publishing application to the internet - c#

i have a web app that runs locally on our network. the way users access it is by going to myserver:80/site/default.aspx
i reconfigured the settings to display the website to the internet.
the way i am accessing it now is:
and getting the following error:
Server Error in '/' Application.
The resource cannot be found.
Description: HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Please review the following URL and make sure that it is spelled correctly.
Requested URL: /site/default.aspx
so it seems as if it does see the site, but the site does not want to grant access?
what am i doing wrong?
edit if the consensus is that it doesnt actually see the webpage. then again i would like to know what i am doing wrong

You need to edit the host header bindings in IIS for your website.
If you are really on IIS 5.1 (which ONLY shipped with Windows XP Pro) then do the following:
Open your IIS Manager (go to start > run > inetmgr).
Expand the computer name.
Expand websites.
Right click on the site name
Go to the Website tab
Click on the Advanced button
In the "multiple identities for this web site" click the Add button
Set the IP address. Leave the Host Header Value blank
Click Ok
At this point there should be 2 identities listed. One that maps the DNS name to the IP address and another that only has the IP address.
IF for some reason it warns you about duplicate bindings, go to the other sites and remove any that tie the IP address to a blank host header. Then come back to this site and set up the blank configuration.

When moving from Visual Studio's built-in web server to IIS, often you need to simply remove the top level directory form the URL:
or simply
if default.aspx really is a default.

In normal case if you are hosting your site in IIS and if you are having your IP fix you can also browse your website through your local ip in your network by address by keeping your 'ipaddress' in place of 'localhost'. Now if you wants to access it from your global ip you need to add binding to the IIS and then it will respond to all the requests.
So in your particular case you need to add binding with your IP (check it from Go to IIS -> Sites -> Default Web Site. On right hand side column you will get bindings. Add new binding in it.


ASP.NET and IIS impersonate not working [duplicate]

