How to append every X in c# stringbuilder - c#

I'm using unity and c# and am not sure how to use stringbuilder to append a "/" every X characters. I have code and can build a string from a array with the code below, and add a comma after each string, but i need to add the "/" after every x string
it should for example convert "122342" to "1,2,2,/,3,4,2". Currently it would convert it to "1,2,2,3,4,2"
this is the code i have already
StringBuilder Builtstring = new StringBuilder();
foreach(string griditem in tobuild){
built = Builtstring.ToString();

Use a FOR loop and then check if the character is a factor of some desired nTH character. If so add an extra '/'.
int x = 2; // your x
StringBuilder builtstring = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < tobuild.Length; i++)
string item = tobuild[i];
if (i%x==0) { builtstring.Append("/"); }
string built = builtstring.ToString();

Add an if statement to evaluate the character and then act accordingly.
StringBuilder Builtstring = new StringBuilder();
foreach(string griditem in tobuild){
if(griditem == 'x') { Builtstring.Append(griditem).Append(#"/"); }
built = Builtstring.ToString();
Or if you actually want to count a certain number of characters before putting a slash you can do this.
int count = 10;
int position = 0;
StringBuilder Builtstring = new StringBuilder();
foreach(string griditem in tobuild){
if(position == count) { Builtstring.Append(griditem).Append(#"/"); position = 0; }
else{Builtstring.Append(griditem).Append(","); position++;}}
built = Builtstring.ToString();

You can iterate over the array of strings using a for loop, which provides an index.
For each iteration, add the current String to the StringBuilder, in addition to a ',' in case we still didn't reach the last string in the array.
Also, after x strings add a '/'. We can know that we reached x strings using the % (modulus) operator.
Notice that I start the loop from index = 1. I do that because the modulus operator for the value 0 with any positive number will yield 0, which will add the '/' char after the first word, something that we don't necessarily want.
static void Insert(StringBuilder b, int x, string[] tobuild)
for(var index = 1; index < tobuild.Length; ++index)
if(index != tobuild.Length -1)
if(0 == index % x)


How do you do a string split with 2 chars counts in C#?

I know how to do a string split if there's a letter, number, that I want to replace.
But how could I do a string.Split() by 2 char counts without replacing any existing letters, number, etc...?
string MAC = "00122345"
I want that string to output: 00:12:23:45
You could create a LINQ extension method to give you an IEnumerable<string> of parts:
public static class Extensions
public static IEnumerable<string> SplitNthParts(this string source, int partSize)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(source))
throw new ArgumentException("String cannot be null or empty.", nameof(source));
if (partSize < 1)
throw new ArgumentException("Part size has to be greater than zero.", nameof(partSize));
return Enumerable
.Range(0, (source.Length + partSize - 1) / partSize)
.Select(pos => source
.Substring(pos * partSize,
Math.Min(partSize, source.Length - pos * partSize)));
var strings = new string[] {
foreach (var str in strings)
Console.WriteLine(string.Join(":", str.SplitNthParts(2)));
// 00:12:23:45
// 00:12:23:45:3
Use Enumerable.Range to get number of positions to slice string. In this case its the length of the string + chunk size - 1, since we need to get a big enough range to also fit leftover chunk sizes.
Enumerable.Select each position of slicing and get the startIndex using String.Substring using the position multiplied by 2 to move down the string every 2 characters. You will have to use Math.Min to calculate the smallest size leftover size if the string doesn't have enough characters to fit another chunk. You can calculate this by the length of the string - current position * chunk size.
String.Join the final result with ":".
You could also replace the LINQ query with yield here to increase performance for larger strings since all the substrings won't be stored in memory at once:
for (var pos = 0; pos < source.Length; pos += partSize)
yield return source.Substring(pos, Math.Min(partSize, source.Length - pos));
You can use something like this:
string newStr= System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(MAC, ".{2}", "$0:");
To trim the last colon, you can use something like this.
Microsoft Document
Try this way.
string MAC = "00122345";
MAC = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(MAC,".{2}", "$0:");
MAC = MAC.Substring(0,MAC.Length-1);
A quite fast solution, 8-10x faster than the current accepted answer (regex solution) and 3-4x faster than the LINQ solution
public static string Format(this string s, string separator, int length)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i += length)
sb.Append(s.Substring(i, Math.Min(s.Length - i, length)));
if (i < s.Length - length)
return sb.ToString();
string result = "12345678".Format(":", 2);
Here is a one (1) line alternative using LINQ Enumerable.Aggregate.
string result = MAC.Aggregate("", (acc, c) => acc.Length % 3 == 0 ? acc += c : acc += c + ":").TrimEnd(':');
An easy to understand and simple solution.
This is a simple fast modified answer in which you can easily change the split char.
This answer also checks if the number is even or odd , to make the suitable string.Split().
input : 00122345
output : 00:12:23:45
input : 0012234
output : 00:12:23:4
//The List that keeps the pairs
List<string> MACList = new List<string>();
//Split the even number into pairs
for (int i = 1; i <= MAC.Length; i++)
if (i % 2 == 0)
MACList.Add(MAC.Substring(i - 2, 2));
//Make the preferable output
string output = "";
for (int j = 0; j < MACList.Count; j++)
output = output + MACList[j] + ":";
//Checks if the input string is even number or odd number
if (MAC.Length % 2 == 0)
output = output.Trim(output.Last());
output += MAC.Last();
//input : 00122345
//output : 00:12:23:45
//input : 0012234
//output : 00:12:23:4

