I have a keyboard-controlled menu which I did with jquery (When I press down, it marks second option and so on...)
But after I select the option I need, I want to click enter to call the button's OnClick method as if the user really clicked it. Which means I have to do a postback.
how do I do that?
Just call __doPostaBack function. Here some references:
Doing or Raising Postback using __doPostBack() function from Javascript in Asp.Net
Easily refresh an UpdatePanel, using JavaScript
As #jondavidjohn said, you can use the click() method. Otherwise, you can use
__doPostBack("<control unique ID>", "<command name/arg appended>");
Pass in the unique ID of the control, not the client ID, and the second param is the command name. If you also need the arg, you append it to the command name with a separator like $ or :.
You can check that this happens by doing the following:
Request.Form.Get("__EVENTTARGET") == button.UniqueID
This method essentially sets the __EVENTTARGET and __EVENTARGUMENT form fields.
You can trigger click events by calling .click() with no params..
$('button').click() //<-- calls any attached click event.
I need to add possibility to changing menus from old design to new. The changes are only the structure of the menu. I don't have any problem with that.
How I implemented the change add button, on button client click(no postback) I made one of the menu divs display:none and set hidden field to 0 or 1. On every post back I read the hidden field value and set the correct div.
My question is: Is it possible to be done without hidden field and to set the choice of the user, so when he log in again to stay with last configuration(not the default). I don't want to use postback, if it possible provide example. Thanks !
You are using JQuery so here it goes. Call the changeMenu() function in $(document).ready to make sure the old is shown first.
var current=1;//old system
//this function will be called in the button click
function changeMenu(){
I want to develop an application in asp.net with C#.
In that application there are one text box and one label.
I want the following functionality:
When I press any key in textbox then I should get this value on .cs page i.e; code behind. And from .cs page I want to add this value to the label.
The problem is that there is no keypress event for an asp textbox and if I take a html text box then I don't get its value on .cs page
How can I come out with this problem?
Because a keypress on a textbox is a client side event but you want to perform server-side processing you will need to use AJAX requests.
You may find the following useful:
AJAX Toolit
Using Jquery to call asp.net page methods
In asp.net the TextBox will have TextChanged event but you will need to enable post back for the button and the event will fire when you tab out of the TextBox.
For the task you want either use javascript or add a button and when this button is do what you want.
I don't think this is a good aproach in web app., In this way you will end with a lot of post-backs.
However, if you still want this functionality. Texbox has TextChanges event, and if you also change the textboxs's AutoPostBack property to true you will get something close, but you will still have to move a currsor.
But it is still a terible solution. Why don't you simply use a button that fires click event instead?
Alternative solution is to use Ajax or javaScript,..
You can simply create a JavaScript-Method for this.
Your Textbox:
<asp:TextBox ID="textBox" runat="server" onkeydown="onFilterTextChanged()">
Your JavaScript, do a TimeOut to not do this every 0,0001 secs.
function onFilterTextChanged() {
if (timeoutID)
timeoutID = window.setTimeout(updateFilterText, 600);
Send the Values to the CodeBehind, textis your TextBox-Text.
function updateFilterText() {
var text = document.getElementById("<%=textBox.ClientID %>").value;
__doPostBack("<%=textBox.ClientID%>", "CommandArg" + text);
You won't need to do as many PostBacks as with the native TextChanged-Event and you can simply use this e.g. for Auto-Extender-Plugins. Pack the TextBox into an UpdatePanel and you're good to go!
Unless of course you do not NEED to go back to the server, in which case just set the labeltext in updateFilterText.
I have to show a yes no popup messagebox for a function>
This is what i do for an alert popup>
Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "Alert", "<script>alert('File Updated');</script>");
This is what i want to do in the code behind:
if (ID != 0)
Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "Confirm", "<script>confirm('are you sure?');</script>");
if (yes)
perform function
The confirm is not working,,, any suggestions on how to do this
Edit Portion:
Navigate to a page
Add values to a textbox
Click "Save" Button to add value to database
Ask the user if he is sure he want to do it 'are you sure'?,, the confirm pop up
Now the above confirm box will only happen if the ID is != 0 or else there is no need for a popup.
if he says yes then add to database and show alert popup that values have been enterd in the DB.
if NO then just dont add to Db and just return.
so i get the confirm box like this.. but how can i get what is selected
string scriptString = "<script language='JavaScript'> ";
scriptString += "confirm ('Are you sure you want to Close this period.')";
scriptString += "</script>";
Is there a button you are clicking on to trigger the action? If so, you should add the client events to your web control like so:
<asp:ImageButton runat="server" ID="DeleteUrlImageButton" ImageUrl="~/Images/icon_remove.gif"
OnClientClick="return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete?');" />
If the user selects yes, the postback happens as usual. If they select no, the even is cancelled and no postback occurs. This, IMO, is the way to handle it because it prevents any extra server activity if they select no.
Add a linkbutton.
In the OnClientClick add
javascript:return confirm('Are you sure')
This will not launch the postback if they click no. It will launch the postback if they click yes.
