DateTimeOffset display after daylight savings change - c#

I have a question about DateTimeOffset and daylight savings time. To explain my question lets assume that right now the date and time is:
11/6/2010 10:15:00 AM
If I run this code:
DateTimeOffset myTime = DateTimeOffset.Now;
Console.WriteLine("Local time: " + myTime.ToLocalTime().DateTime);
Then I get this result:
Local time: 11/6/2010 10:15:00 AM
Meaning that the event happened at 10:15 in the morning (my time zone is Mountain Daylight Time (-6 offset)).
So, then I save this DateTimeOffset to my SQL Server 2008 db (as a DateTimeOffset). The next day I want to display it to the user. But now daylight savings has expired.
If I run the above WriteLine with the saved off value (from the previous day) what will display?
The offset stored in the database is -6. But now that daylight savings is over, the current offset is -7. So as I understand the documentation, it will first convert my time to UTC time (so it takes 10:15 AM and adds 6 hours (4:15 pm). It will then subtract the current offset of the local time (4:15 pm - 7 = 9:15 AM).
So if I my math is right, now when I display my event, it will show that it occurred at 9:15 AM rather than 10:15 AM.
This is not good. I want to store time zone information, but I need my times to stay static in the same time zone. (Meaning that if the event happened at 10:15 AM in Utah, then the next time I look at it (in Utah), I need to see that it was at 10:15 AM, regardless if the daylight savings time change has happened.
I can't think I am the first one to have this issue. What do others do to fix this? (Or do I have the facts wrong?)

No, it won't add the current offset - it'll add the offset at that date which is still -6. So it should still display 10:15AM, because it knows the date involved, and thus the time zone rules in force on that date.
You may well want to store a simple UTC time and the time zone identifier separately, by the way. If you're storing a time zone, then using DateTimeOffset won't be particularly helpful over just a UTC date/time. (On the other hand, it's clearer that it does represent an instant in time - DateTime is a horribly confused type which doesn't let you easily express what you're trying to represent.)
Of course I'd personally encourage you to look at Noda Time which in my very biased opinion is a rather clearer date/time API than the built-in one... but which isn't quite ready for production use. (We're getting there though...)


Check a date (datetime) if it is Daylight Saving Time with unknown region - c#

With what I understood from other questions I've used below code for checking a date if it is Daylight saving time and altering as required. I do not know which region would the application be used hence I am using Utc. However it is not working as expected.
DateTime dateValWithOffset = dateVal;
TimeZoneInfo timeZoneInfo = TimeZoneInfo.Utc;
dateValWithOffset = dateValWithOffset.AddMinutes(60);
Example: for sample date (06-JUL-21 AM) above code should be showing dateValWithOffset as 07/06/2021 02:16:34.547 AM but it returns 07/06/2021 01:16:34.547 AM . If someone can point out where am I going wrong please.
Datetime values should always be in UTC. To format a datetime in the machine or user's local timezone, you should convert to a DateTimeOffset. Knowing the local time and knowing if that time is in daylight saving time are two different things.
// machine local
var timeZoneInfo = TimeZoneInfo.Local;
// or by name
var timeZoneInfo = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById(name);
var localTime = new DateTimeOffset(dateVal, timeZoneInfo.GetUtcOffset(dateVal));
var isDst = timeZoneInfo.IsDaylightSavingTime(localTime)
IMHO DateTime is a terrible type, designed before the age of cloud computing. All DateTimeKind values other than Utc encourage programmers to continue to handle dates incorrectly and should be deprecated.
As jason.kaisersmith said in comments, "UTC is universal, so there is no daylight saving."
To elaborate, UTC does not have any daylight saving time. Instead, daylight saving time is observed differently at each time zone across the world. Some time zones don't use it at all. Some time zones start and stop DST at different dates or times than other time zones. There's even one time zone that shifts for DST by 30 minutes instead of the usual 1 hour. Without a time zone reference, the concept of DST is meaningless.
For clarity and reference, here's an overview of anticipated DST dates for 2022 by country, and a detailed list of dates and times for the first half and second half of 2022.

