Get Folder names containing .sln and .java files in SharpSVN using C# - c#

I want to search for .sln and .java files from a given remote URL: something like
I tried the code below used to read all files but it isn't working. Could you please explain what the GetList function does in the code?
Also can you tell me if I could take a textbox value as the projectPath in the code?
What is the best way I could solve my problem?
bool gotList;
List<string> files = new List<string>();
using (SvnClient client = new SvnClient())
Collection<SvnListEventArgs> list;
gotList = client.GetList(projectPath, out list);
if (gotList)
foreach (SvnListEventArgs item in list)
I also get the "PROPFIND of '/nyts': authorization failed: Could not authenticate to server: rejected Basic challenge ( <> )"
error even though my username and password are absolutely right.
Please let me know asap as I've been trying to implement this for 3 days now. Thanks.

You should add something like
client.Authentication.DefaultCredentials = new NetworkCredentials("user", "password");
Or more cleaner hook the events on the Authentication class and provide credentials only when needed.
(The SharpSvn.UI assembly contains the default UI you see in AnkhSVN)


List the content of a given directory for different users, Linux

Using .NET Core, C#, Linux
I've searched around a bit and can't seem to find anything. Maybe it's not possible and I need a different approach?
Can someone kindly point me in the direction of how I can go about getting the directory listing for a given path for a specific username?
I am running a web application service as Root but need to check and return directories and files for a given username (no password is available) - to report directories and files that a given username has read-access to.
Say for example "/opt/mydata/" and in there I will have a number of directories that I will manually create and set the permissions for each user group. I.e. "/opt/mydata/user_1_readable" will be returned when I do a directory listing for user1 (because this user is in the respective permissions group, or is the owner, or it is set for everyone to read) but will not be returned for user2 (this user is not in the correct group).
Essentially, I want to "impersonate" or in Linux, do the equivalent of "sudo su user1" and report what directories/files are readable within "/opt/mydata/" for a given user.
I can get the directory listing and files fine running as Root. What I can't do / don't know how to is getting the directory listing for a specific user. The examples I found and tried are all Windows Identity and Windows Security specific.
E.g. I found this example but it seemed to apply to "Mono" which I am not running, but essentially I really want to do something along the lines of this:
// Impersonate a user
using (WindowsIdentity newId = new WindowsIdentity("user1"))
using (WindowsImpersonationContext impersonatedUser = newId.Impersonate())
var content = _fileProvider.GetDirectoryContents(uri);
Is there some third party library or some other way please?
Change current Linux user in a C# application running with Mono?
If you look at this issue on .net core repository, Proposal: Expose POSIX functions , it looks like it won't be implemented in .net core, but only in Mono.Posix.NETStandard.
The library is compatible with .net core 2.0, and it shouldn't be too hard to implement this yourself.
You could try something like this with the package to filter which files the user can read.
public UserHasReadPermission(string username, string file)
var user = new UnixUserInfo(username);
var file = new UnixFileInfo(file);
// Everyone has read permission
if (file.FileAccessPermissions.HasFlag(FileAccessPermissions.OtherRead))
return true;
// User owns the file and has read permission
if (file.OwnerUser == user && file.FileAccessPermissions.HasFlag(FileAccessPermissions.UserRead))
return true;
// User group owns the file and has read permission
if (file.OwnerGroup == user.Group && file.FileAccessPermissions.HasFlag(FileAccessPermissions.GroupRead))
return true;
return false;
Perhaps you want to read the /etc/passwd file to get users' directories?
Once you have that, you can then get all subdirs inside the folders:
List<string> AllFiles = new List<string>();
void ParsePath(string path)
string[] SubDirs = Directory.GetDirectories(path);
foreach (string subdir in SubDirs)

Get contents of OneDrive folder via shared link (URL)