Then in then code behind (OnClick) of the button do your server side processing:
(Will only be executed if they click yes)
if (ID != 0)
Perform function
See the problem here is that, without posting back, you can't get the value of the confirm box. JavaScript is run client-side and until a postback occurs (either via ajax or the regular way), it can't "talk" to your C# file.
What you'll have to do is add a confirm box in JavaScript which, if Yes is clicked, will post back to your Asp.net page and run code either through Ajax or (example) form.submit().
It appears that what you're trying to do is (in a simplified scenario):
Have the user navigate to Page.aspx
Check the value of ID (lets assume
it's a querystring parameter)
If the value of ID is non-zero, prompt
the user to confirm
If they confirm do "something"
The mistake you're making is attempting to handle 2, 3 and 4 alltogether in the code-behind. The script that you emit (by calling RegisterStartupScript) doesn't get executed until the entire page has been rendered back to the user, at which point the code for steps 3 and 4 to check the value of ID and do something will already have been "skipped over"
What you need to do is decide how to separate the work between client-site and server-side as what you're attempting to do just won't work. Without knowing how your page(s) work and where the ID value comes from I can't give a speciic example, but, something like:
Have your page check ID to see if it hits your criteria, if it does, emit the javascript, but with some additional javascript that checks the response to the prompt and causes the page to re-submit but with confirmed=yes added on the querystring
Have your page check the querystring parameter "confirmed" to see if it's yes. If it is, THEN do the work
You can't do it this way. RegisterStartupScript just registers the script to be included when the page is finally rendered. After it is rendered (to HTML) then the html is sent to the browser. So when the user finally sees that popup, your code has long since finished.
See the answer by Mike C.: you need to move that confirm to just before the submit.
Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript will register that script on the client. As far as I can see you are executing the if statement on the server. Could you please specify what confirm is not working mean? Is the alert box displaying but no effect should yes/no is pressed? If so, move the if ... else statement on the client. Anyway, I suggest that you replace RegisterStartupScriptBlock with this code:
(this.GetType(), "confirm", "alert('do')", true);
I am trying to build a SharePoint 2007 web part in Visual Studio.
This web part should search a sharepoint list and display the results.
What I want to accomplish is to display the results as soon as the user stops typing, so no clicking button involved.
Probably, a combination of text_changed event and onkeydown javascript?
Any thought would be great.
This sharepoint site is "Ajax-enabled", btw.
I would suggest using jquery and keyup:
$("input#txtid").keyup(function () {
if (this.value.length < 8)
return false;
$.get("ServiceUrl", { arg: this.value }, function (result) { $("#output").html(result); });
The easiest way to take care of the UI part is to use the AjaxToolkit AutoCompleteExtender se MOSS, AJAX and the AutoCompleteExtender then all you have to do is decide how you want the searching inside the web service to work
I approached this by using an UpdatePanel in my webpart. Then I added a Button (more on this later) and a TextBox to the UpdatePanel.
I also have a JavaScript class which handles all of the logic for submitting a query after the user has paused while typing their query. It contains the event handler for the onkeyup event which is attached to the TextBox:
t.Attributes.Add("onkeyup", "javascript:oSearchClass.KeyUpEventHandler(event);");
I used setTimeout and clearTimeout to handle when the class should call a SubmitQuery function.
When SubmitQuery() is called, it makes the TextBox read only (so the user can't type anything while it is querying) and then "clicks" the button using click(). Since you're using a normal Button, you can handle the Button.click event like normal to re-query the list and display results.
If you don't want your user to see the button, you can simply put it inside a span WebControl that is hidden.
Have a look at this sample, it adds 'search as you type' to the standard SharePoint search box.
Automatically add ‘Search As You Type’ to every SharePoint page using Infuser.
How do I setup a default setting so that if I do not set an OnClick (i.e the asp.net OnClick attribute) explicitly for an asp:LinkButton tag, it will not render an onclick(html attribute for javascript) attribute client side? By default, asp.net adds an onclick='doPostBack....' for the LinkButton.
Case for use:
There is a LinkButton tag on the page. For this page, if the user has one friend, I only want to run client side code if the button is clicked and would not for any reason want to make a post back. If the user has more than one friend I would want a click to trigger a postback.
Solutions that include the following are not helpful:
Using any asp.net Ajaxtoolkit
Dynamically switching the control type (i.e. if friends == 1 use a asp:Hyperlink)
-I want to avoid this because it is not scalable. There might be many cases where I want an asp:Link tag to do a postback or to not do a postback depending on the user context or user attributes
Using OnClientClick (I am using jQuery would like to avoid this)
Solution that would be helpful if possible:
If I could see server side at runtime whether an OnClick event was explicitly set on an asp:LinkButton tag, this would solve my problem, too. any ideas?
How about rather than dynamically switching the controls (as you mentioned is a solution you don't want), you could always use an asp:HyperLink and set the NavigateUrl property to redirect your page back to itself with a query string of some sort indicating what was clicked.
If you don't want the post to happen at all, simply leave the NavigateUrl property blank.
Of course, this will be pretty worthless if the rest of the page is dependent on ViewState and such.
This link explains how to see server side at runtime whether an OnClick event was explicitly set using reflection