How to change UTC timezone and get actual time?

The thing I am trying to achieve is, by using int values, change UTC datetime and receive time from different timezones.
Int values supposed to be:
0 = UTC+00:00
1 = UTC+01:00
By logic, it supposed to be something like:
int timezoneInt = 1;
var newDate = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(timezoneInt*60);
But the problem is that this not include summer/winter time.
For example:
My location is in UTC+02:00 and time is 09:20 AM. I need to get UTC+00:00 (which is equal to DateTime.UtcNow and supposed to be(?) 07:20 AM). Because of summer time, right now .UtcNow is 06:20 AM, so I can't just multiply 60 minutes by int value, I also need to include summer time factor somehow.
How I suposed to accomplish that, or what I am missing or understanded whong?
Was marked as dublicate. Well, here I don't see anything which will help change time by using int value as timezone.
Adjustments for daylight savings require an extensive timezone database which also records the dates and times when that zone changes to daylight savings, and what the new UTC offset is.
DST databases are not easy to build (or even use, in some cases) and must be manually researched and maintained as they are political, not technical - countries can change their daylight savings dates as they wish and so the database also needs to record historical dates.
The .NET Framework has a built-in TimeZoneInfo class (which obsoletes the TimeZone class) which makes use of the timezone database built-in to Windows or whatever the host OS is. Windows' timezone database uses full names to identify zones, whereas Linux and tzdb use IDs like America/New_York.
Note that generally you should never perform these calculations yourself as there are always numerous edge-cases to be aware of. Just use DateTimeOffset.
Also, there is not a 1:1 mapping between UTC offsets and timezones: different timezones share the same UTC offset but have different daylight savings rules (e.g. the British Time timezone uses UTC+0 as their normal UTC offset but UTC+1 in summer, but if you see "UTC+1" that could be either the British zone in summer or a West-African timezone such as Algeria's which is UTC+1, but does not use daylight savings at all.
Copied verbatim from the timezone tag wiki:
Time Zone != Offset
A time zone can not be represented solely by an offset from UTC. Many time zones have more than one offset due to daylight saving time (aka "summer time") rules. The dates that offsets change are also part of the rules for the time zone, as are any historical offset changes. Many software programs, libraries, and web services disregard this important detail, and erroneously call the standard or current offset the "zone". This can lead to confusion, and misuse of the data. Please use the correct terminology whenever possible.
An offset is just a number that represents how far a particular date/time value is ahead or behind UTC.
Most offsets are expressed in whole hours.
But there are many that are 30-minute offset.
And there are a few that are 45-minute offset.
A time zone contains much more:
A name or ID that can be used to identify the zone.
One or more offsets from UTC
The specific dates and times that the zone transitions between offsets.
Sometimes, a separate language-specific display name that can be presented to a user.
One can determine the correct offset, given a time zone and a datetime. But one cannot determine the correct time zone given just an offset.
You are asking how to ignore this fact and make it work anyway - which is not possible. You cannot use an integer offset and expect it to understand daylight saving time. Any solution that tries to defeat this will be taking a bias towards one particular set of daylight saving time rules, which are quite different from country to country.

Issue on converting time from local to UTC at DST end date while using TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeToUtc(DateTime, TimeZoneInfo) method

