i wanna to do the following: but i donot how to do this in the correct way..
i have specific form has some buttons.. i wanna when click on a button a modal form appears,and this new form contains server controls and events fired when happening on this form how to handle this case like the dialog form in the Windows application..
Take a look on telerik controls :
I am making a system using C# and I am just new to using the User Control with the forms. So what I wanted to do is to hide the current form that holds the user control using the button placed in the user control. Is there any way to do this? I need the code for the button in user control.
Additional Details:
I have the Form1 in which a user control is docked to it, the user control is named as UserControl1 and it has a button, I want that button to open another form which is Form2 and in the process is to hide the Form1 that holds the UserControl1.
Inside your UserControl:
About ParentForm: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.windows.forms.containercontrol.parentform?view=windowsdesktop-6.0#System_Windows_Forms_ContainerControl_ParentForm
About Close: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.windows.forms.form.close?view=windowsdesktop-6.0
How to create and display a new form each time I Click a button (in my base form which is MDI Container) in C#. Each time I click button a new child form should open.
Google is your friend!
Here's some examples:
How to open the second form?
To show a new Form on click of a button in C#
Hope this helps!
I have to display a usercontrol containing 2 datepickers, 2 buttons ( validate, cancel ) in a modal popup.
This popup is shown when the user has clicked on a specific button on the form.
Any ideas ?
Thnks in advance
You can add your user control to a Form -- say you called if frmPopup, create a new instance of it and call it with ShowDialog(). You need to have a pair of buttons on the Form as well to give the user a way to close or cancel the dialog. Microsoft has more information for you here
Is there a way to show a modal form without ShowDialog metod calling? By showing a modal form I mean that the Form overlays the current Form and prevent user input to the bacground Form. The Form that is to be shown is a MessageBox style form that is not fullscreen.
I would assume that you could set the "dialog" form to stay on top (TopMost property) and then disable the main form in order to prevent input.
This is only a partial solution as the main form will still be able to be focused, closed etc. You will need to handle all these cases yourself in order to prevent them.
Is there any particular reason you don't want to use ShowDialog?
You could try to do this:
MyForm frm = new MyForm(); // this would be your modeless dialog
frm->show(this); // "this" being the instance that invokes it.
i have two winforms loaded simultaneously
first form with web browser and second form having just controls
second form always on top of second form, second form doesn't receive any mouse events while first form loaded, after closing first form, second form receive all mouse events.
how do i solve this issue
Please post the code you're using to show for your second form, although it should be something like this:
Form2 myForm2 = new Form2();
It's not very likely that your WebBrowser is causing this.