I've got a URL to a OneDrive folder (!AtXoQFW327DIyMwPjZhmauUCSSHXUA). Everyone with that link can access the folder via browser.
Now, my goal is to create an .NET application that, given that link, is able to get a list of the files/folders inside that folder.
Is that even possible?
The best way to do this is to use the OneDrive API exposed via Graph.
You can read the "Using Sharing Links" documentation for full details, but you'd essentially make a call to:!aHR0cHM6Ly8xZHJ2Lm1zL2YvcyFBdFhvUUZXMzI3REl5TXdQalpobWF1VUNTU0hYVUE/driveItem/children
You can also use the .NET SDK to avoid making the calls to the API yourself, in which case your code would look something like:
Selenium Web Driver is good option for tasks like that.
Open Solution Explorer.
Right Click on your project.
Select Manage NuGet Packages..
Browse and install these two : Selenium.Chrome.WebDriver and Selenium.WebDriver.
You have just installed selenium to your project!
So now, we need to create a driver service, and find needed elements in our website.
As far as i see, filenames are stored as a span class named signalFieldValue_03700093.
But "Last Modified infos" are stored under this class too, i needed to skip "Last Modified infos" using the code below:
bool skip = false;
List<string> myFiles = new List<string>();
ChromeDriverService service = ChromeDriverService.CreateDefaultService();
ChromeOptions option = new ChromeOptions();
var driver = new ChromeDriver(service, option);
driver.Url = "!AtXoQFW327DIyMwPjZhmauUCSSHXUA";
driver.Manage().Timeouts().ImplicitWait = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10);
foreach (IWebElement element in driver.FindElements(By.XPath("//span[#class='signalFieldValue_03700093']")))
if (!skip)
skip = true;
skip = false;
As a result, we have our filenames in string array named myFiles.
Hope this helps!

CWE 73 Error - Veracode Issue application

I have been problem to solve an appointment of Veracode Scanner in my project. I created a function to validate a file but it did not pass in veracode scanner;
Here is the code of my function:
public static string GetSafeFileName(string fileNameToValidate)
fileNameToValidate= fileNameToValidate.Replace("'", "''").Replace(#"../", "").Replace(#"..\", "");
char[] blackListChars = System.IO.Path.GetInvalidPathChars();
char[] blackListFilename = System.IO.Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars();
foreach (var invalidChar in blackListChars)
if (fileNameToValidate.Contains(invalidChar))
fileNameToValidate = fileNameToValidate.Replace(invalidChar, ' ').Trim();
string fullPath = Path.GetFullPath(fileNameToValidate);
string directoryName = Path.GetDirectoryName(fullPath);
string fileName = Path.GetFileName(fullPath);
foreach (var invalidChar in blackListFilename)
if (fileName.Contains(invalidChar))
fileName = fileName.Replace(invalidChar, ' ').Trim();
string finalPath = Path.Combine(directoryName, fileName);
return finalPath;
What are the changes i have to fix the cwe 73 appointment in Veracode scanner? Anybody can help me?
My project is a windows forms running on .net 4.0
Your problem is that Veracode doesn't actually detect what your code is doing, it detects what cleanser function is (or is not) being called. If you login to Veracode and search for help on "Supported Cleansing Functions" you'll find the list that are detected in your language.
Unfortunately, the list for .Net doesn't include anything for a CWE-73.
So, your solution is to specifically label your function as a cleanser for CWE-73 using a custom cleanser annotation. Search Veracode help for "Annotating Custom Cleansers".
using Veracode.Attributes;
public static string GetSafeFileName(string fileNameToValidate)
That said, your implementation is not secure. Try passing in "C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe" as a filename to be written to and you'll see the problem.
Blacklisting can only deal with what you expect. Whitelisting is a much stronger approach. Your approach should be based on a whitelist of directories, a whitelist of characters for filenames, and a whitelist of file extensions.
I have tried to solve similar problem but in java context. We used ESAPI as external library. You can review esapi project (for ideas how to realise a better solution in your project):
Actually using esapi validator didn't solve the problem with veracode, but in my opinion reduce the risk for attack. With such a library you can enshure that user can't read file out of parent folder(you must hardcode such a directory) and that the user can't read a file with unproper extension -> you can add such a list with file extensions. But this library cant garantee that you can't manipulate files in the parent directory with allowed extensions.
So if you think that all needed verifications of filepaths are done you must ask for mitigation by design or develope a Map with all needed file resources in the project to enshure that there is no way the user to manipulate external files.
Also if you think that you have created a good filepath verification you can use cleanser annotation to mark your method. Here you can read more about custom cleansers

