code translation: repeating a string until some maximum - c#

I was wondering if you could tell me what the most efficient way to repeat a string would be. I need to create a string 33554432 bytes long, repeating the string "hello, world" until it fills that buffer. What is the best way to do it, C is easy in this case:
for (i = 0; i < BIGSTRINGLEN - step; i += step)
memcpy(bigstring+i, *s, step);

An efficient way would be to use a StringBuilder:
string text = "hello, world";
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(BIGSTRINGLEN);
while (builder.Length + text.Length <= BIGSTRINGLEN) {
string result = builder.ToString();

First, do you want the string to be 33554432 bytes long, or characters long? .NET and C# use 16-bit characters, so they are not equivalent.
If you want 33554432 characters, naive solution would be string concatenation. See Frédéric Hamidi's answer.
If you want bytes, you will need to do something a bit more interesting:
int targetLength = 33554432;
string filler = "hello, world";
byte[] target = new byte[targetLength];
// Convert filler to bytes. Can use other encodings here.
// I am using ASCII to match C++ output.
byte[] fillerBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(filler);
//byte[] fillerBytes = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(filler);
//byte[] fillerBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(filler);
int position = 0;
while((position + fillerBytes.Length) < target.Length)
fillerBytes.CopyTo(target, position);
position += fillerBytes.Length;
// At this point, need to possibly do a partial copy.
if (position < target.Length)
int bytesNecessary = target.Length - position;
Array.Copy(fillerBytes, 0, target, position, bytesNecessary);

I don't know if it's the most efficient way, but if you're using .NET 3.5 or later, this could work:
String.Join("", System.Linq.Enumerable.Repeat("hello, world", 2796203).ToArray()).Substring(0, 33554432);
If the length you want is dynamic, then you can replace some of the hard-coded numbers with simple math.

What about this? Set the StringBuilder to the max expected size and then add the desired string as long as adding another one will not exceed the desired max size.
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(33554432);
int max = sb.MaxCapacity;
String hello = "hello, world";
while (sb.Length + hello.Length <= max)
string longString = sb.ToString();

This avoids a loop that repeatedly adds the string. Instead, I "double" the string until it gets close to the right length and then I put the "doubled" pieces together appropriately.
static string Repeat(string s, int length) {
if (length < s.Length) {
return s.Substring(0, length);
var list = new List<string>();
StringBuilder t = new StringBuilder(s);
do {
string temp = t.ToString();
} while(t.Length < length);
int index = list.Count - 1;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(length);
while (sb.Length < length) {
while (list[index].Length > length) {
if (list[index].Length <= length - sb.Length) {
else {
sb.Append(list[index].Substring(0, length - sb.Length));
return sb.ToString();
So, for example, on input ("Hello, world!", 64) we build the strings
13: Hello, World!
26: Hello, World!Hello, World!
52: Hello, World!Hello, World!Hello, World!Hello, World!
Then we would build the result by concatenating the string of length 52 to the substring of length 12 of the string of length 13.
I am, of course, assuming that by bytes you meant length. Otherwise, you can easily modify the above using encodings to get what you want in terms of bytes.


Convert Biginteger to Base95 value vice versa

I want to convert a BigInteger to a text string in the optimal way. There are 95 printable ASCII characters, numbered 32 to 126. I want to use these characters to convert BigInteger to text. Same as this code, but is for Uint:
static string ConvertToBase64Arithmetic(uint i)
const string alphabet = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/";
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.Insert(0, alphabet[(int)(i % 64)]);
i = i / 64;
} while (i != 0);
return sb.ToString();
My goal is to make a smaller text. It is clear that if it is done as byte storage( BigInteger.ToByteArray()), it is the most optimal mode. But I'm just looking for a shorter text string lenght and Base95 is just a suggestion. my code:
static string ConvertToBase95Arithmetic(BigInteger i)
const string alphabet = "mcW=2`R\\.5+46L\" !#$%&'()*,-/013789:;<=?#ABCDEFGHIJKMNOPQSTUVXYZ[]^_abdefghijklnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~";
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.Insert(0, alphabet[(BigInteger)(i % 95)]);
i = i / 64;
} while (i != 0);
return sb.ToString();
It is natural that this text string can be converted back to the original number and the data will not be lost.

What's the easiest way to format a numeric string?

I have the following string: "12345678901", and I want it to be formatted as "123.456.789-01",
I'm currently doing it like this:
string s = "12345678901";
string formatted = Int64.Parse(s).ToString("000.000.000-00"); // = "123.456.789-01"
Is there a better way of doing this, can I do this directly, without having to convert the string to int and back to string again?
Yes, you can reach your result without conversion to an integer and reformatting the integer to a string and it is even faster.
s = "12345678901";
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(s);
int pos = s.Length - 2;
if (pos > 0) sb.Insert(pos, "-");
pos -= 3;
while (pos > 0)
sb.Insert(pos, ".");
pos -= 3;
string formatted = sb.ToString();
This is more or less what madrereflection has told you in comments with the only difference that the example here uses StringBuilder to avoid the continuous rebuild of the string. From simple benchmark it is three times faster than the current approach but of course more code is required.

