C# algorithm - find least number of objects necessary - c#

Let's say I have the following code.
var numberToGetTo = 60;
var list = new[] {10, 20, 30, 40, 50};
I want to be able to return 50 & 10 from list to = 60.
If the numberToGetTo was 100 I would want to return 50, 50.
If the numberToGetTo was 85 I would want to return 50, 40.
I want to return the least amount of numbers from the list necessary to get to the "numberToGetTo", while staying closest (equal or greather) than to it.
Is doing something like this with Linq possible?

This is an NP-complete problem called the knapsack problem. That means, that your best method is not going to be in polynomial time. You may have to brute-force a solution.

Here's an implementation that uses Linq to be as clean as possible. It makes no attempt to optimize for performance over large inputs.
I'm assuming that you wouldn't use this algorithm for large inputs anyway, since the problem is NP-Complete, and therefore clarity is the right goal. My algorithm is O(n^2), and recursive at that.
static IEnumerable<int> Knapsack(IEnumerable<int> items, int goal)
var matches = from i in items
where i <= goal
let ia = new[] {i}
select i == goal ? ia : Knapsack(items, goal - i).Concat(ia);
return matches.OrderBy(x => x.Count()).First();

This problem as currently stated is actually trivial. The easiest way to to get "equal or greater" than the target is to find the largest number A in the list, and stick it in the answer list N times, where N is the lowest N such that N * A > target.
I suspect this is not what the original poster really wants however. If the problem is restated to somehow measure the "closeness" of various answers, and make a distinction as to whether answers that are "closer" or answers that have less numbers are "better" then it becomes tougher. For example, if the target is 100, is an answer of [55,55] better or worse than an answer of [20,20,20,20,20] ?

Knapsack Problem, this may give you a clue.
I'd say that you could create a lambda expression containing the actual alogrithm, but you'll need to use C#. Using 'just linq' will not be enough.

This sounds similar to the Subset sum problem, which can be solved in a reasonable amount of time for smallish sets using dynamic programming. It's not an easy or common problem, so you won't find a helpful Linq extension method for it :)

I just hacked this together and I'm sure someone could improve. But does something like this work?
public class App
static void Main(string[] eventArgs)
var list = new[] {10, 20, 30, 40, 50};
var whatYouNeed = GetWhatYouNeed(list, 60, 60);
//what you need will contain 50 & 10
//whatYouNeed = GetWhatYouNeed(list, 105,105);
//what you need will contain (50,50, 10)
private static IList<int> _whatYouNeed = new List<int>();
static IEnumerable<int> GetWhatYouNeed(IEnumerable<int> list, int goal, int amountRequired)
{ //this will make sure 20 is taken over 10, if the goal is 15. highest wins
var intYouNeed = list.OrderBy(x => Math.Abs(amountRequired - x)).FirstOrDefault(x => x > amountRequired);
if (intYouNeed == 0) intYouNeed = list.OrderBy(x => Math.Abs(amountRequired - x)).FirstOrDefault();
if (_whatYouNeed.Sum() < goal)
int howMuchMoreDoYouNeed = goal - _whatYouNeed.Sum();
GetWhatYouNeed(list, goal, howMuchMoreDoYouNeed);
return _whatYouNeed;
I was a bit lazy passing in two values to GetWhatYouNeed but you get the point.


Different kind of concatenate two arrays in c#

I have two lists posted from view to controller such as
int[] blablaIds = { 13, 377, 1002 };
int[] secondBlaBlaIds = { 7, 18, 126 };
For some reason I want to explicitly combine these as
int[] combinedIds = { { 7, 13 }, {18, 377}, {126, 1002} }
Is it possible with LINQ?
There's no such thing as a list of long or int you're going to have to pick one and then convert the other list to the correct datatype. Once they're the same datatype you can easily concat the two lists.
As Jon Skeet has identified in the comments your question is incredibly difficult to answer in its current form. If you're looking to create a paired list of items from the first and second you could try using .Zip. You're still going to have to do some casting if you want ints and longs to coexist in the same collection. Here's an example (not verified with IDE).
var zipped = firstIds.Zip(secondIds, (first, second) => new List<long> {first, (long) second});
Have a look at SelectMany. It's rather powerful and should provide the functionality you are looking for.