Sharepoint 2010 Programmatically Update List Item in Event Handler

We have a custom developed installed .WSP on a SharePoint 2007 environment and have been in the process of upgrading to 2010. With the upgrade the custom event trigger no longer worked so trying to update and make it work in 2010. But I am running into one issue. Original developers no longer here and I've been the lucky one to have to figure this one out without much of a background with SP Dev.
When a new list item is created trigger event. Within event, create a shared folder using Item Name and return url, create a wiki-page using item name and include shared document link and return url to wiki page. Part three is update newly created list item with the New Folder url and Wiki Page URL.
I've gotten the first two parts working but so far have been unable to update the newly created list item with the new Links. I'm able to get the links. I've tried all the basic stuff for updating the list that I have been able to find online with no luck. Nothing to complicated(or so I think). But code is included below. VS is not installed on the server so unable to run debug mode, I don't have direct access to the server. When you create the item there are no client/user side error. Haven't been able to find a log file that has any, that is if it collects errors if the script were to fail out.
Initiation of the Event
public class CreateWikiAndFolder : Microsoft.SharePoint.SPItemEventReceiver
public override void ItemAdded(SPItemEventProperties properties)
base.EventFiringEnabled = false;
string sUrlOfWikiPage = string.Empty;
string sUrlOfNewFolder = string.Empty;
string sSubsiteRUL = string.Empty;
string sCurrentItemTitle = properties.ListItem["Title"].ToString();
string sWikiListName = "TR Wikis";
string sDocLibName = "Shared Documents";
string sTRListID = "TR Status";
if (sTRListID.ToUpper().Equals(properties.ListTitle.ToString().ToUpper()))
//Create the Folder
sUrlOfNewFolder = CreateFolder(properties.ListItem.Web, sDocLibName, sCurrentItemTitle);
//Create the Wiki
string ItemDispFormUrl = String.Concat(properties.ListItem.Web.Url, "/", properties.ListItem.ParentList.Forms[PAGETYPE.PAGE_DISPLAYFORM].Url, "?ID=", properties.ListItem.ID.ToString());
sUrlOfWikiPage = CreateWiki(properties.ListItem.Web, sWikiListName, sCurrentItemTitle, ItemDispFormUrl, sUrlOfNewFolder);
//Update the current TR Item
//Have tried. properties.ListItem["WikiURL"] = sUrlOfWikiPage + ", " + "Wiki";
SPListItem myListItem = properties.ListItem;
SPFieldUrlValue shareFolderURLValue = new SPFieldUrlValue();
shareFolderURLValue.Description = "Shared Folder";
shareFolderURLValue.Url = sUrlOfNewFolder ;
myListItem["SharedFolder"] = shareFolderURLValue;
//I've tried each one separate and together to no luck
base.EventFiringEnabled = true;
Note that this is the last thing needed to be figured out for our upgrade.
Got it working. I did both of these at the same time so I'm not sure if it was the combination of both or only one of the items. But one I removed the myListItem.UpdateOverwriteVersion(); line and surrounded the item updated with web.AllowUnsafeUpdates being set to true before and then back to false afterwards.
Also as a note to others, you need to save the properties.ListItem to its own SPListItem which you then update versus trying to manipulate the values at the properties.ListItem["Attribute"], and then update the properties.ListItem.Update. SharePoint doesn't allow the latter option so you have to save to an independent SPListItem, and then modify and update that one. This might not be the best SharePoint lingo, but that is what needs to be done.

