I would really appreciate your help.
I have a DataGridView where user will be giving us double (2,43 etc).
I want to write a function which can detect if user puts dot in place of comma and just change it itself or treat it as comma for the calculations.
If it was a console app I would just simply write something like
public void ChangeToComma()
var someUserInput;
char arr[] = someUserInput.ToCharArray();
for (int i = 0, i < someUserInput.Length; i++)
if (char[i] == ".")
char[i] = ",";
That would be the logic I would use (maybe not correct but I just wanted to show better what I want to do).
I'm just starting with other than console apps so I'm stuck here :/
What I don't even have a slightest idea about (how to do it) is:
How to go through every single char in a specified DataGridView cell?
How to avoid changing every single dot in every cell of this DataGridView? Some of them are with text so they might contain dots.
You can do it by replacing the comma for a dot using the replace method contained in system
double value = double.Parse(dataGridViewTest.Rows[4].Cells[2].Value.ToString());
.Cells[2].Value = value.ToString("N2");
"N2" as a parameter for method to string will set the value as decimal with two digits at the end.
You can also validate the input before saving the data to avoid users insert wrong the information in a wrong format.
For starters I'm very very new to writing code! :)
What I have so far...
So far I've used Xamarin.Forms to create a user interface for a sort of specialized calculator. I'm using a Grid Layout containing: a first column of Labels, a second column of Entries (that I have named in Xaml), and a third column of Steppers (so I can change the entries by typing or using the stepper). These 3 views on each row repeat for several rows with different label text on each row and at the bottom of the Grid Layout I have an Entry for the output.
The problem...
Basically, I want to buy a certain product at different weights and prices...among other criteria....and I want to quickly figure out how much money I'll make at a future possible sale price. Simply put... I'm trying to add/subtract/multiply/divide using Xamarin.Forms Entries. I've looked everywhere and can't seem find anyone giving an example of how to do this. I've tried different methods and usually end with an error of not being able to convert the Xamarin.Forms entry to a string...So I'm back to zero. Can I get an example of a Method where I would be able to add/subtract/multiply/divide 2 Xamarin.Forms Entry views together in the C# code behind? This seems very simple to me...what am I missing??? Is there a thread/article/video somewhere that I haven't found that covers this?? And like I said, I'm very new so the answer is probably very simple.
Thanks in advance!
Entries deal with strings, not numeric values, so you need to convert them before doing calculations.
var amount = Decimal.Parse(EntryA.Text);
var price = Decimal.Parse(EntryB.Text);
var total = amount * price;
// you can use a format string as an argument to ToString()
// to control the output - ie, how many decimals, commas, etc
LabelTotal.Text = total.ToString();
In a real app you will want to validate the input in case the user enters text instead of a value number (the Parse method will throw an exception if the input is bad);
I'm working on converting an older reporting format into RDLC and am running into a problem. In a few edge cases a numeric value overruns its allotted display space -- it's, let's say, '10000%', and I can't just set "CanGrow" to false and let the field truncate since the percent sign must be visible.
In the original reporting format a field too big for its allotted display space just displayed as a bunch of asterisks, so I've got a question in two parts:
1) Is there a way to format the data in RDLC so it displays an alternate string if it runs over a certain value?
2) Is there a way to apply that format for printing only, so that on exporting the data to, say, Excel (with Report.Render) the field will still say '10000%'?
For posterity, what worked here was combining the Globals!RenderFormat field with filtering based on the value. For example
IIF(Globals!RenderFormat.Name Like "excel*" Or
(Fields!Percent1.Value > -10 And Fields!Percent1.Value < 100),
Fields!Percent1.Value, "******")
I'm trying to format some doubles properly so that they will display properly for my uses (I'm building a statement in Devexpress, so I'm working with a lot of numbers).
Here are the basic formatting rules I'd like to have happen:
1000.2 -> 1,000.20
1000 -> 1,000
1000.22 -> 1,000.22
Is this possible using string formatting in C#? I've tried the following, but not been able to achieve my goal:
#,#.## - gives me 1,000.2 for the first value
#,#.#0 - gives me 1,000.00 for the second value
#,#.00 - gives me 1,000.00 for the second value
EDIT: Some more information. DevExpress gives me the ability to use string formatting to set up the values after they've been bound to the report. We're doing it at report time (and not at calculation time in the behind the scenes code) because we use the Sum function within the tables that DevExpress offers us. The reason we do THAT is so that we can minimize calls to our database by doing one large pull of data, then using that table over and over again in the statement and filtering based on the restrictions within.
Based on the feedback I've receieved here in the comments, it's not possible to perform the formatting I'd like to do with only providing a string format; I would need to insert some code either when I provide the data to the report (and then remove any and all formatting from the report) and perform all summing functions at the code level (to ensure that the sum values have the expected decimal places), or I would need to accept .00 at the end of, for example, some amount of yen (100 JPY would never be represented as 100.00 JPY, as an example).