I have an application that converts local time to UTC and stores it in the database. I encountered this problem while I was testing the conversion during a particular date - 1st November, 2015(the date on which the Daylight savings time ends(the clock goes back to 1.00AM on reaching 2.00AM)).
My local system timezone is (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
I converted the time 2015-10-31 01:49:00.000 to UTC, the output was 2015-10-31 08:49:00.000.
when I tried to convert 2015-11-01 01:49:00.000 to UTC, the output was 2015-10-31 09:49:00.000.
Isn't this wrong? why did the converted time increase by an hour on 1st November?
This is my method,
DateTime universalFormatDateTime = localDateTime.Value.GetUniversalFormatDateTime();
utcDateTime = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeToUtc(universalFormatDateTime, _timeZoneInfo);
Isn't this wrong? why did the converted time increase by an hour on 1st November?
Because that's when the clocks change, as you say.
The problem is that "2015-11-01 01:49:00.000" is ambiguous in Pacific Time - it occurs twice, once at 2015-11-01T08:49:00Z and once at 2015-11-01T09:49:00Z.
A DateTime can remember which of those you mean, but it depends on how you came up with the value. If you've just parsed this from text somewhere, you basically don't have enough information - it doesn't specify a single instant in time.
If you were to use my Noda Time library instead, then when converting from LocalDateTime to ZonedDateTime you'd be able to specify how you wanted ambiguity to be handled - so that may be an option for you... but it depends on where the value came from, and whether you know that it was always the second occurrence or always the first.
If you still want to use TimeZoneInfo, you can use TimeZoneInfo.IsAmbiguousTime and TimeZoneInfo.IsInvalidTime to detect local times which occur twice or zero times due to time zone shifts, and then handle those appropriately in your app.

.net adds one hour to summer dst [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Date Conversion issue from webservice
(2 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I'm getting a following string from a web service 2013-10-15T12:54:18+01:00. This date is in the summer DST and my .NET code (web service proxy, I presume) automatically adds one hour to it. The same is not the case if the returned value falls withing the winter DST. The time returned (12:54:18) is what I want to display, I don't want any sort of recalculation to be done.
I'm using TimeSpan DateTime.TimeOfDay to show the time.
What can I do to make it happen?
I am trying to put the pieces together from your question and the additional comments. So far this is my analysis:
On the wire you see two different date and time strings:
Without daylight savings (winter) the string is 2013-12-30T12:54:18
With daylight savings (summer) the string is 2013-10-15T12:54:18+01:00
This is a sign that the web service is using GMT Standard Time as the time zone.
You want to extract the GMT timestamp from the date and time string.
However, between you and the web service there is some unspecified web service proxy (I assume some kind of .NET framework?) and in your code you only have access to a DateTime and furthermore your code is executing in the Central Europe Standard Time time zone which basically is one hour ahead of GMT both during summer and winter if we disregard the short time where there is a transition to and from daylight savings.
I hope I am correct so far.
You can convert the incoming DateTime to GMT using this code:
// Framework code creates the DateTime.
var sourceDateTime = DateTime.Parse("2013-10-15T12:54:18+01:00");
