I click in that panel, there will be a child user control added. that child is just another user control where I set width = 150px & height = 100px and the background color to transparent. also it has a textbox in the center that is 100 x 100 px.
this base structure will be a Node Based Interface in the future, where each box will have connection anchors and logic btn's or something like that in it.
my problem is that if i click a few times in the panel and the added box overlapy another, the transparency wont take effect.
here's a screenshot
how can i fix that issue ? is there a allowTransparency or something like that ?
there is also an issue with the order of the drawing, the new added blocks are always behind the other one's.
if you wish to see the code for this, let me know , but i don't think that there is anything relevant for this.
also, if you know a better way to implement a node graph, please feel free to tell me.
following code was the first thing I've tried before I've even thought of posting a question in StackOverFlow.
SetStyle(ControlStyles.SupportsTransparentBackColor, true);
so please don't take this as a duplicate question or posting that code as answer

This is in general a very fundamental restriction in Windows. A window overlaps another window and obstructs whatever is behind it. Everybody's favorite answer, use ControlStyles.SupportsTransparentBackColor, is no workaround, it is already turned on for UserControl so setting it again makes no difference.
The style flag simulates window transparency. It does so by altering the way the window paints itself. It first asks the Parent to draw itself inside the window to provide the background, then draws itself on top of it. So by setting the BackColor property to Color.Transparent, you can expect to see the Parent window's pixels as the background.
And you do. The Parent of your user control is the form. It dutifully draws itself first and that produces the gray edges on the left and the right. What you hoped for was to also see the pixels of the other user controls. But that doesn't work, it only asks the Parent to draw, not any other control that happens to be overlapped as well. That certainly isn't impossible, it is just ugly and slow. This KB article shows the approach. Rather emphasizing the "ugly" moniker.
Clearly you can improve your UserControl, there's on the face of it no point in having these transparent edges at the left and right of the Panel. So set the panel's Location property to (0, 0) and the Dock property to Fill. Now every user control is nothing but a "node" and you don't need nor want to see pieces of any overlapped other "node". Drawing any lines between the nodes is going to require implementing the Paint event of the form.
If you truly need this kind of transparency then you are going to have to do this differently. You have to give up on the idea of using a window for each node. One way to do so is to just paint them. If you do that in the right order then you'll have no problem simulating true transparency, created by layering paint and just not draw where you need to see the "background". It will also be a lot faster, controls are expensive. You however will to give up on the convenience of using controls, you'll have to write code instead. Things like mouse hit testing become more complicated. And the text box will certainly be a hangup if it isn't actually supposed to be a Label (surely it does?) Or use a GUI class library that has given up on using a window as a control. Like WPF. And don't forget that there are plenty of libraries that already do this for you, connected nodes are a very common user interface paradigm. Visio for example.

try this in the constructor of your UserControl:
this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.SupportsTransparentBackColor, true);
this.BackColor = Color.Transparent;

You also can try this :
public partial class UCTransparent : UserControl
public UCTransparent()
protected override CreateParams CreateParams
CreateParams cp = base.CreateParams;
cp.ExStyle |= 0x20;
return cp;
protected override void OnPaintBackground(PaintEventArgs e)

In one of my projects I had to set transparent background to almost every child control on the Form, so I created this method:
private void MakeTransparentControls(Control parent)
if (parent.Controls != null && parent.Controls.Count > 0)
foreach (Control control in parent.Controls)
if ((control is PictureBox) || (control is Label) || (control is GroupBox) || (control is CheckBox))
control.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
if (control.Controls != null && control.Controls.Count > 0)
And in the form's constructor I added those lines:
SetStyle(ControlStyles.SupportsTransparentBackColor, true);
You can try something like this in your own context.


