How could I execute VBScript's code from TextBox control placed in C# application?
like , let's assume that I have a C# Windows Application(form)
and has two controls!
textbox (txtCode)
button (btnExecute)
txtCode has VBScript code
and I want when clicking at btnExecute to execute the VBScript code!!
You can pass VBS/JS directly to the scripting runtime & pass code & objects around.
Add a ref to the Microsoft Scripting Control (COM) then you can;
MSScriptControl.ScriptControl sc = new MSScriptControl.ScriptControl();
object[] anyParams = { "Bob"};
string expr = #"function foo(arg)
dim x: x = ""Hello "" & arg
msgbox x
foo = 12345
End function";
sc.Language = "VBScript";
object result = sc.Run("foo", ref anyParams);
result = sc.Eval("1 + 2 / 3 + abs(-99)");
You will need to use WebBrowser Control to do that.
And since i don't think you can inject VBScript code in the loaded page. So what you can do is Create a Temp .html page, save your TextBox's script in it and then Load it in the the WebBrowser Control.
Couldn't you simply write it to a file and execute it using the default Windows behavior or something like that? It's the only way I can think of.
Check out this two articles:
The following code works perfectly without flaw:
public partial class MainForm : Form
string pyInterp = File.ReadAllText(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + #"\config\pathToPythonInterpreter.txt");
string pyWeather = #"C:\";
public MainForm()
public void UpdateWeather()
labelWeather.Text = PySharp.ExecutePy(pyInterp, pyWeather);
However, when I change the path to to not be in an arbitrary random location, like this:
string pyWeather = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + #"\scripts\";
Then my program no longer obtains the script's output. The script still works: I launched it using IDLE and it completed its function properly. When I call it using C#, the console opens, yet no output is obtained.
The Python script is the following:
from requests import get
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as soup
r = get("")
parsed = soup(r.content, "html.parser")
container = parsed.find("div",{"class":"point kuusiku"})
(It webscrapes my local weather)
PySharp.ExecutePy() can be viewed here
By far the strangest bug I've ever encountered. Any ideas?
EDIT 1: It seems that C# is indeed reading something from the script. It just appears that this something is.. nothing. I gave the label a default sample text, and after running the program, the label's text is simply changed to an empty string. Hope this incredible discovery helps somehow.
EDIT 2: The program fails to call the script correctly when its filepath contains spaces. For example:
C:\foo bar\testing\
does not work!
Try surrounding the path that contains spaces with 2 double quotes.
For e.g.
string pyWeather = #"""C:\Users\[myname]\Documents\Visual Studio 2017\Projects\testing\testing\scripts\""";
Similarly, you can do string pyWeather = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + #"\scripts\"; followed by pyWeather = "\"" + pyWeather + "\"";.
I would want you to return the answer instead of printing. Printer is an I/O based solution to display. So it will work super fine with IDLE however it may not return results as you expected. I strongly believe this will solve your problem.
instead of printing please try return. I can give more support after trying this.
I am creating an application that interfaces with Google's Maps API v3. My current approach is using a WebBrowser control by WebBrowser.Navigate("Map.html"). This is working correctly at the moment; however, I am also aware of WebBrowser.InvokeScript(). I have seen this used to execute a javascript function, but I would like to have something like the following structure:
APICalls.js - Contains different functions that can be called, or even separated out into a file for each function if necessary.
WebBrowser.InvokeScript("APICalls.js", args) - Or control the javascript variables directly.
I have seen the InvokeScript method used, but none of the examples gave any detail to the source of the function, so I'm not sure if it was calling it from an html file or js file. Is it possible to have a structure like this, or a similarly organized structure, rather than creating an html file with javascript in each one and using Navigate()?
Additionally, are there any easier ways to use Google Maps with WPF. I checked around, but all of the resources I found were at least 2-3 years old, which I believe is older than the newest version of the maps API.
I can't suggest a better way of using Google Maps API with WPF (although I'm sure it exists), but I can try to answer the rest of the question.
First, make sure to enable FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION for your WebBrowser app, so Google Maps API recognizes is it as modern HTML5-capable browser.
Then, navigate to your "Map.html" page and let it finish loading. Here's how it can be done using async/await (the code is for the WinForms version of WebBrowser control, but the concept remains the same).
You can have your APICalls.js as a separate local file, but you'd need to create and populate a <script> element for it from C#. You do it once for the session.
var scriptText = File.ReadAllText("APICalls.js");
dynamic htmlDocument = webBrowser.Document;
var script = htmlDocument.createElement("script");
script.type = "text/javascript";
Then you can call functions from this script in a few different ways.
For example, your JavaScript entry point function in APICalls.js may look like this:
(function() {
window.callMeFromCsharp = function(arg1, arg2) {
window.alert(arg1 + ", " +arg2);
Which you could call from C# like this:
webBrowser.InvokeScript("callMeFromCsharp", "Hello", "World!");
[UPDATE] If you're looking for a bit more modular or object-oriented approach, you can utilize the dynamic feature of C#. Example:
(function() {
window.apiObject = function() {
return {
property: "I'm a property",
Method1: function(arg) { alert("I'm method 1, " + arg); },
Method2: function() { return "I'm method 2"; }
dynamic apiObject = webBrowser.InvokeScript("apiObject");
string property =;
I'm wondering if there is a possibility to call a specific Method from a Python script over a C# project.
