from here
A very big advantage of dynamic types comes when you start to think
about C#’s relationship with external and non-native objects – COM
objects in particular. In this case a dynamic type is resolved using
the COM IDispatch interface and this in turn means that you can use
COM objects “raw”, i.e. without a Primary Interop Assembly (PIA). As
many COM objects make extensive use of the variant type, which can
store any of a number of standard data types, being able to use
dynamic types in place of variants is a big simplification.
I already know how dynamic is used in C# , However - I want to know how it is done.(generally with COM)
looking at Office COM object model example :
(Excel.Range)excel.Cells[1,1]).Value= "some string"
The cast has to be included because the PIA uses object types to represent variants
Now (2010 ...), with dynamic it can be done with :
excel.Cells[1,1].Value= "some string"
An object can provide its binding semantics by implementing DynamicObject
such as :
public class MyClass: DynamicObject
public override bool TryInvokeMember ( InvokeMemberBinder binder, object[] args, out object result)
So my question :
Did MS [changed] or [added code] or [now-inherit-DynamicObject] the COM objects in order to allow excel.Cells[1,1].Value= "some string" to work ?
Did they re-build this whole mechanism ?
No, the secret sauce is COM here. This is done with only 2 interfaces and 5 methods. The first one is IUnknown, an interface implemented by all COM objects. It has 3 methods:
AddRef(), increments the reference count on a COM object. This is a memory management function, as long as the count is non-zero the object stays alive. Storing a pointer to a COM object requires calling IUnknown.AddRef().
Release(), decrements the reference count. The opposite of AddRef and must be called when an interface pointer is no longer used. The COM object is released when the count reaches zero. This function is the core reason behind the rather infamous use of Marshal.ReleaseComObject() in .NET code that uses Office. It normally gets called by the finalizer of a COM wrapper.
QueryInterface(), asks the COM object to return a pointer to another interface. In the scope of this question, that's how C# gets the IDispatch interface pointer.
The IDispatch interface is the one that implements dynamic binding, the rough equivalent to DynamicObject. It has 4 methods, 2 of which are important in this context:
GetIDsOfNames(), converts a name to a number, a dispid. This is how an identifier in a C# program can be matched to a method or property name on the COM object.
Invoke(), calls the COM method of property getter/setter, using the dispid
That's the big picture, use the MSDN Library if you want to know more about these interfaces.
The DLR (which is what the dynamic keyword offers interface to) uses "binders" to interface with the dynamic object proper (there is a C# binder, VB binder, COM binder etc.). The COM binder is a separate component that uses the "traditional" COM interop, which is not replaced and can still be used without dynamic. It was enhanced for .NET 4.0, but not just for dynamic.
You can use dynamic with any type. You need to derive from DynamicObject only when you want your classes to provide a dynamic interface.
The following line works, without requiring DateTime to inherit from DynamicObject:
dynamic myDate=DateTime.Now;
As to how COM+ supports dynamic binding - it always did. In fact, the documentation explains exactly how this is done.
COM always supported its own kind of dynamic binding through the IDispatch interface which works roughly like DynamicObject. IDispatch allows an object to respond to queries for specific interfaces and the methods it supports.
dynamic can use the IDispatch interface for raw COM objects, where you don't have a type library or a proxy. In other cases, dynamic will call the proxy methods without going through the IDispatch interface.
Dynamic binding in COM introduces a performance hit, due to the multiple calls needed to extracta a specific interface and invoke its methods. In the VB6 days people tried to minimize or eliminate the use of dynamic binding by using type libraries. This is sound advice for .NET as well.
Let's say I have a well-known interface IWellKnownInterface, which is known to be COM-visible and registered.
I also have a managed (C#, to be exact) implementation of this object:
public class MyWellKnownClass : IWellKnownInterface { ... }
And, finally, I have an extern method, which accepts the object of this interface:
private static extern void ExternMethod(IWellKnownInterface veryWellKnown);
Question 1:
I would like to know what happens beneath the following code from the CLR point of view:
IWellKnownInterface a = new MyWellKnownClass();
I'm aware that if we're talking about calling unmanaged COM object from managed code, it's all about constructing an appropriate Runtime Callable Wrapper and delegating the calls via it with appropriate argument conversion. However, I could not find any information about the situation when we've got a managed COM object and it's being used in unmanaged code.
Question 2:
How does the dynamic type affect the behavior of the CLR in the same situation? Would it somehow change the internal managed-to-unmanaged interop logic? Maybe add some additional wrappers for the MyWellKnownClass instance?
dynamic a = new MyWellKnownClass();
Question 1:
The first line does nothing but create an object. There is nothing special or different that is happening from any other CLR object. This is because nothing has been actually marshaled to unmanaged code.
