I have the following two methods:
class Debug
static bool OutputToConsole = true;
public static void Log(string Type, string URL, StringBuilder Parameters)
string Output = Type + ":" + new string(' ', 9 - Type.Length) + URL + " { " + Parameters.ToString() + " }";
if(OutputToConsole) Console.WriteLine(Output);
public static void Log(string Data)
string Output = "Response: " + Data;
if(OutputToConsole) Console.WriteLine(Output);
If you'll notice, it's only the string Output that changes.
The 2 lines after it are the same in both methods.
I was just wondering if there is there a way to keep to the DRY principle and combine these 2 methods?
Refactor the common code to a private helper function: (Visual studio will do all of this for you by highlighting the relevant section of code, right clicking, and choosing Refactor -> extract method...)
private static void LogHelper(string text)
if(OutputToConsole) Console.WriteLine(text);
(Note the name change to ensure it has a different signature from Log(string Data).)
Then just call that function from both of the others.
Not sure how much of an improvement this is...
class Debug
static bool OutputToConsole = true;
public static void LogRequest(string type, string url, StringBuilder params)
log(type + ":" + new string(' ', 9 - type.Length) + url + " { " + params.ToString() + " }");
public static void LogResponse(string data)
log("Response: " + data);
private static void log(string msg)
if(OutputToConsole) Console.WriteLine(msg);
There is likely no way to combine the two methods and get any real value out of it because the Output generated is different, but you could create a method that does the actual trace:
public static void Trace(string Output)
if(OutputToConsole) Console.WriteLine(Output);
and then call that from those methods.
You could use optional parameters if you wanted, it's a bit unusual, but interesting:
public static void Log(string Data = null, string Type = null, string URL = null, StringBuilder Parameters = null)
string Output = "";
if (Data != null)
Output = "Response: " + Data;
else if (Type != null && URL != null && Parameters != null)
Output = Type + ":" + new string(' ', 9 - Type.Length) + URL + " { " + Parameters.ToString() + " }";
throw new ArgumentException("Provide yada yada arguments lala");
if (OutputToConsole) Console.WriteLine(Output);
Use it like this:
Log(Data: "Test");
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
Log(Type: "myType", URL: "www.bla", Parameters: sb);
Can anyone help me to resolve my healthKit capability issue for a unity app.
I am trying to add healthKit capability to my unity app. I am using BEHEALTHKIT and HealthKitBuildProcessor.cs editor class to add capability and other dependencies. Following are the code I am using .But for some reason healthkit Capability and entitlements are not adding through this code (permission parameters are adding to plist), and returning null when I print Debug.Log("newEntitlements: " + newEntitlements);Also my build failing with an error saying "provisioning profile doesn't support the HealthKit Capability"
I have already added HealthKit capability for the profile from developer.apple.com.
Unity version: 2019.4.4f1
public class HealthKitBuildProcessor : IProcessSceneWithReport
private static string shareString = null;
private static string updateString = null;
private static string clinicalString = null;
/*! #brief required by the IProcessScene interface. Set high to let other postprocess scripts run first. */
public int callbackOrder {
get { return 100; }
/*! #brief Searches for HealthKitDataTypes objects & reads the usage strings for the OnPostprocessBuild phase.
#param scene the scene being processed.
#param report a report containing information about the current build
public void OnProcessScene(Scene scene, BuildReport report) {
GameObject[] rootObjects = scene.GetRootGameObjects();
foreach (GameObject obj in rootObjects) {
HealthKitDataTypes types = obj.GetComponentInChildren<HealthKitDataTypes>();
if (types != null) {
if (types.AskForSharePermission()) {
HealthKitBuildProcessor.shareString = types.healthShareUsageDescription;
if (types.AskForUpdatePermission()) {
HealthKitBuildProcessor.updateString = types.healthUpdateUsageDescription;
/*if (types.AskForClinicalPermission()) {
HealthKitBuildProcessor.clinicalString = types.clinicalUsageDescription;
/*! #brief Updates the Xcode project.
