StackOverflowException on a huge class - c#

So, I got to work on this huge project. And the is this HUGE class with hundreds of variables and methods and lots of partial classes.
interface IBusinessReturn
string variableOne { get; set; }
string variableTwo { get; set; }
string variableHundred { get; set; }
//a lot more...
public partial class BusinessTransaction : IBusinessReturn
private string _variableOne;
public string variableOne
get { return variableOne; }
set { _variableOne= value; }
private string _variableTwo;
public string variableTwo
get { return variableTwo; }
set { _variableTwo = value; }
private string _variableHundred;
public string variableHundred
get { return variableHundred; }
set { _variableHundred = value; }
// And so it goes on till hundreds...
And lots of other partials that goes like this:
public partial class BusinessTransaction: IBusinessTransaction238
//Lots of methods
The problem is: It is all working except for some new variables I declared. (varOne and Two, in the example above). When I try to set any value to these var I got a StackOverflowException. I'm 100% sure they're declared just like every other.
This is how i'm calling:
BusinessTransaction v763 = new BusinessTransaction();
v763.variableHundred = "Hi"; //working
v763.variableOne = "Hello"; //StackOverflow HERE.
I just can't see any reason for why this is happening, and I only hope you can tell me if this have something to do with the huge amount of methods and variables on this class..

Look at your getter - no underscores for any of them. You're causing an infinite loop.
public string variableOne
get { return variableOne; }
set { _variableOne= value; }

It should return private member, not itself.
Should be
public string variableOne
get { return _variableOne; // error was here
set { _variableOne= value; }


Neo4jClient Node/Relationship Class conventions

Is there a standard naming convention for the properties/methods of a node/relationship class when working with Neo4jClient?
I'm following this link Neo4jClient - Retrieving relationship from Cypher query to create my relationship class
However, there are certain properties of my relationship which i can't get any value despite the relationship having it. While debugging my code, i realized certain properties was not retrieved from the relationship when creating the relationship object.
this is my relationship class
public class Creates
private string _raw;
private int _sourcePort;
private string _image;
private int _DestinationPort;
private int _eventcode;
private string _name;
private string _src_ip;
private int _src_port;
private string _dvc;
private int _signature_ID;
private string _dest_ip;
private string _computer;
private string _sourceType;
private int _recordID;
private int _processID;
private DateTime _time;
private int _dest_port;
public string Raw { get { return _raw; } set { _raw = value; } }
public int SourcePort { get { return _sourcePort; } set { _sourcePort = value; } }
public string Image { get { return _image; } set { _image = value; } }
public int DestinationPort { get { return _DestinationPort; } set { _DestinationPort = value; } }
public int Eventcode { get { return _eventcode; } set { _eventcode = value; } }
public string Name { get { return _name; } set { _name = value; } }
public string Src_ip { get { return _src_ip; } set { _src_ip = value; } }
public int Src_port { get { return _src_port; } set { _src_port = value; } }
public string DVC { get { return _dvc; } set { _dvc = value; } }
public int Signature_ID { get { return _signature_ID; } set { _signature_ID = value; } }
public string Dest_ip { get { return _dest_ip; } set { _dest_ip = value; } }
public string Computer { get { return _computer; } set { _computer = value; } }
public string SourceType { get { return _sourceType; } set { _sourceType = value; } }
public int RecordID { get { return _recordID; } set { _recordID = value; } }
public int ProcessID { get { return _processID; } set { _processID = value; } }
public DateTime Indextime { get { return _time; } set { _time = value; } }
public int Dest_port { get { return _dest_port; } set { _dest_port = value; } }
This is another class
public class ProcessConnectedIP
public Neo4jClient.RelationshipInstance<Pivot> bindto { get; set; }
public Neo4jClient.Node<LogEvent> bindip { get; set; }
public Neo4jClient.RelationshipInstance<Pivot> connectto { get; set; }
public Neo4jClient.Node<LogEvent> connectip { get; set; }
This is my neo4jclient query to get the relationship object
public IEnumerable<ProcessConnectedIP> GetConnectedIPs(string nodeName)
var result =
.WithParam("nameParam", nodeName)
.Where("b.dest_ip = c.dest_ip")
.WithParam("imageParam", $".*" + nodeName + ".*")
.Return((b, bind, c, connect) => new ProcessConnectedIP
bindto = b.As<RelationshipInstance<Creates>>(),
bindip = bind.As<Node<LogEvent>>(),
connectto = c.As<RelationshipInstance<Creates>>(),
connectip = connect.As<Node<LogEvent>>()
return result;
}catch(Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("GetConnectedIPs: Error Msg: " + ex.Message);
return null;
This is the method to read the results
public void MyMethod(string name)
IEnumerable<ProcessConnectedIP> result = clientDAL.GetConnectedIPs(name);
if(result != null)
var results = result.ToList();
foreach (ProcessConnectedIP item in results)
Node<LogEvent> ans = item.bindip;
LogEvent log = ans.Data;
Node<LogEvent> ans1 = item.connectip;
LogEvent log1 = ans1.Data;
Somehow, i'm only able to populate the relationship object with src_ip/src_port/dest_ip/dest_port values. the rest are empty.
Is there any possible reason why? I've played with upper/lower cases on the properties names but it does not seem to work.
This is the section of the graph im working with
This is the relationship properties sample:
_raw: Some XML dataSourcePort: 49767Image: C:\Windows\explorer.exeDestinationPort: 443EventCode: 3Name: Bind
IPsrc_ip: COMPUTER-NAMEsrc_port:
49767signature_id: 3dest_ip:
13405621ProcessId: 7184_time: 2017-08-28T15:15:39+08:00dest_port: 443
I'm not entirely sure how your Creates class is ever populated, in particular those fields - as your Src_port property doesn't match the src_port in the sample you provided (case wise).
I think it's probably best to go back to a super simple version. Neo4jClient will map your properties to the properties in the Relationship as long as they have the same name (and it is case-sensitive).
So start with a new Creates class (and use auto properties - it'll make your life a lot easier!)
public class Creates
public string Computer { get; set; }
Run your query with that and see if you get a result, then keep on adding properties that match the name and type you expect to get back (int, string etc)
It seems that i have to give neo4j node/relationship property names in lowercase and without special characters at the start of the property name, in order for the above codes to work.
The graph was not created by me at the start thus i had to work on it with what was given. I had to get the developer who created the graph to create the nodes with lowercases in order for the above to work.