I have a .NET 3.5 application running under IIS 7 on Windows 2003 server and cannot get integrated windows authentication working properly as I continue to get prompted for a login. I have set Windows Authentication to enabled in IIS with all other security types disabled and my application web.config file authentication/authorization is set up as:
<compilation debug="true" strict="false" explicit="true" targetFramework="3.5" />
<deny users = "?" />
With this setup, I'm expecting behind the scene verification of the Windows user to allow access and deny anonymous users. However, what I'm getting is a Windows login pop-up when I try to access the site.
I have been troubleshooting this issue for a few days now and cannot figure out the problem. Based on posts with similar problems, I confirmed my URL does not include any periods, double checked that my IE settings are set to Enable Integrated Windows Authentication, and also added my URL to my intranet sites, but still getting the pop-up.
To troubleshoot it further, I enabled Anonymous Authentication in IIS and modified my web.config file to which lets me right in and then added Response.Write(System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentifity.getcurrent() to try to see what user is being used in the authentication. The result I'm getting is IIS APPPOOL\myapp which is obviously the IIS application pool for my application.
I really appreciate any help anyone can provide so that I'm still using only windows authentication but don't get the pop-up and the windows authentication is performed against the actual Windows user.
Additional note after troubleshooting further:
Just noticed that when the login fails and the Windows login prompt displays again, it is showing the username that attempted to login as "SERVERNAME"\"USERNAME" which led me to believe it was trying to validate the user against the server vs. the domain. To confirm this, I created a local user account directly on the app server with the same username and password as the network domain user and tried to login again. The result was that I received the login prompt again but when I entered the username and password this time, I was able to successfully login. The network user and app server are on the same domain so really not sure why IIS authentication is pointing to the local app server accounts and not to the domain accounts. I realize this is an IIS question at this point so posting on as well but appreciate any advice anyone may have since have been troubleshooting this for days.
I have a Windows 2008 server that I'm working on, so my answer is not completely the same as what the OP has on a Windows 2003 server.
Here is what I did (recording this here so I can find it later).
I was having this same issue:
In my Web.config file, I had this section:
<authentication mode="Windows" />
<allow users="*" />
<deny users="?" />
Under IIS, all of these seems to be solved under the Authentication icon.
Edit Permissions: Make sure your ASP.NET account has permission. Mine was not originally added.
Now go into the features of Authentication:
Enable Anonymous Authentication with the IUSR:
Enable Windows Authentication, then Right-Click to set the Providers.
NTLM needs to be FIRST!
Next, check that under Advanced Settings... the Extended Protection is Accept and Enable Kernel-mode authentication is CHECKED:
Once I did this, I went back to my web application, clicked the Browse link, and logged in without having to provide my credentials again.
I hope this proves beneficial to many of you, and I hope it is useful for me later as well.
Just for other people's benefit. If the error is a 401.1 Unauthorized and your error code matches 0xc000006d, then you're actually running into to a security "feature" that blocks requests to FQDN or custom host headers that don't match your local machine name:
Follow this support article to fix the issue: (original, now defunct:
From the support article, to ensure it doesn't get lost:
The work around is a registry hack that disables this policy
To perform this
configuration manually find this key in the registry on the server:
and edit or add a new key:
DisableLoopbackCheck (DWORD)
then sent the value to 1 to disable the loopback check (local
authentication works), or to 0 (local authentication is not allowed).
Or more easily you can use Powershell:
New-ItemProperty HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa -Name
"DisableLoopbackCheck" -Value "1" -PropertyType dword
It looks like
recent builds of Windows 10 (1803 and later?) also require this
configuration setting in order to authenticate locally.
This one took me awhile because everyone else's comments here failed to help me. I found this article and it fixed it!
I had a similar issue whereby I wanted to protect only a certain part of my website. Everything worked well except in IE. I have both Anonymous and Windows Authentication enabled.
For Anonymous, the Identity is set to the Application Pool identity. The problem was with the Windows Authentication. After some digging around I fired up fiddler and found that it was using Kerberos as the provider (actually it is set to Negotiate by default). I switched it to NTLM and that fixed it.
Add permission [Domain Users] to your web security.
Right click on your site in IIS under the Sites folder
Click Edit Permissions...
Select the Security tab
Under the Group or usernames section click the Edit... button
In the Permissions pop up, under the Group or user names click Add...
Enter [Domain Users] in the object names to select text area and click OK to apply the change
Click OK to close the Permissions pop up
Click OK to close the Properties pop up and apply your new settings
If your URL has dots in the domain name, IE will treat it like it's an internet address and not local. You have at least two options:
Get an alias to use in the URL to replace server.domain. For example, myapp.
Follow the steps below on your computer.
Go to the site and cancel the login dialog. Let this happen:
In IE’s settings:
Don't create mistakes on your server by changing everything. If you have windows prompt to logon when using Windows Authentication on 2008 R2, just go to Providers and move UP NTLM for each your application.
When Negotiate is first one in the list, Windows Authentication can stop to work property for specific application on 2008 R2 and you can be prompted to enter username and password than never work. That sometime happens when you made an update of your application. Just be sure than NTLM is first on the list and you will never see this problem again.
This fixed it for me.
My Server and Client Pc is Windows 7 and are in same domain
in iis7.5-enable the windows authentication for your Intranet(disable all other authentication.. also No need mention windows authentication in web.config file
then go to the Client PC .. IE8 or 9- Tools-internet Options-Security-Local Intranet-Sites-advanced-Add your site(take off the "require server verfi..." need
IE8 or 9- Tools-internet Options-Security-Local Intranet-Custom level-userauthentication-logon-select automatic logon with current username and password
save this are done.. No more prompting for username and password.
Make sure , since your client pc is part of domain, you have to have a GPO for this settings,.. orelse this setting will revert back when user login into windows next time
WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent is correct: you should get the APPPOOL user. This is because the ASP.NET process, which is executing your code, is the current identity. If you want it to return the user hitting the site's identity, you'll need to add the following line in your web.config:
<identity impersonate="true" />
This causes the process to assume the identity of the user requesting the page. All actions will be performed on their behalf, so any attempts to read folders on the network or access database resources and the like will mean the current user will need permissions to those things. You can read more about impersonation here. Note that depending on how your web/database server topology is set up, you may run into delegation issues with impersonation turned on.
But your original issue is that it appears the identity cannot be determined and you're getting a login popup. I'll note that you do not need the <deny> block if you have disabled anonymous authentication in IIS. We never include it (except in special <location> blocks and such) so I would say you might try removing it and trying again. Everything else sounds right, though.
You didn't specify what user is running the application pool in IIS. Is it a custom account or is it the default one? If it is custom, is it a domain account or a local account on the web server? Custom accounts can sometimes require a few more steps, such as registering a SPN. Also, it may be a problem with the custom account not having permission in AD for resolving the incoming user's account.
You might also check the IIS logs to see what response is being returned. It'll most likely be a 401, but it should have a sub number after it like 401.2 or something. That sub-number can sometimes help determine the root problem. This KB article lists five.
Can be browser related. If you are using IE, you can go to Advanced Settings and check you the "Enable Windows Integrated Authentication" checkbox is checked.
In my case the authorization settings were not set up properly.
I had to
open the .NET Authorization Rules in IIS Manager
and remove the Deny Rule
In our Intranet the issue was solved on the client side by tweaking settings in security as shown here. Either of the check boxes on the right worked for us.
I just solved a similar problem with an ASP.Net application.
I could log in to my app using a local user, but not a domain user, even if the machine was correctly joined to the domain (as you say in your Additional Note). In the Security event viewer, there was an event with ID=4625 "Domain sid inconsistent".
I found the solution here. The problem was that my test machines where cloned virtual machines (Windows Server 2008 R2; one Domain Controller, and one web server). Both had the same machine SID, which apparently caused problems. Here is what I did:
Remove the web server from the domain.
Run c:\Windows\System32\Sysprep\Sysprep.exe in the VM.
Reboot the VM.
Join the web server to the domain.
You loose some settings in the process (user preferences, static IP, recreate the self-signed certificate), but now that I have recreated them, everything is working correctly.
I also had the same issue. Tried most of the things found on this and other forums.
Finally was successful after doing a little own RnD.
I went into IIS Settings and then into my website permission options added my Organizations Domain User Group.
Now as all my domain user have been granted the access to that website i did not encounter that issue.
Hope this helps
I tried the above IIS configuration tricks and loopback registry hack, and I reviewed and recreated app pool permissions and a dozen other things and still wasn't able to get rid of the authentication loop running on my development workstation with IIS Express or IIS 7.5, from a local or remote browsing session. I received four 401.2 status responses and a blank page. The exact same site deployed to my IIS 8.5 staging server works flawlessly.
Finally I noticed markup in the Response Body that was rendered blank by the browser contained the default page for a successful log in. I determined that Custom Error handling for ASP.NET and HTTP for the 401 error was preventing/interfering with Windows Authentication my workstation but not the staging server. I spent several hours fiddling with this, but as soon as I removed custom handling for just the 401 error, the workstation was back to normal. I present this as yet one another way to shoot your own foot.
I was having this issue on .net core 2 and after going through most suggestions from here it seems that we missed a setting on web.config
<aspNetCore processPath="dotnet" arguments=".\app.dll" forwardWindowsAuthToken="false" stdoutLogEnabled="false" stdoutLogFile=".\logs\stdout" />
The correct setting was forwardWindowsAuthToken="true" that seems obvious now but when there are so many situations for same problem it's harder to pinpoint
Edit: i also found helpful the following Msdn article that goes through troubleshooting the issue.
Have you tried logging in with your domain prefix, e.g. DOMAIN\Username? IIS 6 defaults to using the host computer as the default domain so specifying the domain at logon may solve the problem.
add to registry
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa solved my problem.
Create the Local Security Authority host names that can be referenced in a NTLM authentication request.
To do this, follow these steps for all the nodes on the client computer:
Click Start, click Run, type regedit, and then click OK.
Locate and then click the following registry subkey:
Right-click MSV1_0, point to New, and then click Multi-String Value.
In the Name column, type BackConnectionHostNames, and then press
Right-click BackConnectionHostNames, and then click Modify.
In the Value data box, type the CNAME or the DNS alias, that is used
for the local shares on the computer, and then click OK.
Type each host name on a separate line. If the
BackConnectionHostNames registry entry exists as a REG_DWORD type,
you have to delete the BackConnectionHostNames registry entry. Exit
Registry Editor, and then restart the computer.
Source: Error message when you try to access a server locally by using its FQDN or its CNAME alias after you install Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1: Access denied or No network provider accepted the given network path
For what it's worth, I did not need to restart after making the change on Windows Server 2019.
Windows authentication in IIS7.0 or IIS7.5 does not work with kerberos (provider=Negotiate)
when the application pool identity is ApplicationPoolIdentity
One has to use Network Service or another build-in account.
Another possibility is to use NTLM to get Windows Authenticatio to work (in Windows Authentication, Providers, put NTLM on top or remove negotiate)
chris van de vijver
I had the same problem cause the user (Identity) that I used in the application pool was not belowing to IIS_IUSRS group. Added the user to the group and everything work
In my case the solution was (on top of adjustments suggested above) to restart my/users' local development computer / IIS (hosting server).
My user has just been added to the newly created AD security group - and policy didn't apply to user AD account until I logged out/restarted my computer.
Hope this will help someone.
I encountered the same credential prompting issue, and did a quick search and nothing on the internet would fix it. It took some time to find the problem, a silly one.
In IIS -> Advance Setting -> Physical Path Credential (is empty)
As soon as i added a machine ID (domain/user) that has access to the VM/server, the password prompting would stop.
Hope this helps
I got the same issue and it was resolved by changing the Application pool identity of the application pool under which the web application is running to NetworkService