#param buildTarget the target build platform
#param path the path of the target build
public static void OnPostprocessBuild(BuildTarget buildTarget, string path) {
if (buildTarget == BuildTarget.iOS) {
//string projPath = path + "/Unity-iPhone.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj";
//Debug.Log("BE:PROJECT PATH :" + projPath);
var projPath = PBXProject.GetPBXProjectPath(path);
var proj = new PBXProject();
#if UNITY_2019_3_OR_NEWER
string mainTarget = proj.GetUnityMainTargetGuid();
string frameworkTarget = proj.GetUnityFrameworkTargetGuid();
Debug.Log("--- BE: UNITY_2019_3_OR_NEWER ---");
Debug.LogFormat("main target: {0}", mainTarget);
Debug.LogFormat("framework target: {0}", frameworkTarget);
string targetName = PBXProject.GetUnityTargetName();
string mainTarget = proj.TargetGuidByName(targetName);
Debug.Log("---BE: ELSE UNITY_2019_3_OR_NEWER ---");
Debug.Log("main target: {0}", mainTarget);
Debug.Log("targetName: ", targetName);
bool addHealthRecordsCapability = (clinicalString != null);
//Debug.Log("addHealthRecordsCapability: ", addHealthRecordsCapability);
// Info.plist
Debug.Log("---BE: PLIST ---");
var info = ProcessInfoPList(path, addHealthRecordsCapability);
// Entitlements
Debug.Log("---BE: ProcessEntitlements ---");
string entitlementsRelative = ProcessEntitlements(path, proj, mainTarget, info, addHealthRecordsCapability);
#if UNITY_2019_3_OR_NEWER
// add HealthKit capability
Debug.Log("------projPath "+projPath);
ProjectCapabilityManager capabilities = new ProjectCapabilityManager(projPath, "Entitlements.entitlements", null, mainTarget);
Debug.Log("---BE:Capability UNITY_2019_3_OR_NEWER ---");
// add HealthKit Framework
//proj.AddFrameworkToProject(frameworkTarget, "HealthKit.framework", true);
// Set a custom link flag
//proj.AddBuildProperty(frameworkTarget, "OTHER_LDFLAGS", "-ObjC");
// add HealthKit capability
Debug.Log("---ELSE BE:Capability UNITY_2019_3_OR_NEWER ---");
Debug.Log("projectPath:" + projPath);
Debug.Log("entitlementsRelative:" + entitlementsRelative);
Debug.Log("targetName:" + targetName);
ProjectCapabilityManager capabilities = new ProjectCapabilityManager(projPath, entitlementsRelative, targetName);
// add HealthKit Framework
proj.AddFrameworkToProject(mainTarget, "HealthKit.framework", true);
// Set a custom link flag
proj.AddBuildProperty(mainTarget, "OTHER_LDFLAGS", "-ObjC");
// -------------------------------
internal static PlistDocument ProcessInfoPList(string path, bool addHealthRecordsCapability) {
string plistPath = Path.Combine(path, "Info.plist");
PlistDocument info = GetInfoPlist(plistPath);
PlistElementDict rootDict = info.root;
// // Add the keys
if (HealthKitBuildProcessor.shareString != null) {
rootDict.SetString("NSHealthShareUsageDescription", HealthKitBuildProcessor.shareString);
else {
Debug.LogError("unable to read NSHealthShareUsageDescription");
if (HealthKitBuildProcessor.updateString != null) {
rootDict.SetString("NSHealthUpdateUsageDescription", HealthKitBuildProcessor.updateString);
if (addHealthRecordsCapability) {
rootDict.SetString("NSHealthClinicalHealthRecordsShareUsageDescription", HealthKitBuildProcessor.clinicalString);
// Write the file
return info;
internal static string ProcessEntitlements(string path, PBXProject proj, string target, PlistDocument info, bool addHealthRecordsCapability) {
string entitlementsFile;
string entitlementsRelative;
string entitlementsPath;
Debug.Log("PATH: " + path);
Debug.Log("TARGET: " + target);
String test= proj.GetUnityMainTargetGuid();
Debug.Log("TEST proj: " + test);
entitlementsRelative = proj.GetBuildPropertyForConfig(target, "CODE_SIGN_ENTITLEMENTS");
Debug.Log("entitlementsRelative: " + entitlementsRelative);
Debug.LogFormat("get build property [{0}, {1} = {2}]", target, "CODE_SIGN_ENTITLEMENTS", entitlementsRelative);