However, on the second line, a COM callable wrapper is created and marshaled across to unmanaged code. Think of this as the reverse of the runtime callable wrapper, handling the calls from unmanaged code back to your managed implementation of a COM interface.
Question 2:
The dynamic type doesn't impact the call at all. In this particular case, you're passing the managed reference to unmanaged code. The type of a is MyWellKnownClass, the only thing that dynamic does is change how calls to that are resolved in managed code. When the COM callable wrapper is created, it has a hard reference to the instance of MyWellKnownClass, not to the dynamic variable; the only thing that changes is that when ExternMethod is called, the resolution of the method that is called occurs at runtime and not at compile-time.
I'm trying to PInvoke into this C++ library function:
int Initialize(Callback* callback);
struct Callback
void virtual StateChanged(int state) = 0;
I have tried this naive C# code, but it doesn't work.
[DllImport("CPlusPlusLibrary.dll", SetLastError = true, EntryPoint = "?Initialize#CPlusPlusLibrary##YAHPAUCallback#1##Z")]
public static extern int Initialize(Callback callback);
public class Callback
public delegate void IntDelegate(int state);
public IntDelegate StateChanged(int state);
var callback = new Callback();
var result = Initialize(callback);
It is impossible to do it that way as far as I know. Methods are not "in there" as fields would be, beside this, creating a struct with virtual method will create a vtable pointer in your objects, that you are not taking into account in c# mirrored class.
What you can do is to PInvoke to method that takes a functionPointer (in C++) and pass a delegate (C#) there. You can then use this function pointer to call it from native code and your delegate will launch.
You could then change your stateChange method definition to take a Callback* as a first parameter, so when you call it from native code you can pass an object pointer which is responsible of that change and marshal it back to Callback in c#.
//Edit without having source of native dll, building a bridge between c# and c++ is what comes to my mind. This can be done with c++/cli or c++, sticking to native my idea would be something like this:
//c++ <--> new c++ dll <--> c#
struct CallbackBridge : public Callback
void (*_stateChanged)(int);
virtual void stateChanged(int state)
if (_stateChanged)
_stateChanged(this, state);
void* CreateCallback() { return new CallbackBridge(); }
void DeleteCallback(void* callback); { delete callback; }
void setStateChanged(void* callback, void (*ptr)(void*, int))
CallbackBridge* bridge = (CallbackBridge*)callback;
bridge->stateChanged = ptr;
///... other helper methods
The idea here is to treat your object as a black box (hence void* everywhere - it can be any pointer, but from c# you will just see this a a SafeHandle / IntPtr and write helper methods that you can PInvoke to to create / delete and modify objects. You can mock those virtual calls by giving your object a delegate through such method.
From c# usage could look like this: (IntPtr for simplicity, SafeHandle could be used):
IntPtr callback = CreateCallback();
SetStateChanged(callback, myCallback);
//somewhere later:
void MyCallback(IntrPtr callback, int state)
int someData = SomeOtherHelperMethod(callback);
ConsoleWrite("SomeData of callback is {0} and it has changed it's state to {1}", someData, state);
I know, it's a bit clumsy for bigger objects, but without c++/cli wrapper I have never found any better way to be able to handle all those tricky cases like virtual calls etc.
Your C# class is no substitute for the C++ struct, it has an entirely different internal organization. The C++ struct has a v-table because of the virtual method. It is not a POD type anymore. It has a hidden field that contains a pointer to the v-table. And a compiler-generated constructor and destructor. The v-table is an array of pointers to the virtual methods. A C# class has something similar, called "method table", but it organized completely differently. It will have the System.Object methods for example and contains pointers to all methods, not just the virtual ones. The class object layout is completely different as well. The struct keyword in the C++ language in this context is just a substitute for the class keyword with all members public by default.
A wrapper class written in the C++/CLI language is required. There's a bit of a learning curve to the language but it is not steep if you've got experience with .NET and C++. Boilerplate code for such a wrapper is in this answer. You can call back from native code into managed code through a function pointer returned by Marshal::GetFunctionPointerForDelegate().
I have heard that you don't have the source code of C++ library. Then you might have a look at this.
But exporting classes from unmanaged dll to managed one without source sounds dangerous to me.
I just need clarification on what a managed prototype is.
I think it is a method that uses the DLLImport attribute and has a method like so:
private static extern int MessageBox(IntPtr hWnd, String text, String caption, uint type);
Does it always mean this i.e you must have a DLLImport attribute and then a method signiture which is a private static extern???
A function prototype is a function that is declared solely as a way for the compiler to work out how to call some code, without necessarily having that "some code" available to look at, so without the prototype it would be flying blind related to argument types, etc.
So for P/Invoke functionality, ie. calling functions in native DLLs from a managed language like C#, yes, you need those prototypes, unless you can find an already existing class in .NET that either wraps that function, DLL, or implements similar functionality in pure managed code.