Internet Information Service(IIS) Manager issue

I am publishing my site in IIS and my WebDav folder is configured in other PC of IIS.
I want to get that website name using some c# code.
How can I get the site name of my WebDav folder in my published web site (ex: Default Web Site) using c# code?
So you want to figure out what Site Name(s) exist on an IIS instance from the IP address?
take a look at this artice:
and where you see this line of code:
foreach (Website site in GetSites("IIS://localhost/W3SVC"))
put the IP address where you see localhost. if the ip address was then it would look like this:
foreach (Website site in GetSites("IIS://"))
You will need adequate permissions to enumerate the Sites! (see the comments below the article for some notes on this)

Typical 404 - File or directory not found?

I read a number of Google and Stackoverflow posts without success.
My c# application sends out emails with a hyperlink in. The hyperlink address is:
When clicking the hyperlink, I get:
404 - File or directory not found.
The resource you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.
The subfolder Documents is shared and users IUSR and IIS_IUSRS do have access to it.
If you are trying to access the file directly over the network in windows explorer or so you should try something like this :
But if you are trying to access it from the browser your request will be handled by IIS or another web server that is installed and configured on the machine.
Then you should set the folder's permissions and sharing options to default and then create a virtual directory like it is explained in here.

How to create subdomains for IIS7 programmatically?