// Application code can further process the DateTime.
var destinationTimeZoneInfo = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("GMT Standard Time");
var destinationDateTime = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(sourceDateTime, destinationTimeZoneInfo);
This example gives the correct answer during daylight savings. The incoming date and time string contains an offset and is correctly parsed into a local time zone (CET). The TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime assumes that the source DateTime is in the local time zone and the result is correct.
However, the code fails during winter where there is no daylight savings:
var sourceDateTime = DateTime.Parse("2013-12-30T12:54:18");
Notice that the date and time string no longer contains a time zone offset. The offset is +00:00 but for some reason it is missing from the string. This means that the source DateTime is assumed to be in the local time zone (CET) and not converted from the actual time zone (GMT). This is the source of your problem if my analysis is correct.
Another way to explain it:
| Server (GMT) | Framework (CET) | My code
Summer | +01:00 suffix | GMT -> CET adds 1 hour | CET -> GMT subtracts 1 hour
Winter | No suffix | Assumed to be CET | CET -> GMT subtracts 1 hour
There is no easy fix for this problem. If you could persuade the web service to provide the correct offset even when it is +00:00 my code above would work both summer and winter. Even better, only use UTC and only convert to a local time when the end-user gets involved. But I guess that you have no control over the web service?
One option would be to execute your code in the same time zone as the server (e.g. GMT). Then you should be able to use the timestamp directly without any conversion.
Another more ugly option is to determine if the web service is outside daylight savings and then adjust the time accordingly:
var destinationTimeZoneInfo = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("GMT Standard Time");
if (!destinationTimeZoneInfo.IsDaylightSavingTime(sourceDateTime)) {
var sourceDateTimeOffset = new DateTimeOffset(sourceDateTime, destinationTimeZoneInfo.BaseUtcOffset);
sourceDateTime = sourceDateTimeOffset.UtcDateTime;
var destinationDateTime = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(sourceDateTime, destinationTimeZoneInfo);
I have tried to keep the code as general as possible but actually it is only trying to fix the situation where +00:00 is missing and in that case destinationTimeZoneInfo.BaseUtcOffset is precisely 0 so it might be slightly overkill to do it like this.
More importantly, I am not sure that this code provides the correct results during the time when there is a daylight savings transition. Even though I believe that GMT and CET transitions at the same date CET is still one hour ahead of GMT. You really have to create some unit tests to make sure you get the desired result.
A DateTime object does not contain offset in this kind of example. It only holds a kind which could be i.e.: local offset (offset of the runtime environment) or UTC. Do it like so, since DateTimeOffset is what you want:
DateTimeOffset test = DateTimeOffset.Parse("2013-10-15T12:54:18+01:00");
Console.WriteLine(test.DateTime.TimeOfDay); // UTC
Console.WriteLine(test.LocalDateTime.TimeOfDay); // Localized with the offset parsed
Will output
You might want to check this MSDN article which describes the transitions that your TimeOfDay is currently returning.
By examining that article, you can find the way on how to correct it. TimeZoneInfo is the class that you'll need.
Edit, the work that Jon Skeet provided might help as well, look at the Noda Time blogspot for more info!