And yes, you need a [DllImport...] attribute to specify whith DLL that has the function, and it should be static and extern, but it does not necessarily have to be private, although it usually is, typically because you then wrap that function in a managed class to make it easier for the rest of your code to use it.
I'm doing code review and came across a class that uses all static methods. The entrance method takes several arguments and then starts calling the other static methods passing along all or some of the arguments the entrance method received.
It isn't like a Math class with largely unrelated utility functions. In my own normal programming, I rarely write methods where Resharper pops and says "this could be a static method", when I do, they tend to be mindless utility methods.
Is there anything wrong with this pattern? Is this just a matter of personal choice if the state of a class is held in fields and properties or passed around amongst static methods using arguments?
UPDATE: the particular state that is being passed around is the result set from the database. The class's responsibility is to populate an excel spreadsheet template from a result set from the DB. I don't know if this makes any difference.
Is there anything wrong with this
pattern? Is this just a matter of
personal choice if the state of a
class is held in fields and properties
or passed around amongst static
methods using arguments?
Speaking from my own personal experience, I've worked on 100 KLOC applications which have very very deep object hiearchies, everything inherits and overrides everything else, everything implements half a dozen interfaces, even the interfaces inherit half a dozen interfaces, the system implements every design pattern in the book, etc.
End result: a truly OOP-tastic architecture with so many levels of indirection that it takes hours to debug anything. I recently started a job with a system like this, where the learning curve was described to me as "a brick wall, followed by a mountain".
Sometimes overzealous OOP results in classes so granular that it actually a net harm.
By contrast, many functional programming languages, even the OO ones like F# and OCaml (and C#!), encourage flat and shallow hiearchy. Libraries in these languages tend to have the following properties:
Most objects are POCOs, or have at most one or two levels of inheritance, where the objects aren't much more than containers for logically related data.
Instead of classes calling into each other, you have modules (equivalent to static classes) controlling the interactions between objects.
Modules tend to act on a very limited number of data types, and so have a narrow scope. For example, the OCaml List module represents operations on lists, a Customer modules facilitates operations on customers. While modules have more or less the same functionality as instance methods on a class, the key difference with module-based libraries is that modules are much more self-contained, much less granular, and tend to have few if any dependencies on other modules.
There's usually no need to subclass objects override methods since you can pass around functions as first-class objects for specialization.
Although C# doesn't support this functionality, functors provide a means to subclass an specialize modules.
Most big libraries tend to be more wide than deep, for example the Win32 API, PHP libraries, Erlang BIFs, OCaml and Haskell libraries, stored procedures in a database, etc. So this style of programming is battle testing and seems to work well in the real world.
In my opinion, the best designed module-based APIs tend to be easier to work with than the best designed OOP APIs. However, coding style is just as important in API design, so if everyone else on your team is using OOP and someone goes off and implements something in a completely different style, then you should probably ask for a rewrite to more closely match your teams coding standards.
What you describe is simply structured programming, as could be done in C, Pascal or Algol. There is nothing intrinsically wrong with that. There are situations were OOP is more appropriate, but OOP is not the ultimate answer and if the problem at hand is best served by structured programming then a class full of static methods is the way to go.
Does it help to rephrase the question:
Can you describe the data that the static methods operates on as an entity having:
a clear meaning
responsibility for keeping it's internal state consistent.
In that case it should be an instantiated object, otherwise it may just be a bunch of related functions, much like a math library.
Here's a refactor workflow that I frequently encounter that involves static methods. It may lend some insight into your problem.
I'll start with a class that has reasonably good encapsulation. As I start to add features I run into a piece of functionality that doesn't really need access to the private fields in my class but seems to contain related functionality. After this happens a few times (sometimes just once) I start to see the outlines of a new class in the static methods I've implemented and how that new class relates to the old class in which I first implemented the static methods.
The benefit that I see of turning these static methods into one or more classes is, when you do this, it frequently becomes easier to understand and maintain your software.
I feel that if the class is required to maintain some form of state (e.g. properties) then it should be instantiated (i.e. a "normal" class.)
If there should only be one instance of this class (hence all the static methods) then there should be a singleton property/method or a factory method that creates an instance of the class the first time it's called, and then just provides that instance when anyone else asks for it.
Having said that, this is just my personal opinion and the way I'd implement it. I'm sure others would disagree with me. Without knowing anything more it's hard to give reasons for/against each method, to be honest.
The biggest problem IMO is that if you want to unit test classes that are calling the class you mention, there is no way to replace that dependency. So you are forced to test both the client class, and the staticly called class at once.
If we are talking about a class with utility methods like Math.floor() this is not really a problem. But if the class is a real dependency, for instance a data access object, then it ties all its clients in to its implementation.