How do you do a string split with 2 chars counts in C#?

I know how to do a string split if there's a letter, number, that I want to replace.
But how could I do a string.Split() by 2 char counts without replacing any existing letters, number, etc...?
string MAC = "00122345"
I want that string to output: 00:12:23:45
You could create a LINQ extension method to give you an IEnumerable<string> of parts:
public static class Extensions
public static IEnumerable<string> SplitNthParts(this string source, int partSize)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(source))
throw new ArgumentException("String cannot be null or empty.", nameof(source));
if (partSize < 1)
throw new ArgumentException("Part size has to be greater than zero.", nameof(partSize));
return Enumerable
.Range(0, (source.Length + partSize - 1) / partSize)
.Select(pos => source
.Substring(pos * partSize,
Math.Min(partSize, source.Length - pos * partSize)));
var strings = new string[] {
foreach (var str in strings)
Console.WriteLine(string.Join(":", str.SplitNthParts(2)));
// 00:12:23:45
// 00:12:23:45:3
Use Enumerable.Range to get number of positions to slice string. In this case its the length of the string + chunk size - 1, since we need to get a big enough range to also fit leftover chunk sizes.
Enumerable.Select each position of slicing and get the startIndex using String.Substring using the position multiplied by 2 to move down the string every 2 characters. You will have to use Math.Min to calculate the smallest size leftover size if the string doesn't have enough characters to fit another chunk. You can calculate this by the length of the string - current position * chunk size.
String.Join the final result with ":".
You could also replace the LINQ query with yield here to increase performance for larger strings since all the substrings won't be stored in memory at once:
for (var pos = 0; pos < source.Length; pos += partSize)
yield return source.Substring(pos, Math.Min(partSize, source.Length - pos));
You can use something like this:
string newStr= System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(MAC, ".{2}", "$0:");
To trim the last colon, you can use something like this.
Microsoft Document
Try this way.
string MAC = "00122345";
MAC = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(MAC,".{2}", "$0:");
MAC = MAC.Substring(0,MAC.Length-1);
A quite fast solution, 8-10x faster than the current accepted answer (regex solution) and 3-4x faster than the LINQ solution
public static string Format(this string s, string separator, int length)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i += length)
sb.Append(s.Substring(i, Math.Min(s.Length - i, length)));
if (i < s.Length - length)
return sb.ToString();
string result = "12345678".Format(":", 2);
Here is a one (1) line alternative using LINQ Enumerable.Aggregate.
string result = MAC.Aggregate("", (acc, c) => acc.Length % 3 == 0 ? acc += c : acc += c + ":").TrimEnd(':');
An easy to understand and simple solution.
This is a simple fast modified answer in which you can easily change the split char.
This answer also checks if the number is even or odd , to make the suitable string.Split().
input : 00122345
output : 00:12:23:45
input : 0012234
output : 00:12:23:4
//The List that keeps the pairs
List<string> MACList = new List<string>();
//Split the even number into pairs
for (int i = 1; i <= MAC.Length; i++)
if (i % 2 == 0)
MACList.Add(MAC.Substring(i - 2, 2));
//Make the preferable output
string output = "";
for (int j = 0; j < MACList.Count; j++)
output = output + MACList[j] + ":";
//Checks if the input string is even number or odd number
if (MAC.Length % 2 == 0)
output = output.Trim(output.Last());
output += MAC.Last();
//input : 00122345
//output : 00:12:23:45
//input : 0012234
//output : 00:12:23:4