Getting all combinations of K and less elements in List of N elements with big K

I want to have all combination of elements in a list for a result like this:
List: {1,2,3}
My problem is that I have 180 elements, and I want to have all combinations up to 5 elements. With my tests with 4 elements, it took a long time (2 minutes) but all went well. But with 5 elements, I get a run out of memory exception.
My code presently is this:
public IEnumerable<IEnumerable<Rondin>> getPossibilites(List<Rondin> rondins)
var combin5 = rondins.Combinations(5);
var combin4 = rondins.Combinations(4);
var combin3 = rondins.Combinations(3);
var combin2 = rondins.Combinations(2);
var combin1 = rondins.Combinations(1);
return combin5.Concat(combin4).Concat(combin3).Concat(combin2).Concat(combin1).ToList();
With the fonction: (taken from this question: Algorithm to return all combinations of k elements from n)
public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<T>> Combinations<T>(this IEnumerable<T> elements, int k)
return k == 0 ? new[] { new T[0] } :
elements.SelectMany((e, i) =>
elements.Skip(i + 1).Combinations(k - 1).Select(c => (new[] { e }).Concat(c)));
I need to search in the list for a combination where each element added up is near (with a certain precision) to a value, this for each element in an other list. There is all my code for this part:
var possibilites = getPossibilites(opt.rondins);
possibilites = possibilites.Where(p => p.Sum(r => r.longueur + traitScie) < 144);
foreach(BilleOptimisee b in opt.billesOptimisees)
var proches = possibilites.Where(p => p.Sum(r => (r.longueur + traitScie)) < b.chute && Math.Abs(b.chute - p.Sum(r => r.longueur)) - (p.Count() * 0.22) < 0.01).OrderByDescending(p => p.Sum(r => r.longueur)).ElementAt(0);
if(proches != null)
foreach (Rondin r in proches)
possibilites = possibilites.Where(p => !p.Contains(r));
With the code I have, how can I limit the memory taken by my list ? Or is there a better solution to search in a very big set of combinations ?
Please, if my question is not good, tell me why and I will do my best to learn and ask better questions next time ;)
Your output list for combinations of 5 elements will have ~1.5*10^9 (that's billion with b) sublists of size 5. If you use 32bit integers, even neglecting lists overhead and assuming you have a perfect list with 0b overhead - that will be ~200GB!
You should reconsider if you actually need to generate the list like you do, some alternative might be: streaming the list of elements - i.e. generating them on the fly.
That can be done by creating a function, which gets the last combination as an argument - and outputs the next. (to think how it is done, think about increasing by one a number. you go from last to first, remembering a "carry over" until you are done)
A streaming example for choosing 2 out of 4:
start: {4,3}
curr = start {4, 3}
curr = next(curr) {4, 2} // reduce last by one
curr = next(curr) {4, 1} // reduce last by one
curr = next(curr) {3, 2} // cannot reduce more, reduce the first by one, and set the follower to maximal possible value
curr = next(curr) {3, 1} // reduce last by one
curr = next(curr) {2, 1} // similar to {3,2}
Now, you need to figure how to do it for lists of size 2, then generalize it for arbitrary size - and program your streaming combination generator.
Good Luck!
Let your precision be defined in the imaginary spectrum.
Use a real index to access the leaf and then traverse the leaf with the required precision.
See PrecisLise # http://net7mma.codeplex.com/SourceControl/latest#Common/Collections/Generic/PrecicseList.cs
While the implementation is not 100% complete as linked you can find where I used a similar concept here:
Using this concept I was able to re-order h.264 Access Units and their underlying Network Access Layer Components in what I consider a very interesting way... outside of interesting it also has the potential to be more efficient using close the same amount of memory.
et al, e.g, 0 can be proceeded by 0.1 or 0.01 or 0.001, depending on the type of the key in the list (double, float, Vector, inter alia) you may have the added benefit of using the FPU or even possibly Intrinsics if supported by your processor, thus making sorting and indexing much faster than would be possible on normal sets regardless of the underlying storage mechanism.
Using this concept allows for very interesting ordering... especially if you provide a mechanism to filter the precision.
I was also able to find several bugs in the bit-stream parser of quite a few well known media libraries using this methodology...
I found my solution, I'm writing it here so that other people that has a similar problem than me can have something to work with...
I made a recursive fonction that check for a fixed amount of possibilities that fit the conditions. When the amount of possibilities is found, I return the list of possibilities, do some calculations with the results, and I can restart the process. I added a timer to stop the research when it takes too long. Since my condition is based on the sum of the elements, I do every possibilities with distinct values, and search for a small amount of possibilities each time (like 1).
So the fonction return a possibility with a very high precision, I do what I need to do with this possibility, I remove the elements of the original list, and recall the fontion with the same precision, until there is nothing returned, so I can continue with an other precision. When many precisions are done, there is only about 30 elements in my list, so I can call for all the possibilities (that still fits the maximum sum), and this part is much easier than the beginning.
There is my code:
public List<IEnumerable<Rondin>> getPossibilites(IEnumerable<Rondin> rondins, int nbElements, double minimum, double maximum, int instance = 0, double longueur = 0)
if(instance == 0)
timer = DateTime.Now;
List<IEnumerable<Rondin>> liste = new List<IEnumerable<Rondin>>();
//Get all distinct rondins that can fit into the maximal length
foreach (Rondin r in rondins.Where(r => r.longueur < (maximum - longueur)).DistinctBy(r => r.longueur).OrderBy(r => r.longueur))
//Check the current length
double longueur2 = longueur + r.longueur + traitScie;
//If the current length is under the maximal length
if (longueur2 < maximum)
//Get all the possibilities with all rondins except the current one, and add them to the list
foreach (IEnumerable<Rondin> poss in getPossibilites(rondins.Where(rondin => rondin.id != r.id), nbElements - liste.Count, minimum, maximum, instance + 1, longueur2).Select(possibilite => possibilite.Concat(new Rondin[] { r })))
if (liste.Count >= nbElements && nbElements > 0)
//If this the current length in higher than the minimum, add it to the list
if (longueur2 >= minimum)
liste.Add(new Rondin[] { r });
//If we have enough possibilities, we stop the research
if (liste.Count >= nbElements && nbElements > 0)
//If the research is taking too long, stop the research and return the list;
if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(timer).TotalSeconds > 30)
return liste;