EDIT: I don't agree with the people saying there is 'nothing wrong' with this type of 'structured programming'. I would say a class like this is at least a code smell when encountered within a normal Java project, and probably indicates misunderstanding of object-oriented design on the part of the creator.
There is nothing wrong with this pattern. C# in fact has a construct called static classes which is used to support this notion by enforcing the requirement that all methods be static. Additionally there are many classes in the framework which have this feature: Enumerable, Math, etc ...
Nothing is wrong with it. It is a more "functional" way to code. It can be easier to test (because no internal state) and better performance at runtime (because no overhead to instance an otherwise useless object).
But you immediately lose some OO capabilities
Static methods don't respond well (at all) to inheritance.
A static class cannot participate in many design patterns such as factory/ service locator.
No, many people tend to create completely static classes for utility functions that they wish to group under a related namespace. There are many valid reasons for having completely static classes.
One thing to consider in C# is that many classes previously written completely static are now eligible to be considered as .net extension classes which are also at their heart still static classes. A lot of the Linq extensions are based on this.
An example:
namespace Utils {
public static class IntUtils {
public static bool IsLessThanZero(this int source)
return (source < 0);
Which then allows you to simply do the following:
var intTest = 0;
var blNegative = intTest.IsLessThanZero();
One of the disadvantages of using a static class is that its clients cannot replace it by a test double in order to be unit tested.
In the same way, it's harder to unit test a static class because its collaborators cannot be replaced by test doubles (actually,this happens with all the classes that are not dependency-injected).
It depends on whether the passed arguments can really be classified as state.
Having static methods calling each other is OK in case it's all utility functionality split up in multiple methods to avoid duplication. For example:
public static File loadConfiguration(String name, Enum type) {
String fileName = (form file name based on name and type);
return loadFile(fileName); // static method in the same class
Well, personnally, I tend to think that a method modifying the state of an object should be an instance method of that object's class. In fact, i consider it a rule a thumb : a method modifying an object is an instance method of that object's class.
There however are a few exceptions :
methods that process strings (like uppercasing their first letters, or that kind of feature)
method that are stateless and simply assemble some things to produce a new one, without any internal state. They obviously are rare, but it is generally useful to make them static.
In fact, I consider the static keyword as what it is : an option that should be used with care since it breaks some of OOP principles.
Passing all state as method parameters can be a useful design pattern. It ensures that there is no shared mutable state, and so the class is intrinsicly thread-safe. Services are commonly implemented using this pattern.
However, passing all state via method parameters doesn't mean the methods have to be static - you can still use the same pattern with non-static methods. The advantages of making the methods static is that calling code can just use the class by referencing it by name. There's no need for injection, or lookup or any other middleman. The disadvantage is maintanability - static methods are not dynamic dispatch, and cannot be easily subclassed, nor refactored to an interface. I recommend using static methods when there is intrinsicly only one possible implementation of the class, and when there is a strong reason not to use non-static methods.
"state of a class is ...passed around amongst static methods using arguments?"
This is how procedual programming works.
A class with all static methods, and no instance variables (except static final constants) is normally a utility class, eg Math.
There is nothing wrong with making a unility class, (not in an of itself)
BTW: If making a utility class, you chould prevent the class aver being used to crteate an object. in java you would do this by explictily defining the constructor, but making the constructor private.
While as i said there is nothing wrong with creating a utility class,
If the bulk of the work is being done by a utiulity class (wich esc. isn't a class in the usual sense - it's more of a collection of functions)
then this is prob as sign the problem hasn't been solved using the object orientated paradim.
this may or maynot be a good thing
The entrance method takes several arguments and then starts calling the other static methods passing along all or some of the arguments the entrance method received.
from the sound of this, the whole class is just effectivly one method (this would definatly be the case is al lthe other static methods are private (and are just helper functions), and there are no instance variables (baring constants))
This may be and Ok thing,
It's esc. structured/procedual progamming, rather neat having them (the function and it's helper)all bundled in one class. (in C you'ld just put them all in one file, and declare the helper's static (meaning can't be accesses from out side this file))
if there's no need of creating an object of a class, then there's no issue in creating all method as static of that class, but i wanna know what you are doing with a class fullof static methods.
I'm not quite sure what you meant by entrance method but if you're talking about something like this:
MyMethod myMethod = new MyMethod();
public class MyMethod {
public String doSomething(int a) {
String p1 = MyMethod.functionA(a);
String p2 = MyMethod.functionB(p1);
return p1 + P2;
public static String functionA(...) {...}
public static String functionB(...) {...}
That's not advisable.
I think using all static methods/singletons a good way to code your business logic when you don't have to persist anything in the class. I tend to use it over singletons but that's simply a preference.
as opposed to:
All static methods/singletons tend to use less memory as well but depending on how many users you have you may not even notice it.