C# Array Different indexes

Hi i want to search for character in a string array but i need to search Between 2 indices. For example between index 2 and 10. How can I do that?
foreach (var item in currentline[2 to 10])
if (item == ',' || item == ';')
data += item;
As you can see, foreach enumerates over a collection or any IEnumerable.
As the comments say, you can use a for loop instead, and pick out the elements you want.
Alternatively, since you want to search for a character in a string, you can use IndexOf, using the start index and count overload to find where a character is.
As there is no use of the c++ in your code I will assume that it's a vestige of code.
You can simply addess your issue like this:
In the currentline
Take char from index 2 to 10
Till you find a char you don't want.
concatenate the resulting char array to a string.
Resulting Code:
var data = "##";//01234567891 -- index for the string below.
var currentline= "kj[abcabc;z]Selected data will be between: '[]';";
var exceptChar = ",;";
data += new string(
.TakeWhile(x=> !exceptChar.Contains(x))
There is a string method called string.IndexOfAny() which will allow you to pass an array of characters to search for, a start index and a count. For your example, you would use it like so:
string currentLine = ",;abcde;,abc";
int index = currentLine.IndexOfAny(new[] {',', ';'}, 2, 10-2);
Note that the last parameter is the count of characters to search starting at the specified index, so if you want to start at index 2 and finish at index 10, the count will be finish-start, i.e. 10-2.
You can search for characters in strings and get their indexes with this LINQ solution:
string str = "How; are, you; Good ,bye";
char[] charArr = { ',', ';' };
int startIndex = 2;
int endIndex = 10;
var indexes = Enumerable.Range(startIndex, endIndex - startIndex + 1)
In this case we get Enumerable.Range(2, 9) which generates a sequence between 2 and 10 and the Where clause filters the indexes of the characters in str that are matching one of the characters inside charArr.
Thanks everey one finaly i fixed it by your guid thanks all
myarr = new mytable[50];
number_of_records = 0;
number_of_records = fulllines.Length;
for (int line = 1; line < fulllines.Length; line++)
int c = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < record_lenth; i++)
string data = "";
string currentline = fulllines[line];
string value = "";
for (int x = c; x < fulllines[line].Length; x++)
value += currentline[x];
foreach (var item in value)
if (item == ',' || item == ';')
data += item;