Lag when frequently moving and redrawing a control

Moving Label inside parent's MouseMove-events causes trailing redraw.
I am (mis)using System.Windows.Forms.Label objects to realize
A more flexible tooltip,
Displaying a cross hair "cursor" extending to the borders of a parent control.
To that end I create the labels as members of the parent control (btw. it's a custom graphics control with mouse wheel zoom, panning etc.), add them to the parent's Controls-list, and move them inside the MouseMove-event of the parent. In order to ensure crisp movement behavior, I even call Label.Refresh when assigning the Location property of the Labels.
void GraphViewMouseMove(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e)
if (lastLocation != e.Location)
HasMoved = true;
if (IsPanning && e.Button == MouseButtons.Left)
if (isSelecting) PerformSelection(e.Location);
else PerformMove(e.Location,lastLocation);
lastLocation = e.Location;
if (Width > 0 && Height > 0)
PointD pos = CursorPosition;
// nothing interesting, basically like what is done with the crossHair's below
coordinateToolTip.Locate(lastLocation, pos.X, pos.Y);
crossHairX.Location = new Point(lastLocation.X, 0);
crossHairY.Location = new Point(0, lastLocation.Y);
Everything works almost fine (the labels move parallel to the mouse cursor) except that when I move the mouse a little faster, several copies of the Label(s) remain in the client area of the parent for some time like a visual echo.
That is, whereas the redraw of the labels at their new location appears to occur immediately, it seems to take some fraction of a second until the background of the parent (some complicated graphics, the complete redraw of which takes several seconds, but is definitely not redrawn during said simple mouse move) is restored to what has been behind the moving Label(s) originally. This is of course functionally irrelevant, but it simply looks ugly because it raises the impression that the code is inefficient.
Is there a way to enforce (faster) redraw of the cached background graphics? What determines the delay before the screen content behind a control is restored?
Edit: as to the suggestion of setting DoubleBuffered=true: according to MSDN this should already be true by default. Indeed it doesn't make a difference if I set it true for the Label. On the other hand, setting it false introduces additional flickering as expected. In either case the restoration of the background remains delayed, like described above.
#Hans Passant: Thanks for telling us "When you move a control, its parent's OnPaintBackground() method needs to run to over-draw the pixels that were left behind by the control in its previous position."
For me the cp.ExStyle |= 0x02000000; // Turn on WS_EX_COMPOSITED did not work.
I am creating movable, Resizable Panel and when I moved it fast from left to right it was not displayed right "the half of the panel was often gone". I did this and now it works exactly like when I move a Windows Window.
This is in the MyPanel Class which I made and Inherits from Panel
protected override void OnMove(EventArgs e)
So when I move the Movable panel with the mouse it wil Invalidate the "Parrent" in my case the Form and now it moves fine.

WinForms Control Alpha Blending [duplicate]

TL;DR: Look at the picture below
So I'm trying to make a little picture, and I and people around me are kinda out of ideas.
I have a table (the sitting+eating one) in the middle (seen from above), and people sitting around it. Those people are round, as isthe table.
Every person has their own picturebox, I just use one picture, rotate it, and set it as image in the next box.
Thep roblem now is: The PictureBoxes of people on corners overlap the table with empty corner, in the image there is transparency there. It should show the table below it, but instead it shows the background of the Form :(
Edit: All backgrounds are set to transparent, the Form has the marble as background and white ("Window") as background colour.
I put one person in the back and one in the front, so it's easy to see:
Edit 2 (same as ocmment):
In the last two days I read this question about 10 times, and not one that described this exact problem has had an actual answer. When trying to push one of those, I was told I should post a new question.
Example: How to make picturebox transparent?
Transparency in winforms is kind of misleading, since it's not really transparency.
Winforms controls mimic transparency by painting the part of their parent control they would hide instead of their own background.
However, they will not paint the other controls that might be partially covered by them.
This is the reason your top most picture boxes hides your big picture box.
You can overcome this by creating a custom control that inherits from PictureBox and override its OnPaintBackground method (taken, with slight adjustments, from this code project article):
protected override void OnPaintBackground(PaintEventArgs e)
Graphics g = e.Graphics;
if (this.Parent != null)
var index = Parent.Controls.GetChildIndex(this);
for (var i = Parent.Controls.Count - 1; i > index; i--)
var c = Parent.Controls[i];
if (c.Bounds.IntersectsWith(Bounds) && c.Visible)
using (var bmp = new Bitmap(c.Width, c.Height, g))
c.DrawToBitmap(bmp, c.ClientRectangle);
g.TranslateTransform(c.Left - Left, c.Top - Top);
g.DrawImageUnscaled(bmp, Point.Empty);
g.TranslateTransform(Left - c.Left, Top - c.Top);
Microsoft have published a Knowledge base article to solve this problem a long time ago, however it's a bit out-dated and it's code sample is in VB.Net.
Another option is to paint the images yourself, without picture boxes to hold them, by using Graphics.DrawImage method.
The best place to do it is probably in the OnPaint method of the form.