How to match / connect / pair integers from a List <T>

I have a list, with even number of nodes (always even). My task is to "match" all the nodes in the least costly way.
So I could have listDegree(1,4,5,6), which represents all the odd-degree nodes in my graph. How can I pair the nodes in the listDegree, and save the least costly combination to a variable, say int totalCost.
Something like this, and I return the least totalCost amount.
totalCost = (1,4) + (5,6)
totalCost = (1,5) + (4,6)
totalCost = (1,6) + (4,5)
--------------- More details (or a rewriting of the upper) ---------------
I have a class, that read my input-file and store all the information I need, like the costMatrix for the graph, the edges, number of edges and nodes.
Next i have a DijkstrasShortestPath algorithm, which computes the shortest path in my graph (costMatrix) from a given start node to a given end node.
I also have a method that examines the graph (costMatrix) and store all the odd-degree nodes in a list.
So what I was looking for, was some hints to how I can pair all the odd-degree nodes in the least costly way (shortest path). To use the data I have is easy, when I know how to combine all the nodes in the list.
I dont need a solution, and this is not homework.
I just need a hint to know, when you have a list with lets say integers, how you can combine all the integers pairwise.
Hope this explenation is better... :D
List<int> totalCosts = listDegree
.Select((num,index) => new{num,index})
.GroupBy(x => x.index / 2)
.Select(g => g.Sum(x => x.num))
After you've edited your question i understand your requirement. You need a total-sum of all (pairwise) combinations of all elements in a list. I would use this combinatorics project which is quite efficient and informative.
var listDegree = new[] { 1, 4, 5, 6 };
int lowerIndex = 2;
var combinations = new Facet.Combinatorics.Combinations<int>(
// get total costs overall
int totalCosts = combinations.Sum(c => c.Sum());
// get a List<List<int>> of all combination (the inner list count is 2=lowerIndex since you want pairs)
List<List<int>> allLists = combinations.Select(c => c.ToList()).ToList();
// output the result for demo purposes
foreach (IList<int> combis in combinations)
Console.WriteLine(String.Join(" ", combis));
(Without more details on the cost, I am going to assume cost(1,5) = 1-5, and you want the sum to get as closest as possible to 0.)
You are describing the even partition problem, which is NP-Complete.
The problem says: Given a list L, find two lists A,B such that sum(A) = sum(B) and #elements(A) = #elements(B), with each element from L must be in A or B (and never both).
The reduction to your problem is simple, each left element in the pair will go to A, and each right element in each pair will go to B.
Thus, there is no known polynomial solution to the problem, but you might want to try exponential exhaustive search approaches (search all possible pairs, there are Choose(2n,n) = (2n!)/(n!*n!) of those).
An alternative is pseudo-polynomial DP based solutions (feasible for small integers).