This is a bit of an esoteric case, but it's good to know!
You can use string formatting coupled to a simple if condition. To shorten it's use, you can also make it an Extension method. It can look like this :
public static string FormatConditionnaly(this double input)
return input % 1 == 0 ? input.ToString("#,0") : input.ToString("#,0.00");
Basically, if you number does not contain any decimals (the % 1 == 0 check), you format it without decimals. If it fails the check, you add the two zeroes.
It is used like that :
const double flatNumber = 1000;
string result1 = flatNumber.FormatConditionnaly(); //1,000
const double numberWithDecimals = 1000.5;
string result2 = numberWithDecimals.FormatConditionnaly(); //1,000,50
Bit of a hack but you can give this a try:
s = String.Format("{0:N2}", 1000).Replace(".00", "");
Use the "N" format specifier as the format string when you call ToString(); See here
For example:
int intValue = 123456789;
CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).Replace(".00", "");
You can customize group sizes etc. as needed.
Why don't you format the values before binding to DevExpress control using plain old C# (Assuming you are doing a bind, as you have not given sufficient details.)
In c# the Math.Round() should do the trick.
Example Math.Round(doubleValue,2) where the second parameter is the number of decimal places.
I Do not have DevExpress controls to test my solution but I did find http://documentation.devexpress.com/#windowsforms/CustomDocument1498 online (not sure if you see it already).
It seems you can use the Number or Currency masks.
Also take a look at the Zero Placeholder under the custom section. based on the description, '0' is filled where the user has not supplied a value.
example: 123.4 --> 123.40
If the string that you're trying to format is in an XRTableCell of an XtraReport instance, you can handle the BeforePrint event on that cell to format its text. This event is triggered anytime that the report is rendered. Call GetCurrentColumnValue to retrieve the value that you want to format, use any of the code methods from the previous answers that will work for you, and then set that cell's text with your formatted string. Using #dweeberly's answer:
private void OnBeforePrint(object sender, PrintEventArgs e)
object value = this.GetCurrentColumnValue("YourField");
if (value != null)
yourCell.Text = String.Format("{0:N2}", value.ToString()).Replace(".00", "");
Based on the feedback I've receieved here in the comments, it's not possible to perform the formatting I'd like to do with only providing a string format; I would need to insert some code either when I provide the data to the report (and then remove any and all formatting from the report) and perform all summing functions at the code level (to ensure that the sum values have the expected decimal places), or I would need to accept .00 at the end of, for example, some amount of yen (100 JPY would never be represented as 100.00 JPY, as an example).
This is a bit of an esoteric case, but it's good to know!
I have several groupBoxes-controls with a NumericUpDown-control in each on of them. The NumericUpDowns have a small modification - they can also decrement in the negative range of decimal. Here is the code:
//Add KeyDown event to the numericUpDown control
numericUpDownGBPC12_angleRange.KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(numericUpDownNegative);
The code of the function numericUpDownNegative is as follows:
void numericUpDownNegative(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
NumericUpDown temp = (NumericUpDown)sender;
temp.Value -= temp.Increment;
sender = (object)temp;
NumericUpDown temp = (NumericUpDown)sender;
Suggestions for improving the code above are most welcome however I'm more interested if it is possible to enable negative input in a NumericUpDown. The above code works but when I try to put a negative number I get something weird. This behaviour does not apply for a non-modified NumericUpDown.
Let's say numericUpDownGBPC12_angleRange has a minimum of -70.0000000000 and a maximum of 70.0000000000, which I have set by the Minimum/Maximum property parameters of the control. The starting value of the control is 0.0000000000. If I push the Down-button, I get accordingly -0.0000000001, -0.0000000002, -0.0000000003 etc. until I reach -70.0000000000. However if I decide to type -x.xxxxxxxxxx (let's say -24.2398324119) I get x-0.0000000000 (4-0.0000000000). So not only I cannot enter the full number 24 (it seems the NumericUpDown takes the last typed digit in this case, which is 4), but I get the whole part after the point completely annihilated unless it was set by using the case in which case the problem is only with the part before the point. So only the first digit (on the most left of the number) can be changed. :-/
I was thinking of using textBox-controls however the amount of number fields I have as part of the interface will create a huge overhead because of the parsing of each and every textBox (we all know that sadly many users love to experiment with things that where never intended to be experimented with ;)) to make sure a certain number is entered. Despite the negative-thingy the NumericUpDown has really nice feature such as - only a digit can be entered and you can also specify the precision, the range of values etc.
So again the question is - is it possible for a NumericUpDown to accept negative input by the user?
Problem was in the KeyDown-event (had to remove it completely) and also in the format I was trying to input as a number. I have the ',' seperator and not the '.' in my Visual Studio (due to localization). So typing '.' made the NumericUpDown go berserk.