Comparing time regardless of date

I have an object that has properties currently as DateTime.
The object is marked as valid within a time frame. The default being 00:00:00 to 23:59:59
The user enters the value in the UI and the property is set via:
new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year,
This is then converted to UTC when it hits the database.
Today's date is 29th August 2013. If a colleague in India runs this program it will store the data in the database as 28th August 2013 18:30:00 as they are 5.5 hours ahead of UTC so 29th August 2013 00:00:00 becomes yesterday.
When the logic tries to determine if the object is valid the logic is:
if (DateTime.UtcNow.TimeOfDay > model.MyPropertyFromDB.TimeOfDay)
We are trying to determine if the current time is within a range of 00:00:00 and 23:59:59
This fails as 14:00 (current time) is not greater than 18:30
What would be the best approach to compare just times?
Would storing the values as DateTimeOffSet help, is using ToLocal() ok?
Other considerations are that a user in India is using the app which is hosted in the UK so it needs to be timezone aware.
Like others, I'm still unclear on exactly what you are wanting. But clearly, you shouldn't do this:
new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year,
That would be much better as:
DateTime.Today.Add(new TimeSpan(model.Hours, model.Minutes, model.Seconds))
But why are you doing this to begin with? Either of these would give you back the local date. I assume this is going to run on a server, so do you really want the time zone of the server to influence this result? Probably not. Please read: The Case Against DateTime.Now.
If you wanted the UTC date, you could do this:
DateTime.UtcNow.Date.Add(new TimeSpan(model.Hours, model.Minutes, model.Seconds))
That would at least be universally the same regardless of your server's time zone. But still, I don't think this is what you are after.
What's not clear is why is the user only entering the time while you are assigning the current date. If the date is relevant, then shouldn't the user enter it and it would be part of your model?
If the date is not relevant, then why are you storing it? You can use a TimeSpan type for the time value internally. You didn't say what your database is, but let's just guess that it is SQL Server, in which case you could use the time type on the field in the table.
I suppose it's possible that the date is relevant, but you want to control it, while the user takes control of providing the time. If that's the case, then you must know the time zone of the user (or the time zone of whatever the context is if it's not the user). Assuming you had a Windows time zone identifier (see the timezone tag wiki), then you could do something like this:
var tz = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById(theTimeZoneId);
var local = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(DateTime.UtcNow, tz);
var dt = local.Date.Add(new TimeSpan(model.Hours, model.Minutes, model.Seconds));
If you don't have the time zone information, then this wouldn't be possible to solve.
As general advice, you might want to try using Noda Time instead of the built-in stuff. It's much better at helping you figure out this sort of thing. From the main page:
Noda Time is an alternative date and time API for .NET. It helps you to think about your data more clearly, and express operations on that data more precisely.
That appears to be directly the problem you are having here. If you want to clarify some of the questions I asked, I'd be happy to edit my answer and show you exactly how to do this with Noda Time.
Why your question is confusing
We are trying to determine if the current time is within a range of 00:00:00 and 23:59:59
All times are within that range. Well, maybe a value like 23:59:59.1 would be outside of it, but you aren't collecting fractional seconds in your model, so that's irrelevant. But why would you need to validate that? Maybe you are just trying to avoid numbers that aren't valid times at all? Like 99:99:99?
This fails as 14:00 (current time) is not greater than 18:30
Wait - you didn't say anything about comparing one time greater than another. 14:00 and 18:30 are both still in the range you specified.
What would be the best approach to compare just times?
Hard to answer. Are they both UTC times? Is one UTC and one is local? Are they both local? Do you know the time zone of the local times? Are you prepared to deal with ambiguous or invalid local times do to daylight saving time transitions?
Would storing the values as DateTimeOffSet help?
Perhaps, but you haven't given me enough information. It would help only if the date portion is relevant and the you get the correct offsets.
is using ToLocal() ok?
I would argue that no, it's not ok. Local in this context will give you the time zone of the server, which you probably don't want to introduce into your business logic.
So if I understand this correctly you have a time saved in UTC in the database and you are trying to determine whether it falls within a particular time frame? I'm not sure if you want the time frame in local time or UTC so here are both:
DateTime dbTime = model.MyPropertyFromDB;
TimeSpan minTime = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0);
TimeSpan maxTime = new TimeSpan(23, 59, 59);
if (dbTime.TimeOfDay > minTime && dbTime.TimeOfDay < maxTime)
//Within time range (UTC)
if (dbTime.ToLocalTime().TimeOfDay > minTime && dbTime.ToLocalTime().TimeOfDay < maxTime)
//Within time range (local)
Edit: If you want to compare Now to a start and end time from an object in database:
TimeSpan now = DateTime.UtcNow.TimeOfDay;
TimeSpan startDate = model.startDate.TimeOfDay;
TimeSpan endDate = model.endDate.TimeOfDay;
if (now > startDate && now < endDate)
//Within time range (UTC)
I would say that the methodology being used here is fundamentally flawed and that you need to take a different approach.
new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, // Server date
model.Hours, // Local time
I can't see a way of 'normalising' the input in this way, unless you have a way of reliably knowing exactly which timezone a user is in. Simply, there's no easy way to turn a date built in this way into UTC.
My first question to you is, how is the model being passed from client to server? If you're using javascript/ajax then the solution should be fairly straightforward to solve by constructing the datetime object on the client (which will include their timezone data) and then rely on the browser to convert it to UTC for transit.
If you are using Razor\MVC then you can achieve a similar thing with forms encoding, except that you will need to call ToUTC on the server as the browser won't automatically fix the date for you for this media format.
Both methods require that you build a full datetime object on the client and then submit it, rather than trying to build it from seconds, minutes, hours on the server. You don't need to expose all this to the client of course, as long as the datetime is fully formed at the point of submission.
Once you've got a nice UTC datetime, you can extract just the time if you don't need the rest of it.
Hope this helps.