I have no code... but my idea is:
Python Code:
def SetHostInfos(Host,IP,Password):
Work to do...
def CalcAdd(Numb1,Numb2):
Work to do...
C# Code:
result = CalcAdd(12,13)
How can I call one of the Methods, from this Python script, over C#?
You can host IronPython, execute the script and access the functions defined within the script through the created scope.
The following sample shows the basic concept and two ways of using the function from C#.
var pySrc =
#"def CalcAdd(Numb1, Numb2):
return Numb1 + Numb2";
// host python and execute script
var engine = IronPython.Hosting.Python.CreateEngine();
var scope = engine.CreateScope();
engine.Execute(pySrc, scope);
// get function and dynamically invoke
var calcAdd = scope.GetVariable("CalcAdd");
var result = calcAdd(34, 8); // returns 42 (Int32)
// get function with a strongly typed signature
var calcAddTyped = scope.GetVariable<Func<decimal, decimal, decimal>>("CalcAdd");
var resultTyped = calcAddTyped(5, 7); // returns 12m
I found a similar way to do it, the call of the method is much easier with it.
C# Code goes as follows:
IDictionary<string, object> options = new Dictionary<string, object>();
options["Arguments"] = new [] {"C:\Program Files (x86)\IronPython 2.7\Lib", "bar"};
var ipy = Python.CreateRuntime(options);
dynamic Python_File = ipy.UseFile("");
So basically I submit the Dictionary with the Library path which I want to define in my python file.
So the PYthon Script looks as follows:
import sys
path = sys.argv[0] #1 argument given is a string for the path
import httplib
import urllib
import string
def MethodCall(OutputString):
print Outputstring
So The method call is now much easier from C#
And the argument passing stays the same.
Also with this code you are able to get a custom library folder
for the Python file which is very nice if you work in a network
with a lot of different PC's
You could make your python program take arguments on the command line then call it as a command line app from your C# code.
If that's the way to go then there are plenty of resources:
How do I run a Python script from C#?
We have a company application for automating certain tasks (it doesn't matter what actually). In our software we have the abbility to build a script based on our own commands, were also able to run a VBScript script within the same environment. We have a function built into the software, so we can get and set variables from a VBScript script within our own script.
In our manual we have this description: "The VB script feature provides a new VB object "AppName". One of the functions are: AppName.GetStringVariable("variable"). So by just using it like this in a VBScript script it's possible to set or get this variable. You would write it like this inside the VBScript script:
stringInput = AppName.GetStringVariable("variable")
The VBscript engine is running in a different process than the C#.NET application. So this VBscript object is running in a different process, which I would like to access in my C#.NET application.
Are there any possibility to get this variable within a C# .NET environment?
I have tried:
In the vbScript monitor a file that is updated by c# and set the property:
comp = "."
dir = "."
select = "SELECT * FROM __InstanceModificationEvent WITHIN 10 "
where = "WHERE Targetinstance ISA 'CIM_DirectoryContainsFile' and TargetInstance.GroupComponent= 'Win32_Directory.Name=" & dir & "'"
Set wmi = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & comp & "\root\cimv2")
Set events = wmi.ExecNotificationQuery(select & where)
Set event = events.NextEvent
Wscript.Echo event.TargetInstance.PartComponent
Then from c# setup a FileSystemWatcher to another file (use json, it's easy to deserialize) and get the vbScript set property.
I am trying to put version information to my C# GUI framework retrieved from the latest ClearCase label. This was originally done from Visual Soursafe as below.
vssDB = new VSSDatabaseClass();
vssDB.Open( databaseName, "vssadmin", "vssadmin" );
VSSItem item = vssDB.get_VSSItem( #"$\BuildDCP.bat", false );
foreach(VSSVersion vssVersion in item.get_Versions(0))
// Pull the first non-blank label and use that
if ( vssVersion.Label != "" )
labelID = vssVersion.Label.ToString();
I am trying to do something similar using ClearCase since we changed our source code control from VSS to CC. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I believe this could be better achieved through a script, which would be called from your C# program.
But you may be able to directly call some COM objects, through the CAL interface provided with ClearCase.
The documentation for the interface can be accessed through ClearCase help (Start>Programs>Rational ClearCase>ClearCase Help), where there's an entry for "ClearCase Automation Library (CAL)". An alternate path is to look in the ClearCase/bin directory for "cc_cal.chm".
In VB, with CAL API, that would give something like:
Dim CC As New ClearCase.Application
Dim labelID As String
Set aVersion = CC.Version("[Path-To]\BuildDCP.bat");
Set someLabels = Ver.Labels;
If (someLabels.Count > 0) Then
' the first label listed is the most recently applied
labelID = someLabels.Item(1).Type.Name
I really wish that the COM interfaces had better documentation, or were more obvious. Or that the code to ClearCase Explorer or Project Explorer were open source.
I've done a few cool things, but I pretty much started by adding COM references to my C# project, and then started screwing around with the interfaces I found.
Good luck!