SharePoint Event Reciever Works On One Machine/computer/user

So we have created an updated version of a WSP for SharePoint 2010 due to our migration/update from 2007 to 2010.
The WSP is a event handler/reciever for ItemAdded() and we have it working as intended. Issue is that the operation seems to only work for one computer/machine and no others.
When the Item is Added to a list the WSP creates a Folder in Shared Documents library, creates a wiki page, then updates the new List Item with links to the Shared Doc and Wiki.
When triggered by Machine #1 and User #1 all operations work, when Machine #2(M2) and user #2(U2) or M3 and U3 non of the tasks take place when a new Item is created.
User #2 can log in on M1 and create a new item and all operations work. But if U1 uses M2 or M3 to create an item the events don't trigger. Machine #1 is able to trigger the event as many times as they want but no other computer is able to.
If you were able to follow is it something with the code or some sort of cache setting on the local machine or the SP server, or something else? Any help is appreciated.
Update: All machines are on the same network. Non of the machines are the server but various personal laptops. Development was done on a separate machine. All are accessing via the same URL. All users have same access. This is on our test site currently which would be switched to being production once migration/upgrade takes place.
Before current .WSP deployment we noticed the same issue but it was reverse, Machine #2 did all the updates but Machine #1 and #3 couldn't. Only thing we can think of was that those machines were the first to trigger the event after deployment.
I'm Not doing the .WSP install but our IT guy is(won't let us have access :/ but I understand) but below is the install commands he is running.
Add-SPSolution -LiteralPath "OurPath/ourFile.wsp"
Install-SPSolution -Identity ourIdentity -WebApplication -GACDeployment
Below is the main part of the code
public class CreateWikiAndFolder : Microsoft.SharePoint.SPItemEventReceiver
public override void ItemAdded(SPItemEventProperties properties)
base.EventFiringEnabled = false;
string sUrlOfWikiPage = string.Empty;
string sUrlOfNewFolder = string.Empty;
string sSubsiteRUL = string.Empty;
string sCurrentItemTitle = properties.ListItem["Title"].ToString();
string sWikiListName = "TR Wikis";
string sDocLibName = "Shared Documents";
string sTRListID = "TR Status";
if (sTRListID.ToUpper().Equals(properties.ListTitle.ToString().ToUpper()))
//Create the Folder
sUrlOfNewFolder = CreateFolder(properties.ListItem.Web, sDocLibName, sCurrentItemTitle);
//Create the Wiki
string ItemDispFormUrl = String.Concat(properties.ListItem.Web.Url, "/", properties.ListItem.ParentList.Forms[PAGETYPE.PAGE_DISPLAYFORM].Url, "?ID=", properties.ListItem.ID.ToString());
sUrlOfWikiPage = CreateWiki(properties.ListItem.Web, sWikiListName, sCurrentItemTitle, ItemDispFormUrl, sUrlOfNewFolder);
//Update the current TR Item
SPWeb myWeb = properties.ListItem.Web;
myWeb.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true;
SPListItem myListItem = properties.ListItem;
SPFieldUrlValue shareFolderURLValue = new SPFieldUrlValue();
shareFolderURLValue.Description = "Shared Folder";
shareFolderURLValue.Url = sUrlOfNewFolder ;
myListItem["SharedFolder"] = shareFolderURLValue;
myWeb.AllowUnsafeUpdates = false;
base.EventFiringEnabled = true;
catch (Exception e)
//Currently throwing nothing
It could be a hardcoded path/url, however there is not enough information to identify the problem, I would be glad to update my answer with a more detailed theory if you provide more details or if you share some of your code.
Figured out the issue. I didn't include them with the above file code. But we were StreamWriting to a text file on the server to help us with debugging. Issue was with that, When user 1 was logged on their machine and the log files didn't exist, they would get generated. Now no other users then had read/write access to those files and so it errored out at our debug files for anyone else. But that Windows user could run it as much as they wanted as they were the owner of the file :/