PlistDocument entitlements = new PlistDocument();
if (entitlementsRelative == null) {
string projectname = GetProjectName(info);
Debug.Log("projectname: " + projectname);
entitlementsFile = Path.ChangeExtension("Entitlements", "entitlements");
Debug.Log("entitlementsFile: " + entitlementsFile);
entitlementsRelative = Path.Combine(path, entitlementsFile);
Debug.Log("entitlementsRelative: " + entitlementsRelative);
entitlementsPath = Path.Combine(path, entitlementsRelative);
Debug.Log("entitlementsPath: " + entitlementsPath);
//proj.AddFileToBuild(target, proj.AddFile(entitlementsRelative, entitlementsRelative, PBXSourceTree.Source));
Debug.LogFormat("add build property [{0}, {1}] => {2}", target, "CODE_SIGN_ENTITLEMENTS", entitlementsRelative);
proj.AddBuildProperty(target, "CODE_SIGN_ENTITLEMENTS", entitlementsFile);
string newEntitlements = proj.GetBuildPropertyForConfig(target, "CODE_SIGN_ENTITLEMENTS");
Debug.Log("newEntitlements: " + newEntitlements);
Debug.LogFormat("=> {0}", newEntitlements);
else {
entitlementsPath = Path.Combine(path, entitlementsRelative);
Debug.Log("ELSE:entitlementsPath " + entitlementsPath);
ReadEntitlements(entitlements, entitlementsPath);
entitlements.root.SetBoolean("com.apple.developer.healthkit", true);
if (addHealthRecordsCapability) {
Debug.Log("addHealthRecordsCapability =TRUE ");
var healthkitAccess = entitlements.root.CreateArray("com.apple.developer.healthkit.access");
SaveEntitlements(entitlements, entitlementsPath);
return entitlementsRelative;
// -------------------------------
internal static void ReadEntitlements(PlistDocument entitlements, string destinationPath) {
Debug.Log("READING Entitlements [ReadEntitlements]");
Debug.Log("READING from destinationPath [ReadEntitlements]"+ destinationPath);
if (System.IO.File.Exists(destinationPath)) {
try {
Debug.LogFormat("reading existing entitlements: '{0}'.", destinationPath);
catch (Exception e) {
Debug.LogErrorFormat("error reading from file: {0}", e);
internal static void SaveEntitlements(PlistDocument entitlements, string destinationPath) {
try {
catch (Exception e) {
Debug.LogErrorFormat("error writing to file: {0}", e);
internal static PlistDocument GetInfoPlist(string plistPath) {
// Get the plist file
PlistDocument plist = new PlistDocument();
return plist;
internal static string GetProjectName(PlistDocument plist) {
string projectname = plist.root["CFBundleDisplayName"].AsString();
return projectname;
I don't know about Unity, but from Xcode when you add a capability for health kit it will update the entitlement file by itself
I need to create an EXE file with my application, I can pass strings with manipulating the string format but I cannot pass the other variables that I need to ex:byte array, here is my code if this helps:
using Microsoft.CSharp;
using System;
using System.CodeDom.Compiler;
using System.Windows;
namespace ACompiler.CompWorker
class CompilerWorker
public static byte[] testarray = SomeClass.SomeArray;
public static string Key = "Testkey12";
public static void Compile()
CSharpCodeProvider CompileProvider = new CSharpCodeProvider();
CompilerParameters CompileProviderParameters = new CompilerParameters(new[] { "mscorlib.dll", "System.Core.dll" }, AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "Compiled.exe", true);
CompileProviderParameters.GenerateExecutable = true;
string test= #"using System;
namespace Tests
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
byte[] Content = " + testarray + #";
string Key = """ + Key + #""";
Console.WriteLine(""Key: "" + EKey);
var Result = CompileProvider.CompileAssemblyFromSource(CompileProviderParameters, test);
Basically I want to move the "testarray" into the compiled app, I hope someone can point me to the right direction!