Creating two C# class definitions with a driver to test classes, but not sure why so many errors?

I am new to C# and was asked to create two class definitions (customer and order) using partial code and with the suggested class names, methods, contructors and following an example. I am not sure why I am getting so many errors when I build/debug?
After this is finished, I need to create another program that builds onto this one. Our instructor also asked us not to use validation...
Some of my most common errors are:
expected: ; (in a place in my code where I believe there should not be a semi-colon and
Error "Expected class, delegate, enum, interface, or struct.
Here is my code:
public class clsOrder
//declare class variables
protected string cstrDescription;
protected int cintQuantity;
protected decimal cdecPrice;
protected decimal cdecExtendedPrice;
//shared variables
static decimal cdecTotalPrice;
static int cintTotalCount;
//declare constructors
public clsOrder();
public clsOrde r(string strDescription,
int intQuantity, decimal decPrice)
//declare property methods
this.Description = string strDescription;
this.Quantity = int intQuantity;
this.Price = decimal decPrice;
//declare read-only properties
public decimal ExtendedPrice
public string Description
return strDescription;
strDescription = value;
public int Quantity
return intQuantity;
intQuantity = value;
public decimal Price
return decPrice;
decPrice = value;
return cdecExtendedPrice;
//declare Shared (static) ReadOnly Properites
public static decimal TotalPrice
return cdecTotalPrice;
public static int TotalCount
return cintTotalCount;
//declare supporting methods
public void calcExtendedPrice()
cdecExtendedPrice = cintQuantity * cdecPrice;
public void accumulateTotals()
cdecTotalPrice += cdecExtendedPrice;
cintTotalCount += 1;
public static void resetTotals()
cdecTotalPrice = 0;
cintTotalCount = 0;
}//end of Class
}//end of namespace
public class clsCustomer
//declare class variables
private string cstrName;
private string cstrStreet;
private string cstrCity;
private string cstrState;
private string cstrZip;
//declare constructors
public class clsCustomer()
public clsCustomer(string strName,
string strStreet, string strCity,
string strState, string strZip)
//declare property methods
this.Name = cstrName;
this.Street = cstrStreet;
this.City = cstrCity;
this.State = cstrState;
this.Zip = cstrZip;
public string Name
return cstrName;
cstrName = value;
public string Street
return cstrStreet;
cstrStreet = value;
public string City
return cstrCity;
cstrCity = value;
public string State
return cstrState;
cstrState = value;
public string Zip
return cstrZip;
cstringZip = value;
Any help would be very much appreciated, thank you.