I'm writing a SaaS app in C#/ASP.NET, hosted with IIS7. I want to create a personalized subdomain for every customer that signs up, i.e.,, each of which will point to the same app, just with a different skin per customer.
How do I create these subdomains programmatically?
Use URL Rewrite for IIS7 to map all requests like (where user is not www, mail or other existing real subdomains) to Then in the script handle whatever theming you need.
You do not need to add rule for every user created. Just create one general rule to do so.
And, also, in your server DNS, you need to forward * (where * is not www, mail or other existing real subdomains) to IP. This is pretty straight forward. You already have DNS records for existing subdomains. Just add * and point to This will do the DNS part of the trick. Other part is in the URL Rewrite
Realizing of course that someone already answered your question by telling you to do redirects, it seems the easier way might be to just grab the host server variable.
Setup IIS so that all incoming requests (regardless of the host
header) point to this one application. All sites have to either have a unique hostname or unique port in IIS, so you would set this up by:
Binding the site to the default port of 80.
Not providing anything in the Host Name field. This is also how the Default Website is setup by default when you first install IIS.
Figure out the static IP address of your server, and tell each new client that signs up to point the DNS for their domain to that IP. Or, if you will own the domain name, setup a catchall DNS entry: * - points to the IP address of your server.
Within your application, check for the current
host header in order to provide a
different skin or master page.
This should grab the host header from within the code:
From there you could test its value against a set of database values you have to determine which MasterPage/css stylesheet/etc you need to load based on that URL. Keep in mind if you do a catchall like this that you'll need to account for a URL mistyped that you therefore wouldn't have a skin to match to it.

How can I create a subdomain in

How can I create a subdomain in an C# application? I am working with an portal. In that portal I need to be able to create the subdomain at runtime. The ftp for that subdomain also needs to be the same as the main domain ftp.
There are a handful of working parts here. It sounds like the requirement is that this all happen at runtime. I am sure a lot of web hosting providers are deep into these sets of problems and likely have custom solutions.
DNS: you'll need to have an API open at the DNS host. If it's a LAN environment, you'll have to check your DNS provider on whether they have APIs exposed. (i.e. Windows Server or whatever your network operating system is). If this is a public facing site that needs to be accessed via the internet, you'll have to get those APIs from the DNS registrar. Are the subdomains to be permanent?
IIS: You'll have to setup wildcard mapping, (i.e. * When an HTTP request comes in, logic within the ASP.NET page can determine the subdomain that you're working with. You could extract the subdomain, perform a lookup on that subdomain to get more information (CustomerID, names, valid visitor IP address ranges, whathaveyou).
FTP: if you require secure logins for that subdomain, you'd have to have created AD or local machine accounts for those users. If you want anonymous access, that's OK too. There are some scripting options that you'll have to look at to have that FTP folder setup as well. That is assuming you're using IIS's FTP module. If you are using a 3rd party FTP application, that complicates the scenario even further. Their APIs would have to be investigated.
Active Directory: If you are requiring secure access for each subdomain, you'll have to create AD users and/or groups. You can certainly script the creation of users into groups. Perhaps the users will be local to your web server. That doesn't scale well if you want to add another web server, but it's certainly do-able.
subdomain's are controlled by your dns settings. Beyond that I can't understand your question.
I think the best way is to have a wildcard DNS entry - i.e. * that points to the domain. And then use a rewriting tool, like, to rewrite the 1st part of the subdomain to tell your app what you're looking at.
This would use regular expressions to pass the subdomain to your app:
RewriteCond Host: (mysub)
RewriteRule (.*) /$2?subdomain=$1 [I,L,U]
There are two halves to this:
A) Changing your DNS Settings:
This varies based on your host and whatnot. Contact them and ask if you can't figure it out.
B) Changing your host settings:
This varies based on your server. I assume you're using some version of IIS.
In IIS6, you can right click a web site, select the properties page, go to the web site tab, select advanced in web site identification, and start adding bindings (Generally you'll use default or the ip address for IP Address, 80 for TCP Port (unless SSL), and the site for the host header file (e.g. or
In IIS7, you right click on a website and select edit bindings, then click "Add". IIS7's add screen is pretty self explanatory.
I think he wants to created a subdomain from code, using an API probably that needs to be provided by his webhost folks. Like his own DNS manager app. If I interpreted your question wrong, then I guess you probably oughta reiterate a bit more.