The trick is to "serialize" the data back in to code the compiler can compile. Try this:
var arrayCode = "new byte[] { " + string.Join(", ", testarray) + " }";
string test = #"using System;
namespace Tests
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
byte[] Content = " + arrayCode + #";
string Key = """ + Key + #""";
Console.WriteLine(""Key: "" + EKey);
foreach(byte b in Content)
Keep in mind, you can't do Console.WriteLine on a byte array object and have it spit out each item. You will have to iterate over the items to print them out. I updated your code to do it the proper way.
I have this method I want to generate log text(txt) file and the file structure would follow query string data which are passed on to this method like in culturename, langid, themeid, saleschannel. I want the the file to be generated in the form of culturename_saleschannel_themeid_langid.txt if there are four parameters and saleschannel_themeid_langid.txt depends if there are three parameters coming or themeid_langid.txt if there are two parameters and accordingly. Please help me create a log text file in this format or how to do this separately.
private void Log(string message, bool debugOnly, bool waitOnThis, LogType logType, string culturename, int langid, int themeid, int saleschannel)
string logFormat = Environment.NewLine + "{0}\t {1}\t{2}" + Environment.NewLine;
//message = message + " - " + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fffffff");
message = string.Format(logFormat, DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff"),logType.ToString().Substring(0,3).ToUpper(), message);
_logFileName = string.Format(_logFileNamePattren, _jobConfigurationData.Name, LogFileId, _logFileDate);
string filePath = _jobConfigurationData.LogFolderPath;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filePath))
filePath += "\\" + _logFileName;
if (debugOnly == false || (debugOnly && _jobConfigurationData.BuildMode == BuildMode.Debug))
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filePath))
File.AppendAllText(filePath, message, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);
Something like this
_logFileName = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(culturename)? string.Empty : (culturename + "_")) +
(saleschannel == 0 ? string.Empty : (saleschannel+"_")) +
themeid+ "_" + langid +".txt";
Or you are talking about function overloads?
I have this frustrating problem that I can't seem to solve.
I try to fill a TextBox with text from a public static string.
But when I run the program it just shows a blank text box with nothing in it.
I don't have any errors so it's hard for me to understand what I'm doing wrong.
Here is the code I have:
public ShowMp3()
OverzichttxtBox.Text = OverzichtMP3();
public static String OverzichtMP3()
String overzicht = "";
foreach (Mp3Player player in Mp3.GetPlayers())
overzicht = overzicht + "ID: " + Convert.ToString(player.id) + "\r\n" +
"Merk: " + player.make + "\r\n" + "Model: " + player.model +
"\r\n" + "MB-size: " + player.mBSize + "\r\n" + "Prijs: " +
player.price + "\r\n" + "\r\n";
return overzicht;
And Mp3.GetPlayers() is this:
private static ArrayList players = new ArrayList();
public static void Initialize()
Mp3Player player1 = new Mp3Player(1, "GET Technologies .inc", "HF 410", 4096, 129.95M, 500);
Mp3Player player2 = new Mp3Player(2, "Far & Loud", "XM 600", 8192, 224.95M, 500);
Mp3Player player3 = new Mp3Player(3, "Innotivative ", "Z3", 512, 79.95M, 500);
Mp3Player player4 = new Mp3Player(4, "Resistance S.A.", "3001", 4096, 124.95M, 500);
Mp3Player player5 = new Mp3Player(5, "CBA", "NXT Volume", 2048, 159.05M, 500);
public static ArrayList GetPlayers()
return players;
I suspect the problem is you're never calling Mp3.Initialize(). You could add this to a static constructor in the Mp3 class:
private static List<Mp3Player> players = new List<Mp3Player>();
static Mp3()
// This can be private now...
private static void Initialize()
Note that you may want to change the ArrayList to a List<Mp3Player>, as well.