Taking certain string characters and returning the string

I asked this question yesterday but it wasn't well received mainly due to how I asked it so ill try do better this time.
I have a string variable called message. lets say message equals "ABCDABCDABCDABCD"
now I need to do some processing on the characters in the string but not all at the same time, I want to access characters [0][4][8][12] on the first pass of the function, put each of these characters in a string and return it which is easy done if I pass an integer to my function lets say 4 and with in a for loop do
if(i % int == 0)
string += message[i];
this should return "AAAA"
the next time I call the function ill need elements [0][1], [4][5], [8][9], [12][13] and the time after that ill need [0][1][2], [4][5][6], [8][9][10], [12][13][14].
I need the characters returned in a string in the order they were taken, I could do this by changing my int I pass the function but then id need to call the function several times and do work on the returned strings to get them into the order they were taken, which I have already tried and it slowed my program down when dealing with large messages > 10k characters.
Please don't delete or put my question on hold, im quite happy to give more information on my problem if its not clear, ill seldom post to this site and usually try and find a solution myself, there are too many acceptance junkies on here for my liking. but I would appreciate some help from some of them regarding this.Thanks
I understand its not easy to figure it out and I have to say im not the best at describing it, its a vigenere cracker in WPF, I have done the kasiski examination on a piece of text and graphed out all the data, it finds the key length 90% of the time or gives me the best clue to what the key might be, now im calculating the frequency of bi,tri and quad grams of the message based on the data from the kasiski exam, lets say the key is 5 and the message is "ABCDABCDABCDABCD" im calculating probability on only the characters of the key Im changing so when I try key AAAAA im only wanting to calculate monograms on elements [0][4][9][14] of the message, ill run through 26 characters up to ZAAAA and take the most probable then I move onto element [1] of the key, lets say FAAAA gave the best score on the first element of the key. now I need elements [0][1],[5][6],[9][10][13][14] as im calculating probability on 2 pieces on the key FCAAA, so the length of the key and what key character im working on will determine what elements of the message ill be taking.
One-liner with LINQ (I use Batch extension from MoreLINQ, but you can use your own) which selects all required chars from input string:
string message = "ABCDABCDABCDABCD";
int size = 4;
int charsToTake = 2;
var characters = message.Batch(size).SelectMany(b => b.Take(charsToTake));
If you need result as string, you can easily create one:
var result = new String(characters.ToArray());
More efficient way - create your own method which will split string by substrings of required length:
public static IEnumerable<string> ToSubstrings(this string s, int length)
int index = 0;
while (index + length < s.Length)
yield return s.Substring(index, length);
index += length;
if (index < s.Length)
yield return s.Substring(index);
I would also create method for safe getting substring from start of string (to avoid annoying string length check and passing zero as start index):
public static string SubstringFromStart(this string s, int length)
return s.Substring(0, Math.Min(s.Length, length));
Now its very clear what you are doing:
var substrings = message.ToSubstrings(size)
.Select(s => s.SubstringFromStart(charsToTake));
var result = String.Concat(substrings);
Here is a simple program which does what you want, if I understand correctly:
static void Main(string[] args)
string data = "ABCDABCDABCDABCD";
Console.WriteLine(StrangeSubstring(data,4, 1));
// "AAAA"
Console.WriteLine(StrangeSubstring(data,4, 2));
Console.WriteLine(StrangeSubstring(data,4, 3));
static string StrangeSubstring(string input, int modulo, int length)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; ++i)
if (i % modulo == 0)
for (int j = 0; j<length; ++j)
if (i+j < input.Length)
return sb.ToString();
My solution will be like this
static string MethodName(int range){
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for(int i = 0 ; i < str.Length ; i++){
if(i % 4 == 0){
for(int j = i + 1 ; j <= i + range ; j ++){
if(j >= str.Length)
return sb.ToString();
you can parse your string to a char array :
string message="ABCDABCDABCDABCD";
char[] myCharArray = message.ToCharArray();
string result="";
for(int i=0, i<myCharArray.Length -1 ; i++)
if(i%4 ==0)
EDIT 1 :
public string[] myfunction(char[] charArray)
List<string> result = new List<string>();
for(int i=0, i<charArray.length -1; i=i+4)
return result.toArray();
This is a recursive solution. In YourFunction, PatternLength is the length of the character pattern which is repeated (so, 4 for "ABCD"), Offset is where you start in the pattern (e.g. 0 if you start with "A") and SubstringLength is the number of characters.
The function call in Main will give you all "A". If you change SubstringLength to 2, it gives you all "AB". There is no error handling, make sure then PatternLength<=Offest+SubstringLength
namespace Foo
class Bar
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine(YourFunction("ABCABCABCABCABCABCABC", 3, 0,1));
static string YourFunction(string SubString, int PatternLength, int Offset, int SubstringLength)
string result;
if (SubString.Length <= PatternLength)
result = SubString.Substring(Offset, SubstringLength);
result = YourFunction(SubString.Substring(PatternLength, (SubString.Length - PatternLength)), PatternLength, Offset, SubstringLength) + SubString.Substring(Offset, SubstringLength);
return result;

How can I slice a string in c#?

string word = "hello";
So what I want to do is slice the string so that I can print, for example, elloh to the console window. In python it's so simple but I'm not sure if there's a specific method for slicing in c#.
A string can be indexed to get characters:
string word = "hello";
char h = word[0];
or strings have methods for "slicing":
int start = 0;
int length = 1;
string h = word.Substring(start, length);
Why not read the docs and find out for yourself?
There's no exact translation from the concept of a slicing, but a Substring is generally what you want.
It is unclear to me what your exact criteria is to slice it up, but this would do what you want:
void Main()
var input = "hello";
var output = input.Substring(1, input.Length - 1) + input.Substring(0, 1);
Console.WriteLine (output);
To "slice" a string, you use the Substring method:
string word = "hello";
string ordw = word.Substring(1) + word.Substring(0, 1);
However, a different answer would be to check out NSlice, a library built to handle python-like slicing of arrays.
Will it make it easier to do what you asked? No. Will it make it easier to "slice" different kinds of collections? Possibly.
you should use the substring function of string:
Maybe you want an extension method like this:
public static string Rotate(this string s, int numberOfChars)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(s))
return s;
numberOfChars %= s.Length;
if (numberOfChars == 0)
return s;
if (numberOfChars < 0)
numberOfChars += s.Length;
return s.Substring(numberOfChars) + s.Remove(numberOfChars);