make limitation for random class in c#

I want to make limitation for random class in c# like generate random variables from 2 ranges without repeat it?
example :
Xpoints[i] = random.Next(0, 25);
Ypoints[i] = random.Next(0, 12);
where 25 we 12 is image dimension so I need all pixels in this image but random ? any suggestion if I use this code i didn't get some pixels and some pixels repeated
Update Simplified by not requiring any specific hashing [1]
Update Generalzed into generic SimpleShuffle extension method
public static IEnumerable<T> SimpleShuffle<T>(this IEnumerable<T> sequence)
var rand = new Random();
return sequence.Select(i => new {i, k=rand.Next()})
.OrderBy(p => p.k)
.Select(p => p.i);
I though in addition to downvoting (shouting? sorry :)) Anx's answer I thought it'd be nicer to also show what my code would look like:
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace NS
static class Program
public static IEnumerable<T> SimpleShuffle<T>(this IEnumerable<T> sequence)
var rand = new Random();
return sequence.Select(i => new {i, k=rand.Next()}).OrderBy(p => p.k).Select(p => p.i);
public static void Main(string[] args)
var pts = from x in Enumerable.Range(0, 24)
from y in Enumerable.Range(0, 11)
select new { x, y };
foreach (var pt in pts.SimpleShuffle())
Console.WriteLine("{0},{1}", pt.x, pt.y);
I totally fixed my earlier problem of how to generate a good hash by realizing that we don't need a hash unless:
a. the source contains (logical) duplicates
b. and we need those to have equivalent sort order
c. and we want to have the same 'random' sort order (deterministic hashing) each time round
a. and b. are false in this case and c. was even going to be a problem (depending on what the OP was requiring). So now, without any strings attached, no more worries about performance (even the irrational worries),
Good luck!
[1] Incidentally this makes the whole thing more flexible because I no longer require the coords to be expressed a byte[]; you can now shuffle any structure you want.
Have a look at the Fisher-Yates Algorithm:
It's easy to implement, and works really well.
It shuffles an array of digits, then you can access them sequentially if you like to ensure no repeats.
You might want to use a shuffle algorithm on a list of the indexes (e.g. 25 elements with the values 0..24 for the X axis) instead of random.
By design random doesn't guarantee that no value is repeated; repetitions are very likely.
See also: Optimal LINQ query to get a random sub collection - Shuffle (look for the Fisher-Yates-Durstenfeld solution)
I also believe, Random should not be predictable, and we shouldn't even predict that the value will not be repeating.
But I think sometimes it could be required to randomly get non repeating int, for that we need to maintain state, like for particular instance of Random class, what all values were returned.
here is a small quick and dirty implementation of an algorithm which I thought just now, I am not sure if it is the same as Fisher-Yates solution. I just wrote this class so that you can use it instead of System.Random class.
So It may help you for your requirement, use below NonRepeatingRandom class as per your need...
class NonRepeatingRandom : Random
private HashSet<int> _usedValues = new HashSet<int>();
public NonRepeatingRandom()
public NonRepeatingRandom(int seed):base(seed)
public override int Next(int minValue, int maxValue)
int rndVal = base.Next(minValue, maxValue);
if (_usedValues.Contains(rndVal))
int oldRndVal = rndVal;
} while (_usedValues.Contains(rndVal) && rndVal <= maxValue);
if (rndVal == maxValue + 1)
rndVal = oldRndVal;
} while (_usedValues.Contains(rndVal) && rndVal >= minValue);
if (rndVal == minValue - 1)
throw new ApplicationException("Cannot get non repeating random for provided range.");
return rndVal;
Please not that only "Next" method is overridden, and not other, if you want you can override other methods of "Random" class too.
Ps. Just before clicking "Post Your Answer" I saw sehe's answer, I liked his overall idea, but to hash 2 bytes, creating a 16 byte hash? or am I missing something? In my code I am using HashSet which uses int's implementation of GetHashCode method, which is nothing but that value of int itself so no overhead of hashing. But I could be missing some point as it is 3:59 AM here in India :)
Hope it helps salamonti...
The whole point of random numbers is that you do get repeats.
However, if you want to make sure you don't then remove the last chosen value from your array before picking the next number. So if you have a list of numbers:
index = random.Next(0, originallist.Length);
The list will be randomised yet contain no repeats.
Instead of creating image through two one-dimensional arrays you should create an image through one two-dimensional matrix. Each time you get new random coordinate check if that pixel is already set. If it is then repeat the procedure for that pixel.