Asp.Net C# Object Related Ques

I am new to Asp .net C#. i have question about objects and inheritance.
if i have parent class (Base-Table) that have 2 child classes (Credit-Card-Table , Bank-Account-Table) i have fun. in another class that take an object from the base-table class.
my problem is i want to know if the Base-table is Credit-card or Bank-account ?!
class BaseTable
string date;
public string Date
get { return date; }
set { date = value; }
string description;
public string Description
get { return description; }
set { description = value; }
class CreditCardTable:BaseTable
string Amount;
public string amount
get { return Amount; }
set { Amount = value; }
string Type;
public string type
get { return Type; }
set { Type = value; }
class BankAccountTable:BaseTable
string Refr;
public string Ref
get { return Refr; }
set { Refr = value; }
string debit;
public string Debit
get { return debit; }
set { debit = value; }
string credit;
public string Credit
get { return credit; }
set { credit = value; }
3 options:
use is, as or GetType() to explicitly check the type of an instance you have been given, to test it against some known types
if(obj is CreditCardTable) {...} else ...
add a virtual or abstract method to the base-type, and use that instead of ever having to worry about which it is (since it will automatically invoke the most derived override)
add a discriminator - perhaps a virtual enum property to the BaseTable which all derived types return a different value from, and switch on that discriminator:
switch(obj.Type) { ... }

Preferred way to set default values of nullable properties?

I'm in a dilemma. The (reduced) task is to redesign the following data holder class
class Stuff
public String SomeInfo { get; set; }
to accommodate the demand that null mustn't be returned. I can think of two ways to achieve that and after deep consideration of 15 minutes, I simply can't decide which one is to be preferred.
Approach by constructor.
class Stuff
public String SomeInfo { get; set; }
public Stuff() { SomeInfo = String.Empty; }
Approach by property.
class Stuff
private String _SomeInfo;
public String SomeInfo
get { return _SomeInfo ?? String.Empty; }
set { _SomeInfo = value; }
Note that the creation of the Stuff instances might be done using the constructor as well as initialization, if that's of any significance. As far as I'm informed, there won't be any other restrictions (but you know how the customers' specifications not always reflect the reality).
You can only ensure that null is never returned when you use the property:
class Stuff
private String _SomeInfo;
public String SomeInfo
get { return _SomeInfo ?? String.Empty; }
set { _SomeInfo = value; }
The same approach is used by text-controls(e.g. in ASP.NET) where the Text property never returns null but String.Empty.
For example(ILSpy):
// System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox
public virtual string Text
string text = (string)this.ViewState["Text"];
if (text != null)
return text;
return string.Empty;
this.ViewState["Text"] = value;
Just to add another answer to this, you can also set a default value to a string object in a single statement;
class Stuff
private String Something {get; set;} = string.Empty;
You can also implement the logic in the setter rather than in the getter, that way your back field always has a valid value
class Stuff
private String _SomeInfo = string.Empty;
public String SomeInfo
get { return _SomeInfo; }
if (value != null)
_SomeInfo = value;

System.StackOverflowException was unhandled

Please help, I'm confused I do not know why the error logs
System.StackOverflowException was unhandled.
I keep getting an error on set LekID.
How would I that fix?
Here is the code:
public Lager(long lekID, string lek, string proizvojdac, int kolicina, double cena)
LekID = lekID;
Lek = lek;
Proizvodjac = proizvojdac;
Kolicina = kolicina;
Cena = cena;
public long LekID
get { return LekID; }
set { LekID = value; }
public string Lek
get { return Lek; }
set { Lek = value; }
public string Proizvodjac
get { return Proizvodjac; }
set { Proizvodjac = value; }
public int Kolicina
get { return Kolicina; }
set { Kolicina = value; }
public double Cena
get { return Cena; }
set { Cena = value; }
public long LekID
get { return LekID; }
set { LekID = value; }
This (and the other properties) cause a StackOverflowException, since you are assigning value to LekID over and over again.
You should add a field to the property and store the value there:
private long _lekID;
public long LekID
get { return _lekID; }
set { _lekID = value; }
You should give different names to your private variables and to your properties. Otherwise, your property is calling itself when you access it.
long _lekID;
public long LekID
get { return _lekID; }
set { _lekID = value; }
Or simply:
public long LekID { get; set; }
The properties are calling themself. Try changing your properties like this:
public string Lek
You're calling the Lek property recursively in both the setter and the getter
Either introduce a backing field:
private string lek;
public string Lek
get { return this.lek; }
set { this.lek = value; }
or use an Automatic Property:
public string Lek
get; set;
Marking this community wiki as it is only an aside, but none of this would have happened if you'd been sufficiently lazy (that is often a virtue in programming, not a vice):
public long LekID {get;set;}
public string Lek {get;set;}
public string Proizvodjac {get;set;}
public int Kolicina {get;set;}
public double Cena {get;set;}
less typing; no errors; and you've correctly exposed the API as properties so you can add validation / side-effects later if you need, and it'll work with binding APIs (which don't usually love fields).
Try using code snippet like prop/ propfull,
the snippets will create the properties code automaticly