Make Picture boxes transparent, each overlapping the other with a corner?

TL;DR: Look at the picture below
So I'm trying to make a little picture, and I and people around me are kinda out of ideas.
I have a table (the sitting+eating one) in the middle (seen from above), and people sitting around it. Those people are round, as isthe table.
Every person has their own picturebox, I just use one picture, rotate it, and set it as image in the next box.
Thep roblem now is: The PictureBoxes of people on corners overlap the table with empty corner, in the image there is transparency there. It should show the table below it, but instead it shows the background of the Form :(
Edit: All backgrounds are set to transparent, the Form has the marble as background and white ("Window") as background colour.
I put one person in the back and one in the front, so it's easy to see:
Edit 2 (same as ocmment):
In the last two days I read this question about 10 times, and not one that described this exact problem has had an actual answer. When trying to push one of those, I was told I should post a new question.
Example: How to make picturebox transparent?
Transparency in winforms is kind of misleading, since it's not really transparency.
Winforms controls mimic transparency by painting the part of their parent control they would hide instead of their own background.
However, they will not paint the other controls that might be partially covered by them.
This is the reason your top most picture boxes hides your big picture box.
You can overcome this by creating a custom control that inherits from PictureBox and override its OnPaintBackground method (taken, with slight adjustments, from this code project article):
protected override void OnPaintBackground(PaintEventArgs e)
Graphics g = e.Graphics;
if (this.Parent != null)
var index = Parent.Controls.GetChildIndex(this);
for (var i = Parent.Controls.Count - 1; i > index; i--)
var c = Parent.Controls[i];
if (c.Bounds.IntersectsWith(Bounds) && c.Visible)
using (var bmp = new Bitmap(c.Width, c.Height, g))
c.DrawToBitmap(bmp, c.ClientRectangle);
g.TranslateTransform(c.Left - Left, c.Top - Top);
g.DrawImageUnscaled(bmp, Point.Empty);
g.TranslateTransform(Left - c.Left, Top - c.Top);
Microsoft have published a Knowledge base article to solve this problem a long time ago, however it's a bit out-dated and it's code sample is in VB.Net.
Another option is to paint the images yourself, without picture boxes to hold them, by using Graphics.DrawImage method.
The best place to do it is probably in the OnPaint method of the form.

How to make a UserControls BackColor transparent in C#?

I created a simple stick man in a Windows Form User-Control (consisting of a radio button and three labels and one progress bar).
I set the back-color of the new user-control to transparent so that when I drag it onto my form, it blends with other colors and drawings on the form.
I am not getting what I'm trying to achieve.
Here is the picture:
UserControl already supports this, its ControlStyles.SupportsTransparentBackColor style flag is already turned on. All you have to do is set the BackColor property to Color.Transparent.
Next thing you have to keep in mind in that this transparency is simulated, it is done by asking the Parent of the control to draw itself to produce the background. So what is important is that you get the Parent set correctly. That's a bit tricky to do if the parent is not a container control. Like a PictureBox. The designer will make the Form the parent so you will see the form's background, not the picture box. You'll need to fix that in code, edit the form constructor and make it look similar to this:
var pos = this.PointToScreen(userControl11.Location);
userControl11.Parent = pictureBox1;
userControl11.Location = pictureBox1.PointToClient(pos);
In constructor set style of control to support a transparent backcolor
SetStyle(ControlStyles.SupportsTransparentBackColor, true);
and then set Background to transperent color
this.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
A more complex approach (and possibly working one) is described here - with overrding of CreateParams and OnPaint.
Why all those things?
UserControl class has property Region.
Set this to what ever shape you like and no other adjustments are needed.
public partial class TranspBackground : UserControl
public TranspBackground()
GraphicsPath GrPath
GraphicsPath grPath = new GraphicsPath();
return grPath;
protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
// set the region property to the desired path like this
this.Region = new System.Drawing.Region(GrPath);
// other drawing goes here
e.Graphics.FillEllipse(new SolidBrush(ForeColor), ClientRectangle);
The result is as in the image below:
No low level code, no tweaking, simple and clean.
There is however one issue but in most cases it can go undetected, the edges are not smooth and anti-aliasing will not help either.
But the workaround is fairly easy. In fact much easier than all those complex background handling..