Building a non sequential list of numbers (From a large range)

I need to create a non sequential list of numbers that fit within a range. For instance i need to a generate a list of numbers from 1 to 1million and make sure that non of the numbers are in a sequential order, that they are completly shuffled. I guess my first question is, are there any good algorithms out there that could help and how best to implement this.
I currently am not sure the best way to implement, either via a c# console app that will spit out the numbers in an XML file or in a database that will spit out the numbers into a table or a set of tables, but that is really secondary to actually working out the best way of "shuffling" the set of numbers.
Any advice guys?
First off, if none of the numbers are in sequential order then every number in the sequence must be less than its predecessor. A sequence which has that property is sorted from biggest to smallest! Clearly that is not what you want. (Or perhaps you simply do not want any subsequence of the form 5, 6, 7 ? But 6, 8, 20 would be OK?)
To answer your question properly we need to know more information about the problem space. Things I would want to know:
1) Is the size of the range equal to, larger than, or smaller than the size of the sequence? That is, are you going to ask for ten numbers between 1 and 10, five numbers between 1 and 10 or fifty numbers between 1 and 10?
2) Is it acceptable for the sequence to contain duplicates? (If the number of items in the sequence is larger than the range, then clearly yes.)
3) What is the randomness being used for? Most random number generators are only pseudo-random; a clever attacker can deduce the next "random" number by knowing the previous ones. If for example you are generating a series of five cards out of a deck of 52 to make a poker hand, you want really strong randomness; you don't want players to be able to deduce what their opponents have in their hands.
How "non-sequential" do you want it?
You could easily generate a list of random numbers from a range with the Random class:
Random rnd1 = new Random();
List<int> largeList = new List<int>();
for (int i = 0, i < largeNumber, i++)
largeList.Add(rnd1.Next(1, 1000001);
Edit to add
Admittedly the Durstenfeld algorithm (modern version of the Fisher–Yates shuffle apparently) is much faster:
var fisherYates = new List<int>(upperBound);
for (int i = 0; i < upperBound; i++)
int n = upperBound;
while (n > 1)
int k = rnd.Next(n + 1);
int temp = fisherYates[k];
fisherYates[k] = fisherYates[n];
fisherYates[n] = temp;
For the range 1 to 10000 doing a brute force "find a random number I've not yet used" takes around 4-5 seconds, while this takes around 0.001.
Props to Greg Hewgill for the links.
I understand, that you want to get a random array of lenth 1mio with all numbers from 1 to 1mio. No duplicates, is that right?
You should build up an array with your numbers ranging from 1 to 1mio. Then start shuffling. But it can happen (that is true randomness) that two ore even more numbers are sequential.
Have a look here
Here's a C# function to get you started:
public IEnumerable<int> GetRandomSequence(int max)
var r = new Random();
while (true)
yield return r.GetNext(max);
call it like this to get a million numbers ranged 0-9999999:
var numbers = GetRandomSequence(9999999).Take(1000000);
As for sorting, or if you don't want to allow repeats, look at Enumerable.GetRange() (which will give you a consecutive ordered sequence) and use a Fisher-Yates (or Knuth) shuffle algorithm (which you can find all over the place).
"completly shuffled" is a very misunderstood term. One trick fraud experts use when examining what should be "random" data is to watch for cases where there no duplicate values (like 3743***88***123, because in a truly random sequence the chances of not having such a pair is very low... Exactly what are you trying to do ? What, exactly do you mean by "completly shuffled"? If all you mean is random sequence of digits, then just use the Random class in the CLR. to generate random numbers between 0 and 1M... as many as you need...
Well ,you could go with something like this (assuming that you want every number exactly once):
DECLARE #intFrom int
DECLARE #intTo int
DECLARE #tblList table (_id uniqueidentifier, _number int)
SET #intFrom = 0
SET #intTo = 1000000
WHILE (#intFrom < #intTo)
SELECT NewID(), #intFrom
SET #intFrom = #intFrom + 1
FROM #tblList
DISCLAIMER: I didn't test this, since I don't have an SQL Server at my disposal at the moment.
This may get you what you need:
1) Populate a list of numbers in order. If your range is 1 - x, it'll look like this:
[1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, ... , x]
2) Loop over the list x times, each time choosing a random number between 0 and the length of your list - 1.
3) Use this chosen number to select the corresponding element from your list, and add this number to your output list.
4) Delete the element you just selected from your list. Rinse, repeat.
This will work for any range of numbers, not just lists that start with 1 or 0. The pseudocode looks like this:
nums = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
shuffled_nums = []
for i in range(0, len(nums)):
random_index = rand(0,len(nums))