Calculate number of zeros in a string

I have a string as follow 51200000000000000000000000000000
This string is not fixed. It will be appended depends on the number of boards. If there are two boards, the string will be as follow 5120000000000000000000000000000052200000000000000000000000000000
I would like to know how to calculate the number of zeros in the string.
I'm using the following code but it is not flexible if there are more than two boards.
string str = "51200000000000000000000000000000";
string zeros = "00000000000000000000000000000";
if (str.Contains(zeros))
You can use the following piece of code to do this, which will give you the number of zeros(Example).
char matchChar='0';
string strInput = "51200000000000000000000000000000";
int zeroCount = strInput.Count(x => x == matchChar); // will be 29
You can do the same by iterating through each characters and check whether it is the required character(say 0) then take its count.
Use a simple foreach loop to traverse the string and count:
int CountZeroes(string str)
// TODO: error checking, etc.
int count = 0;
foreach (var character in str)
if (character == '0') count++;
return count;
a little advanced (or so) technique would be to convert the string to char array then to list of chars then using LINQ
string str = "51200000000000000000000000000000";
List<char> nums = str.ToCharArray().ToList();
Console.WriteLine(nums.Where(x => x.Equals('0')).Select(x => x.ToString()).Count());
i just placed this here in case you want to learn not just a single approach :)
It can also do with a for loop and Substring.
string str = "51200000000000000000000000000000";
int n = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < str.Length; i++)
if (str.Substring(i, 1) == "0")
n += 1;
Console.WriteLine("Count : " + n.ToString());
Working fiddle demo
string st;
st = textBox1.Text;
int countch = 0, i;
for (i = 0; i < st.Length; i++)
if (st[i]=='0') countch++;
using System.Linq
int count0s = str.Count(z => z == '0');
will return how many 0's in your str string

String to array

I have a string :
I just need the value for idX-value from the string into array.
How can I achieve it?
The simple way, the value is in position (4x - 1):
var list = input.Split(':');
var outputs = new List<string>();
for (int index = 0; index < list.Count(); index++)
if (index % 4 == 3)
Use String.Split()
String myString = "id0:xxxxx:id0-value:xxxxx:id1:xxxxxxxx:id1-value:xxxxx:id3:xxxxxxxx:id3-value:xxx";
String[] tokens = myString.Split(new Char[] {':'});
The token array will contain {"id0","xxxxx","id0-value","xxxxx","id1","xxxxxxxx","id1-value","xxxxx","id3","xxxxxxxx","d3-value","xxx"}
The second possibility is to use String.IndexOf() and String.Substring().
Int start = 0;
ArrayList tokens;
while((start = myString.IndexOf("-value:", start)) > -1) {
ArrayList.Add(myString.Substring(start+6, myString.IndexOf(":", start+7);
start += 6; // Jump past what we just found.
Split it using a Regex(a regex which splits : coming after x), then split using colon : and use first index as a Dictionary Key and Second index as Dictionary value.

Split and remove duplicate from String

I want to split the given string and remove the duplicate from that string. Like I have following string:
This is my first post in stack overflow, I am very new in development and I did not have much more idea about the how to post the question.
Now I want to split that whole string with white space and that new array will did not have duplicate entry.
How can I do this?
"This is my first post in stack overflow, I am very new in development and I did not have much more idea about the how to post the question."
.Split() // splits using all white space characters as delimiters
.Where(x => x != string.Empty) // removes an empty string if present (caused by multiple spaces next to each other)
.Distinct() // removes duplicates
Distinct() and Where() are LINQ extension methods, so you must have using System.Linq; in your source file.
The above code will return an instance of IEnumerable<string>. You should be able to perform most operations required using this. If you really need an array, you can append .ToArray() to the statement.
add the array into a HashSet<String>, this would remove the duplicates.
here is Micorosft documentation on HashSet..
static void Main()
string str = "abcdaefgheijklimnop";
char[] charArr = str.ToCharArray();
int lastIdx = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < str.Length;)
for (int j = i + 1; j < str.Length - 1; j++)
if (charArr[i] == charArr[j])
int idx = i != 0 ? i - 1 : i;
lastIdx = j;
string temp = str.Substring(idx, j - idx);