Winforms: SuspendLayout/ResumeLayout is not enough?

I have a library of a few "custom controls". Essentially we have our own buttons, rounder corner panels, and a few groupboxes with some custom paint. Despite the "math" in the OnPaint methods, the controls are pretty standard. Most of the time, all we do is draw the rounded corners and add gradient to the background. We use GDI+ for all that.
These controls are ok (and very nice looking according to our customers), however and despite the DoubleBuffer, you can see some redrawing, especially when there are 20++ buttons (for example) on the same form. On form load you see the buttons drawing… which is annoying.
I'm pretty sure that our buttons are not the fastest thing on earth but my question is: if double buffer is "on", shouldn't all that redraw happen in background and the Windows subsystem should show the results "instantly" ?
On the other hand, if there's "complex" foreach loop that will create labels, add them to a panel (double buffered) and change their properties, if we suspendlayout of the panel before the loop and resume layout of the panel when the loop is over, shouldn't all these controls (labels and buttons) appear "almost instantly"? This doesn't happen like that, you can see the panel being filled.
Any idea why this is not happening? I know it's hard to evaluate without sample code but that's hard to replicate too. I could make a video with a camera, but trust me on this one, it's not fast :)
We've seen this problem too.
One way we've seen to "fix" it is to completely suspend drawing of the control until we're ready to go. To accomplish this, we send the WM_SETREDRAW message to the control:
// Note that WM_SetRedraw = 0XB
// Suspend drawing.
UnsafeSharedNativeMethods.SendMessage(handle, WindowMessages.WM_SETREDRAW, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);
// Resume drawing.
UnsafeSharedNativeMethods.SendMessage(handle, WindowMessages.WM_SETREDRAW, new IntPtr(1), IntPtr.Zero);
One of the things you should look at is whether you have set BackColor=Transparent on any of the child controls of your panels. The BackColor=Transparent will significantly degrade rendering performance especially if parent panels are using gradients.
Windows Forms does not use real transparency, rather it is uses "fake" one. Each child control paint call generates paint call on parent so parent can paint its background over which the child control paints its content so it appears transparent.
So if you have 50 child controls that will generate additional 50 paint calls on parent control for background painting. And since gradients are generally slower you will see performance degradation.
Hope this helps.
I'll approach your problem from a performance angle.
foreach loop that will create labels,
add them to a panel (double buffered)
and change their properties
If that's the order things are done, there's room for improvement. First create all your labels, change their properties, and when they are all ready, add them to the panel: Panel.Controls.AddRange(Control[])
Most of the time, all we do is draw
the rounded corners and add gradient
to the background
Are you doing the same thing over and over again? How are your gradients generated? Writing an image can't be that slow. I once had to create a 1680x1050 gradient in-memory, and it was really fast, like, too fast for Stopwatch, so drawing a gradient can't be so hard.
My advice would be to try and cache some stuff. Open Paint, draw your corners and save to disk, or generate an image in-memory just once. Then load (and resize) as needed. Same for the gradient.
Even if different buttons have different colors, but the same motif, you can create a bitmap with Paint or whatever and at runtime load it and multiply the Color values by another Color.
if we suspendlayout of the panel before the
loop and resume layout of the panel when the loop is over
That's not what SuspendLayout and ResumeLayout are for. They suspend the layout logic, that is, the automatic positioning of the controls. Most relevant with FlowLayoutPanel and TableLayoutPanel.
As for doublebuffering, I'm not sure it applies to custom draw code (haven't tried). I guess you should implement your own.
Doublebuffering in a nutshell:
It's very simple, a couple lines of code. On the paint event, render to a bitmap instead of rendering to the Graphics object, and then draw that bitmap to the Graphics object.
In addition to the DoubleBuffered property, also try adding this to your control's constructor:
SetStyle(ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer |
ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true);
And if that ends up not being enough (which I'm gonna go out on a limb and say it isn't), consider having a look at my answer to this question and suspend/resume the redraw of the panel or Form. This would let your layout operations complete, then do all of the drawing once that's done.
You may want to look at the answer to my question, How do I suspend painting for a control and its children? for a better Suspend/Resume.
It sounds like what you are looking for is a "composited" display, where the entire application is drawn all at once, almost like one big bitmap. This is what happens with WPF applications, except the "chrome" surrounding the application (things like the title bar, resize handles and scrollbars).
Note that normally, unless you've messed with some of the window styles, each Windows Form control is responsible for painting itself. That is, every control gets a crack at the WM_ PAINT, WM_ NCPAINT, WM_ERASEBKGND, etc painting related messages and handles these message independently. What this means for you is that double buffering only applies to the single control you are dealing with. To get somewhat close to a clean, composited effect, you need to concern yourself not just with your custom controls that you are drawing, but also the container controls on which they are placed. For example, if you have a Form that contains a GroupBox which in turn contains a number of custom drawn buttons, each of these controls should have there DoubleBuffered property set to True. Note that this property is protected, so this means you either end up inheriting for the various controls (just to set the double buffering property) or you use reflection to set the protected property. Also, not all Windows Form controls respect the DoubleBuffered property, as internally some of them are just wrappers around the native "common" controls.
There is a way to set a composited flag if you are targeting Windows XP (and presumably later). There is the WS_ EX_ COMPOSITED window style. I have used it before to mix results. It doesn't work well with WPF/WinForm hybrid applications and also does not play well with the DataGridView control. If you go this route, be sure you do lots of testing on different machines because I've seen strange results. In the end, I abandoned used of this approach.
Maybe first draw on a control-only 'visible' (private) buffer and then render it:
In your control
BufferedGraphicsContext gfxManager;
BufferedGraphics gfxBuffer;
Graphics gfx;
A function to install graphics
private void InstallGFX(bool forceInstall)
if (forceInstall || gfxManager == null)
gfxManager = BufferedGraphicsManager.Current;
gfxBuffer = gfxManager.Allocate(this.CreateGraphics(), new Rectangle(0, 0, Width, Height));
gfx = gfxBuffer.Graphics;
In its paint method
protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
// .. use GFX to draw
In its resize method
protected override void OnSizeChanged(EventArgs e)
InstallGFX(true); // To reallocate drawing space of new size
The code above has been somewhat tested.
I had the same problem with a tablelayoutpanel when switching usercontrols that I wanted displayed.
I completely got rid of the flicker by creating a class that inherited the table, then enabled doublebuffering.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace myNameSpace.Forms.UserControls
public class TableLayoutPanelNoFlicker : TableLayoutPanel
public TableLayoutPanelNoFlicker()
this.DoubleBuffered = true;
I've had a lot of similar issues in the past, and the way I resolved it was to use a third-party UI suite (that is, DevExpress) rather than the standard Microsoft controls.
I started out using the Microsoft standard controls, but I found that I was constantly debugging issues which were caused by their controls. The problem is made worse by the fact that Microsoft generally does not fix any of the issues which are identified and they do very little to provide suitable workarounds.
I switched to DevExpress, and I have nothing but good things to say. The product is solid, they provide great support and documentation and yes they actually listen to their customers. Any time I had a question or an issue, I got a friendly response within 24 hours. In a couple of cases, I did find a bug and in both instances, they implemented a fix for the next service release.
I have seen bad winforms flicker on forms where the controls referred to a missing font.
This is probably not common, but it's worth looking into if you've tried everything else.