Also, as an aside, you should give StringBuilder and String.Format a try. Instead of this...
overzicht = overzicht + "ID: " + Convert.ToString(player.id) + "\r\n" +
"Merk: " + player.make + "\r\n" + "Model: " + player.model +
"\r\n" + "MB-size: " + player.mBSize + "\r\n" + "Prijs: " +
player.price + "\r\n" + "\r\n";
You can do:
StringBuilder overzicht = new StringBuilder();
overzicht.AppendLine(String.Format("ID: {0}", player.id));
overzicht.AppendLine(String.Format("Merk: {0}", player.make));
overzicht.AppendLine(String.Format("Model: {0}", player.model));
overzicht.AppendLine(String.Format("MB-size: {0}", player.mBSize));
overzicht.AppendLine(String.Format("Prijs: {0}", player.price));
return overzicht.ToString();
Much easier to read ;)
My String.Format isn't that compelling here... but if this was all on one line, it'd be much more useful:
return String.Format("ID:{0}, Merk:{1}, Model:{2}, MB-size:{3}, Prijs:{4}",
player.id, player.make, player.mode,
player.mBSize, player.price);
I’d like to create a method to replace delimiters for the intended target use (html email, log, database). The delimiters are constant so I’d like to be able to reference a object that maps recognizable names to string values (semicolon = “;”, htmlLineBreak = “<br/>”, etc.). Is there a better means to do this than this below?
public static class Utilities
public string ReplaceDelimiter(string content
, Delimiter currentDelimiter, Delimiter outputDelimiter)
return content.Replace(currentDelimiter.ToString()
, outputDelimiter.ToString());
public class Delimiter
public const string comma = ",";
public const string semicolon = ";";
public const string colon = ":";
public const string lineBreak = "\r\n";
public const string htmlLineBreak = "<br/>";
Edited following comments:
A use case would be when I want to log an error to different targets and send the same contents (formatted differently) in an email. The log may go to a database column (want key/value with semicolon delimiter) or log file (want delimiter to be line breaks). The email would be HTML so want the delimiter to be replaced with <br/>.
Below would be an excerpt from a logging method that has a few parameters including the actual Exception:
StringBuilder delimitedMessage = new StringBuilder();
delimitedMessage.Append("Date=" + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() + ";");
delimitedMessage.Append("Time=" + DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString() + ";");
delimitedMessage.Append("Source=" + objException.Source.ToString().Trim() + ";");
delimitedMessage.Append("Method=" + objException.TargetSite.Name.ToString() + ";");
delimitedMessage.Append("Erring Method=" + methodName + ";");
delimitedMessage.Append("Computer=" + System.Environment.MachineName.ToString() + ";");
delimitedMessage.Append("Log Message=" + logMessage + ";");
delimitedMessage.Append("Exception Error=" + objException.Message.ToString().Trim() + ";");
delimitedMessage.Append("Severity=" + severity.ToString() + ";");
delimitedMessage.Append("Stack Trace=" + objException.StackTrace.ToString().Trim() + ";");
contentToLog = delimitedMessage.ToString();
WriteToLog(Utilities.ReplaceDelimiter(contentToLog, Delimiter.semicolon, Delimiter.lineBreak));
SendEmail(Utilities.ReplaceDelimiter(contentToLog, Delimiter.semicolon, Delimiter.htmlLineBreak));
public class Delimiter {
public static readonly Delimiter
HtmlLineBreak=new Delimiter {
LineBreak=new Delimiter {
Semicolon=new Delimiter {
Colon=new Delimiter {
Comma=new Delimiter {
public override String ToString() {
return Value;
public String Value {
var t=Utilities.ReplaceDelimiter("123\r\n", Delimiter.LineBreak, Delimiter.HtmlLineBreak);
Debug.Print("{0}", t);